SGGSAng 57Sri RaagMahalla 1 Astpadiyaa27 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

isrIrwgu mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx isrIrwgu mh`lw pihlw

sireeraag mehalaa 1 ||

Siree Raag, First Mehl:

gur qy inrmlu jwxIAY inrml dyh srIru ]

gur thae niramal jaaneeai niramal dhaeh sareer ||

Through the Guru, the Pure One is known, and the human body becomes pure as well.

inrmlu swco min vsY so jwxY AB pIr ]

niramal saacho man vasai so jaanai abh peer ||

The Pure, True Lord abides within the mind; He knows the pain of our hearts.

shjY qy suKu Aglo nw lwgY jm qIru ]1]

sehajai thae sukh agalo naa laagai jam theer ||1||

With intuitive ease, a great peace is found, and the arrow of death shall not strike you. ||1||

BweI ry mYlu nwhI inrml jil nwie ]

bhaaee rae mail naahee niramal jal naae ||

O Siblings of Destiny, filth is washed away by bathing in the Pure Water of the Name.

inrmlu swcw eyku qU horu mYlu BrI sB jwie ]1] rhwau ]

niramal saachaa eaek thoo hor mail bharee sabh jaae ||1|| rehaao ||

You alone are Perfectly Pure, O True Lord; all other places are filled with filth. ||1||Pause||

hir kw mMdru sohxw kIAw krxYhwir ]

har kaa mandhar sohanaa keeaa karanaihaar ||

The Temple of the Lord is beautiful; it was made by the Creator Lord.

riv sis dIp AnUp joiq iqRBvix joiq Apwr ]

rav sas dheep anoop joth thribhavan joth apaar ||

The sun and the moon are lamps of incomparably beautiful light. Throughout the three worlds, the Infinite Light is pervading.

hwt ptx gV koTVI scu saudw vwpwr ]2]

aucwrx saudw: ibMdI rihq bolo (ASuD: sauNdw)

haatt pattan garr kotharree sach soudhaa vaapaar ||2||

In the shops of the city of the body, in the fortresses and in the huts, the True Merchandise is traded. ||2||

igAwn AMjnu BY Bµjnw dyKu inrµjn Bwie ]

giaan anjan bhai bhanjanaa dhaekh niranjan bhaae ||

The ointment of spiritual wisdom is the destroyer of fear; through love, the Pure One is seen.

gupqu pRgtu sB jwxIAY jy mnu rwKY Twie ]

gupath pragatt sabh jaaneeai jae man raakhai thaae ||

The mysteries of the seen and the unseen are all known, if the mind is kept centered and balanced.

AYsw siqguru jy imlY qw shjy ley imlwie ]3]

aisaa sathigur jae milai thaa sehajae leae milaae ||3||

If one finds such a True Guru, the Lord is met with intuitive ease. ||3||

kis ksvtI lweIAY prKy ihqu icqu lwie ]

aucwrx ksv`tI

kas kasavattee laaeeai parakhae hith chith laae ||

He draws us to His Touchstone, to test our love and consciousness.

Koty Taur n pwienI Kry KjwnY pwie ]

khottae thour n paaeinee kharae khajaanai paae ||

The counterfeit have no place there, but the genuine are placed in His Treasury.

Aws AMdysw dUir kir ieau mlu jwie smwie ]4]

aas andhaesaa dhoor kar eio mal jaae samaae ||4||

Let your hopes and anxieties depart; thus pollution is washed away. ||4||

suK kau mwgY sBu ko duKu n mwgY koie ]

sukh ko maagai sabh ko dhukh n maagai koe ||

Everyone begs for happiness; no one asks for suffering.

suKY kau duKu Aglw mnmuiK bUJ n hoie ]

aucwrx bU`J

sukhai ko dhukh agalaa manamukh boojh n hoe ||

But in the wake of happiness, there comes great suffering. The self-willed manmukhs do not understand this.

suK duK sm kir jwxIAih sbid Byid suKu hoie ]5]

sukh dhukh sam kar jaaneeahi sabadh bhaedh sukh hoe ||5||

Those who see pain and pleasure as one and the same find peace; they are pierced through by the Shabad. ||5||

bydu pukwry vwcIAY bwxI bRhm ibAwsu ]

aucwrx bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

baedh pukaarae vaacheeai baanee breham biaas ||

The Vedas proclaim, and the words of Vyaasa tell us,

muin jn syvk swiDkw nwim rqy guxqwsu ]

aucwrx r`qy

mun jan saevak saadhhikaa naam rathae gunathaas ||

That the silent sages, the servants of the Lord, and those who practice a life of spiritual discipline are attuned to the Naam, the Treasure of Excellence.

sic rqy sy ijix gey hau sd bilhwrY jwsu ]6]

aucwrx r`qy

sach rathae sae jin geae ho sadh balihaarai jaas ||6||

Those who are attuned to the True Name win the game of life; I am forever a sacrifice to them. ||6||

chu juig mYly mlu Bry ijn muiK nwmu n hoie ]

chahu jug mailae mal bharae jin mukh naam n hoe ||

Those who do not have the Naam in their mouths are filled with pollution; they are filthy throughout the four ages.

BgqI Bwie ivhUixAw muhu kwlw piq Koie ]

bhagathee bhaae vihooniaa muhu kaalaa path khoe ||

Without loving devotion to God, their faces are blackened, and their honor is lost.

ijnI nwmu ivswirAw Avgx muTI roie ]7]

jinee naam visaariaa avagan muthee roe ||7||

Those who have forgotten the Naam are plundered by evil; they weep and wail in dismay. ||7||

Kojq Kojq pwieAw fru kir imlY imlwie ]

khojath khojath paaeiaa ddar kar milai milaae ||

I searched and searched, and found God. In the Fear of God, I have been united in His Union.

Awpu pCwxY Gir vsY haumY iqRsnw jwie ]

aap pashhaanai ghar vasai houmai thrisanaa jaae ||

Through self-realization, people dwell within the home of their inner being; egotism and desire depart.

nwnk inrml aUjly jo rwqy hir nwie ]8]7]

aucwrx rwqy: Bwrw krky bolo

naanak niramal oojalae jo raathae har naae ||8||7||

O Nanak, those who are attuned to the Name of the Lord are immaculate and radiant. ||8||7||