SGGSAng 1164Raag BhaironNaamdev Jio Ki18 linesBhagat Namdev Ji

Gr kI nwir iqAwgY AMDw ]

ghar kee naar thiaagai andhhaa ||

The blind fool abandons the wife of his own home,

pr nwrI isau GwlY DMDw ]

par naaree sio ghaalai dhhandhhaa ||

And has an affair with another woman.

jYsy isMblu dyiK sUAw ibgswnw ]

jaisae sinbal dhaekh sooaa bigasaanaa ||

He is like the parrot, who is pleased to see the simbal tree;

AMq kI bwr mUAw lptwnw ]1]

anth kee baar mooaa lapattaanaa ||1||

But in the end, he dies, stuck to it. ||1||

pwpI kw Gru Agny mwih ]

paapee kaa ghar aganae maahi ||

The home of the sinner is on fire.

jlq rhY imtvY kb nwih ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx jlq: polw bolo

jalath rehai mittavai kab naahi ||1|| rehaao ||

It keeps burning, and the fire cannot be extinguished. ||1||Pause||

hir kI Bgiq n dyKY jwie ]

har kee bhagath n dhaekhai jaae ||

He does not go to see where the Lord is being worshipped.

mwrgu Coif Amwrig pwie ]

aucwrx A-mwrig

maarag shhodd amaarag paae ||

He abandons the Lord's Path, and takes the wrong path.

mUlhu BUlw AwvY jwie ]

moolahu bhoolaa aavai jaae ||

He forgets the Primal Lord God, and is caught in the cycle of reincarnation.

AMimRqu fwir lwid ibKu Kwie ]2]

anmrith ddaar laadh bikh khaae ||2||

He throws away the Ambrosial Nectar, and gathers poison to eat. ||2||

ijau bysÍw ky prY AKwrw ]

aucwrx bysÍw: bysuAw bolo

jio baesvaa kae parai akhaaraa ||

He is like the prostitute, who comes to dance,

kwpru pihir krih sˆØIgwrw ]

kaapar pehir karehi sanaeegaaraa ||

Wearing beautiful clothes, decorated and adorned.

pUry qwl inhwly sws ]

poorae thaal nihaalae saas ||

She dances to the beat, exciting the breath of those who watch her.

vw ky gly jm kw hY Pws ]3]

aucwrx gly: polw bolo

vaa kae galae jam kaa hai faas ||3||

But the noose of the Messenger of Death is around her neck. ||3||

jw ky msqik iliKE krmw ]

jaa kae masathak likhiou karamaa ||

One who has good karma recorded on his forehead,

so Bij pir hY gur kI srnw ]

aucwrx B`ij

so bhaj par hai gur kee saranaa ||

Hurries to enter the Guru's Sanctuary.

khq nwmdyau iehu bIcwru ]

kehath naamadhaeo eihu beechaar ||

Says Naam Dayv, consider this:

ien ibiD sMqhu auqrhu pwir ]4]2]8]

ein bidhh santhahu outharahu paar ||4||2||8||

O Saints, this is the way to cross over to the other side. ||4||2||8||