19: Ajr jrxw
To bear the unbearable
DMnu gurU gur isK DMnu Awid purKu Awdysu krwieAw ]
dhannu guroo gur sikhu dhannu aadi purakhu aadaysu karaaiaa.
The blest is disciple as well as the Guru who has made the disciple to pray before the primeval Lord.
siqgur drsn DMnu hY DMn idsit gur iDAwnu DrwieAw ]
satigur darasanu dhannu hai dhann disati gur dhiaanu dharaaiaa.
Blessed is the glimpse of the true Guru and that vision is also blessed one which peeps the mind concentrated upon the Guru.
DMnu DMnu siqgur sbdu DMnu suriq gur igAwnu suxwieAw ]
dhannu dhannu satigur sabadu dhannu surati gur giaanu sounaaiaa.
The Word of the true Guru and that meditational faculty is also blessed which has made the mind sustain the true knowledge bestowed by Guru.
crx kvl gur DMnu DMnu DMnu msqku gur crxI lwieAw ]
charan kaval gur dhannu dhannu dhannu masataku gur charanee laaiaa.
Blessed are the lotus feet of the Guru along with that forehead which rests upon the feet of the Guru.
DMnu DMnu gur aupdysu hY DMnu irdw gurmMqR vswieAw ]
dhannu dhannu gur oupadaysu hai dhannu ridaa guramantr vasaaiaa.
Auspicious is the teaching of the Guru and that heart is a blessed one wherein resides the Guru manta.
DMnu DMnu guru crxwmqo DMnu muhqu ijqu AipE pIAwieAw ]
dhannu dhannu guru charanaamato dhannu mahatu jitu apiao peeaaiaa.
Auspicious is the wash of Guru’s feet’s and that wisdom is also blessed one which understanding its importance has tasted that rare nectar.
gurmuiK suK Plu Ajru jrwieAw ]19]
guramoukhi soukhu phalu ajaru jaraaiaa ||19||
This way, the gurmukhs have endured the unsustainable delight of the fruit of Guru’s Glimpse.