SGGSAng 57Sri RaagMahalla 1 Astpadiyaa27 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

isrIrwgu mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx isrIrwgu mh`lw pihlw

sireeraag mehalaa 1 ||

Siree Raag, First Mehl:

suix mn BUly bwvry gur kI crxI lwgu ]

sun man bhoolae baavarae gur kee charanee laag ||

Listen, O deluded and demented mind: hold tight to the Guru's Feet.

hir jip nwmu iDAwie qU jmu frpY duK Bwgu ]

har jap naam dhhiaae thoo jam ddarapai dhukh bhaag ||

Chant and meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord; death will be afraid of you, and suffering shall depart.

dUKu Gxo dohwgxI ikau iQru rhY suhwgu ]1]

dhookh ghano dhohaaganee kio thhir rehai suhaag ||1||

The deserted wife suffers terrible pain. How can her Husband Lord remain with her forever? ||1||

BweI ry Avru nwhI mY Qwau ]

bhaaee rae avar naahee mai thhaao ||

O Siblings of Destiny, I have no other place to go.

mY Dnu nwmu inDwnu hY guir dIAw bil jwau ]1] rhwau ]

mai dhhan naam nidhhaan hai gur dheeaa bal jaao ||1|| rehaao ||

The Guru has given me the Treasure of the Wealth of the Naam; I am a sacrifice to Him. ||1||Pause||

gurmiq piq swbwis iqsu iqskY sµig imlwau ]

guramath path saabaas this this kai sang milaao ||

The Guru's Teachings bring honor. Blessed is He-may I meet and be with Him!

iqsu ibnu GVI n jIvaU ibnu nwvY mir jwau ]

this bin gharree n jeevoo bin naavai mar jaao ||

Without Him, I cannot live, even for a moment. Without His Name, I die.

mY AMDuly nwmu n vIsrY tyk itkI Gir jwau ]2]

aucwrx itkI: polw bolo

mai andhhulae naam n veesarai ttaek ttikee ghar jaao ||2||

I am blind-may I never forget the Naam! Under His Protection, I shall reach my true home. ||2||

gurU ijnw kw AMDulw cyly nwhI Twau ]

guroo jinaa kaa andhhulaa chaelae naahee thaao ||

Those chaylaas, those devotees, whose spiritual teacher is blind, shall not find their place of rest.

ibnu siqgur nwau n pweIAY ibnu nwvY ikAw suAwau ]

bin sathigur naao n paaeeai bin naavai kiaa suaao ||

Without the True Guru, the Name is not obtained. Without the Name, what is the use of it all?

Awie gieAw pCuqwvxw ijau suµ\Y Gir kwau ]3]

aae gaeiaa pashhuthaavanaa jio sunnjai ghar kaao ||3||

People come and go, regretting and repenting, like crows in a deserted house. ||3||

ibnu nwvY duKu dyhurI ijau klr kI BIiq ]

bin naavai dhukh dhaehuree jio kalar kee bheeth ||

Without the Name, the body suffers in pain; it crumbles like a wall of sand.

qb lgu mhlu n pweIAY jb lgu swcu n cIiq ]

thab lag mehal n paaeeai jab lag saach n cheeth ||

As long as Truth does not enter into the consciousness, the Mansion of the Lord's Presence is not found.

sbid rpY Gru pweIAY inrbwxI pdu nIiq ]4]

sabadh rapai ghar paaeeai nirabaanee padh neeth ||4||

Attuned to the Shabad, we enter our home, and obtain the Eternal State of Nirvaanaa. ||4||

hau gur pUCau Awpxy gur puiC kwr kmwau ]

ho gur pooshho aapanae gur pushh kaar kamaao ||

I ask my Guru for His Advice, and I follow the Guru's Advice.

sbid slwhI min vsY haumY duKu jil jwau ]

sabadh salaahee man vasai houmai dhukh jal jaao ||

With the Shabads of Praise abiding in the mind, the pain of egotism is burnt away.

shjy hoie imlwvVw swcy swic imlwau ]5]

sehajae hoe milaavarraa saachae saach milaao ||5||

We are intuitively united with Him, and we meet the Truest of the True. ||5||

sbid rqy sy inrmly qij kwm kRoDu Ahµkwru ]

aucwrx r`qy

sabadh rathae sae niramalae thaj kaam krodhh ahankaar ||

Those who are attuned to the Shabad are spotless and pure; they renounce sexual desire, anger, selfishness and conceit.

nwmu slwhin sd sdw hir rwKih aur Dwir ]

naam salaahan sadh sadhaa har raakhehi our dhhaar ||

They sing the Praises of the Naam, forever and ever; they keep the Lord enshrined within their hearts.

so ikau mnhu ivswrIAY sB jIAw kw AwDwru ]6]

so kio manahu visaareeai sabh jeeaa kaa aadhhaar ||6||

How could we ever forget Him from our minds? He is the Support of all beings. ||6||

sbid mrY so mir rhY iPir mrY n dUjI vwr ]

sabadh marai so mar rehai fir marai n dhoojee vaar ||

One who dies in the Shabad is beyond death, and shall never die again.

sbdY hI qy pweIAY hir nwmy lgY ipAwru ]

sabadhai hee thae paaeeai har naamae lagai piaar ||

Through the Shabad, we find Him, and embrace love for the Name of the Lord.

ibnu sbdY jgu BUlw iPrY mir jnmY vwro vwr ]7]

bin sabadhai jag bhoolaa firai mar janamai vaaro vaar ||7||

Without the Shabad, the world is deceived; it dies and is reborn, over and over again. ||7||

sB swlwhY Awp kau vfhu vfyrI hoie ]

sabh saalaahai aap ko vaddahu vaddaeree hoe ||

All praise themselves, and call themselves the greatest of the great.

gur ibnu Awpu n cInIAY khy suxy ikAw hoie ]

gur bin aap n cheeneeai kehae sunae kiaa hoe ||

Without the Guru, one's self cannot be known. By merely speaking and listening, what is accomplished?

nwnk sbid pCwxIAY haumY krY n koie ]8]8]

naanak sabadh pashhaaneeai houmai karai n koe ||8||8||

O Nanak, one who realizes the Shabad does not act in egotism. ||8||8||