sUhI mhlw 3 ]
aucwrx sUhI mh`lw qIjw
soohee mehalaa 3 ||
Soohee, Third Mehl:
jug cwry Dn jy BvY ibnu siqgur sohwgu n hoeI rwm ]
jug chaarae dhhan jae bhavai bin sathigur sohaag n hoee raam ||
The soul-bride may wander throughout the four ages, but still, without the True Guru, she will not find her True Husband Lord.
inhclu rwju sdw hir kyrw iqsu ibnu Avru n koeI rwm ]
nihachal raaj sadhaa har kaeraa this bin avar n koee raam ||
The Kingdom of the Lord is permanent, and forever unchanging; there is no other than Him.
iqsu ibnu Avru n koeI sdw scu soeI gurmuiK eyko jwixAw ]
this bin avar n koee sadhaa sach soee guramukh eaeko jaaniaa ||
There is no other than Him - He is True forever; the Gurmukh knows the One Lord.
Dn ipr mylwvw hoAw gurmqI mnu mwinAw ]
aucwrx gurm`qI
dhhan pir maelaavaa hoaa guramathee man maaniaa ||
That soul-bride, whose mind accepts the Guru's Teachings, meets her Husband Lord.
siqguru imilAw qw hir pwieAw ibnu hir nwvY mukiq n hoeI ]
sathigur miliaa thaa har paaeiaa bin har naavai mukath n hoee ||
Meeting the True Guru, she finds the Lord; without the Lord's Name, there is no liberation.
nwnk kwmix kµqY rwvy min mwinAY suKu hoeI ]1]
naanak kaaman kanthai raavae man maaniai sukh hoee ||1||
O Nanak, the soul-bride ravishes and enjoys her Husband Lord; her mind accepts Him, and she finds peace. ||1||
siqguru syiv Dn bwlVIey hir vru pwvih soeI rwm ]
sathigur saev dhhan baalarreeeae har var paavehi soee raam ||
Serve the True Guru, O young and innocent bride; thus you shall obtain the Lord as your Husband.
sdw hovih sohwgxI iPir mYlw vysu n hoeI rwm ]
sadhaa hovehi sohaaganee fir mailaa vaes n hoee raam ||
You shall be the virtuous and happy bride of the True Lord forever; and you shall never again wear soiled clothes.
iPir mYlw vysu n hoeI gurmuiK bUJY koeI haumY mwir pCwixAw ]
aucwrx bU`JY
fir mailaa vaes n hoee guramukh boojhai koee houmai maar pashhaaniaa ||
Your clothes shall never again be soiled; how rare are those few, who, as Gurmukh, recognize this, and conquer their ego.
krxI kwr kmwvY sbid smwvY AMqir eyko jwixAw ]
karanee kaar kamaavai sabadh samaavai anthar eaeko jaaniaa ||
So make your practice the practice of good deeds; merge into the Word of the Shabad, and deep within, come to know the One Lord.
gurmuiK pRBu rwvy idnu rwqI Awpxw swcI soBw hoeI ]
guramukh prabh raavae dhin raathee aapanaa saachee sobhaa hoee ||
The Gurmukh enjoys God, day and night, and so obtains true glory.
nwnk kwmix ipru rwvy Awpxw riv rihAw pRBu soeI ]2]
naanak kaaman pir raavae aapanaa rav rehiaa prabh soee ||2||
O Nanak, the soul-bride enjoys and ravishes her Beloved; God is pervading and permeating everywhere. ||2||
gur kI kwr kry Dn bwlVIey hir vru dyie imlwey rwm ]
gur kee kaar karae dhhan baalarreeeae har var dhaee milaaeae raam ||
Serve the Guru, O young and innocent soul-bride, and he will lead to you meet your Husband Lord.
hir kY rµig rqI hY kwmix imil pRIqm suKu pwey rwm ]
aucwrx r`qI
har kai rang rathee hai kaaman mil preetham sukh paaeae raam ||
The bride is imbued with the Love of her Lord; meeting with her Beloved, she finds peace.
imil pRIqm suKu pwey sic smwey scu vrqY sB QweI ]
mil preetham sukh paaeae sach samaaeae sach varathai sabh thhaaee ||
Meeting her Beloved, she finds peace, and merges in the True Lord; the True Lord is pervading everywhere.
scw sIgwru kry idnu rwqI kwmix sic smweI ]
sachaa seegaar karae dhin raathee kaaman sach samaaee ||
The bride makes Truth her decorations, day and night, and remains absorbed in the True Lord.
hir suKdwqw sbid pCwqw kwmix lieAw kµiT lwey ]
har sukhadhaathaa sabadh pashhaathaa kaaman laeiaa kanth laaeae ||
The Lord, the Giver of peace, is realized through His Shabad; He hugs His bride close in His embrace.
nwnk mhlI mhlu pCwxY gurmqI hir pwey ]3]
aucwrx gurm`qI
naanak mehalee mehal pashhaanai guramathee har paaeae ||3||
O Nanak, the bride obtains the Mansion of His Presence; through the Guru's Teachings, she finds her Lord. ||3||
sw Dn bwlI Duir mylI myrY pRiB Awip imlweI rwm ]
saa dhhan baalee dhhur maelee maerai prabh aap milaaee raam ||
The Primal Lord, my God, has united His young and innocent bride with Himself.
gurmqI Git cwnxu hoAw pRBu riv rihAw sB QweI rwm ]
aucwrx gurm`qI
guramathee ghatt chaanan hoaa prabh rav rehiaa sabh thhaaee raam ||
Through the Guru's Teachings, her heart is illumined and enlightened; God is permeating and pervading everywhere.
pRBu riv rihAw sB QweI mMin vsweI pUrib iliKAw pwieAw ]
prabh rav rehiaa sabh thhaaee mann vasaaee poorab likhiaa paaeiaa ||
God is permeating and pervading everywhere; He dwells in her mind, and she realizes her pre-ordained destiny.
syj suKwlI myry pRB BwxI scu sIgwru bxwieAw ]
saej sukhaalee maerae prabh bhaanee sach seegaar banaaeiaa ||
On his cozy bed, she is pleasing to my God; she fashions her decorations of Truth.
kwmix inrml haumY mlu KoeI gurmiq sic smweI ]
kaaman niramal houmai mal khoee guramath sach samaaee ||
The bride is immaculate and pure; she washes away the filth of egotism, and through the Guru's Teachings, she merges in the True Lord.
nwnk Awip imlweI krqY nwmu nvYiniD pweI ]4]3]4]
aucwrx nvY-in`iD
naanak aap milaaee karathai naam navai nidhh paaee ||4||3||4||
O Nanak, the Creator Lord blends her into Himself, and she obtains the nine treasure of the Naam. ||4||3||4||