sUhI mhlw 3 ]
aucwrx sUhI mh`lw qIjw
soohee mehalaa 3 ||
Soohee, Third Mehl:
hir hry hir gux gwvhu hir gurmuKy pwey rwm ]
har harae har gun gaavahu har guramukhae paaeae raam ||
Sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, Har, Har, Har; the Gurmukh obtains the Lord.
Anidno sbid rvhu Anhd sbd vjwey rwm ]
anadhino sabadh ravahu anehadh sabadh vajaaeae raam ||
Night and day, chant the Word of the Shabad; night and day, the Shabad shall vibrate and resound.
Anhd sbd vjwey hir jIau Gir Awey hir gux gwvhu nwrI ]
anehadh sabadh vajaaeae har jeeo ghar aaeae har gun gaavahu naaree ||
The unstruck melody of the Shabad vibrates, and the Dear Lord comes into the home of my heart; O ladies, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.
Anidnu Bgiq krih gur AwgY sw Dn kMq ipAwrI ]
anadhin bhagath karehi gur aagai saa dhhan kanth piaaree ||
That soul-bride, who performs devotional worship service to the Guru night and day, becomes the Beloved bride of her Lord.
gur kw sbdu visAw Gt AMqir sy jn sbid suhwey ]
gur kaa sabadh vasiaa ghatt anthar sae jan sabadh suhaaeae ||
Those humble beings, whose hearts are filled with the Word of the Guru's Shabad, are adorned with the Shabad.
nwnk iqn Gir sdhI soihlw hir kir ikrpw Gir Awey ]1]
naanak thin ghar sadh hee sohilaa har kar kirapaa ghar aaeae ||1||
O Nanak, their hearts are forever filled with happiness; the Lord, in His Mercy, enters into their hearts. ||1||
Bgqw min Awnµdu BieAw hir nwim rhy ilv lwey rwm ]
bhagathaa man aanandh bhaeiaa har naam rehae liv laaeae raam ||
The minds of the devotees are filled with bliss; they remain lovingly absorbed in the Lord's Name.
gurmuKy mnu inrmlu hoAw inrml hir gux gwey rwm ]
guramukhae man niramal hoaa niramal har gun gaaeae raam ||
The mind of the Gurmukh is immaculate and pure; she sings the Immaculate Praises of the Lord.
inrml gux gwey nwmu mMin vswey hir kI AMimRq bwxI ]
niramal gun gaaeae naam mann vasaaeae har kee anmrith baanee ||
Singing His Immaculate Praises, she enshrines in her mind the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and the Ambrosial Word of His Bani.
ijn@ min visAw syeI jn insqry Git Git sbid smwxI ]
jinh man vasiaa saeee jan nisatharae ghatt ghatt sabadh samaanee ||
Those humble beings, within whose minds it abides, are emancipated; the Shabad permeates each and every heart.
qyry gux gwvih shij smwvih sbdy myil imlwey ]
thaerae gun gaavehi sehaj samaavehi sabadhae mael milaaeae ||
Singing Your Glorious Praises, they merge naturally into You, O Lord; through the Shabad, they are united in Union with You.
nwnk sPl jnmu iqn kyrw ij siqguir hir mwrig pwey ]2]
naanak safal janam thin kaeraa j sathigur har maarag paaeae ||2||
O Nanak, their lives are fruitful; the True Guru places them on the Lord's Path. ||2||
sMqsMgiq isau mylu BieAw hir hir nwim smwey rwm ]
santhasangath sio mael bhaeiaa har har naam samaaeae raam ||
Those who join the Society of the Saints are absorbed in the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.
gur kY sbid sd jIvn mukq Bey hir kY nwim ilv lwey rwm ]
gur kai sabadh sadh jeevan mukath bheae har kai naam liv laaeae raam ||
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, they are forever 'jivan mukta' - liberated while yet alive; they are lovingly absorbed in the Name of the Lord.
hir nwim icqu lwey guir myil imlwey mnUAw rqw hir nwly ]
aucwrx r`qw
har naam chith laaeae gur mael milaaeae manooaa rathaa har naalae ||
They center their consciousness on the Lord's Name; through the Guru, they are united in His Union. Their minds are imbued with the Lord's Love.
suKdwqw pwieAw mohu cukwieAw Anidnu nwmu sm@wly ]
sukhadhaathaa paaeiaa mohu chukaaeiaa anadhin naam samhaalae ||
They find the Lord, the Giver of peace, and they eradicate attachments; night and day, they contemplate the Naam.
gur sbdy rwqw shjy mwqw nwmu min vswey ]
aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo; mwqw: Bwrw krky bolo
gur sabadhae raathaa sehajae maathaa naam man vasaaeae ||
They are imbued with the Word of the Guru's Shabad, and intoxicated with celestial peace; the Naam abides in their minds.
nwnk iqn Gir sdhI soihlw ij siqgur syiv smwey ]3]
naanak thin ghar sadh hee sohilaa j sathigur saev samaaeae ||3||
O Nanak, the homes of their hearts are filled with happiness, forever and always; they are absorbed in serving the True Guru. ||3||
ibnu siqgur jgu Brim BulwieAw hir kw mhlu n pwieAw rwm ]
bin sathigur jag bharam bhulaaeiaa har kaa mehal n paaeiaa raam ||
Without the True Guru, the world is deluded by doubt; it does not obtain the Mansion of the Lord's Presence.
gurmuKy ieik myil imlwieAw iqn ky dUK gvwieAw rwm ]
guramukhae eik mael milaaeiaa thin kae dhookh gavaaeiaa raam ||
As Gurmukh, some are united in the Lord's Union, and their pains are dispelled.
iqn ky dUK gvwieAw jw hir min BwieAw sdw gwvih rµig rwqy ]
aucwrx rwqy: Bwrw krky bolo
thin kae dhookh gavaaeiaa jaa har man bhaaeiaa sadhaa gaavehi rang raathae ||
Their pains are dispelled, when it is pleasing to the Lord's Mind; imbued with His Love, they sing His Praises forever.
hir ky Bgq sdw jn inrml juig juig sdhI jwqy ]
har kae bhagath sadhaa jan niramal jug jug sadh hee jaathae ||
The Lord's devotees are pure and humble forever; throughout the ages, they are forever respected.
swcI Bgiq krih dir jwpih Gir dir scw soeI ]
saachee bhagath karehi dhar jaapehi ghar dhar sachaa soee ||
They perform true devotional worship service, and are honored in the Lord's Court; the True Lord is their hearth and home.
nwnk scw soihlw scI scu bwxI sbdy hI suKu hoeI ]4]4]5]
naanak sachaa sohilaa sachee sach baanee sabadhae hee sukh hoee ||4||4||5||
O Nanak, true are their songs of joy, and true is their word; through the Word of the Shabad, they find peace. ||4||4||5||