Bhai Gurdas JiAng 12Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 128 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

18: gurmuK vrnx


jMmx mrxhu bwhry praupkwrI jg ivic Awey ]

janmanu maranahu baaharay paraoupakaaree jag vichi aaay.

Being beyond transmigration the altruists came in this world.

Bwau Bgiq aupdys kir swDsMgiq scKMf vswey ]

bhaau bhagati oupadaysu kari saadh sangati sachakhandi vasaaay.

Preaching loving devotion, they, through the holy congregation reside in the abode of truth.

mwn srovir prmhMs gurmuiK sbd suriq ilv lwey ]

maan sarovari paramahans guramoukhi sabad surati liv laaay.

Gurmukhs being swans of highest order (paramhains) keep their consciousness merged in Word, the Brahm.

cMdn vws vxwspiq APl sPl cMdn mihkwey ]

chandan vaasu vanaasapati aphal saphal chandan mahakaaay.

They are like sandal, which makes the fruitful and fruitless vegetation fragrant.

Bvjl AMdir bohQY hoie prvwr su pwr lMGwey ]

bhavajal andari bohadai hoi paravaar sadhaar laghaaay.

Into the world ocean they are like that vessel which takes the whole family across comfortably.

lhir qrMgu n ivAwpeI mwieAw ivic audwsu rhwey ]

lahari tarangu n viaapaee maaiaa vichi udaasu rahaaay.

They remain undistributed and detached amid the waves of worldly phenomena.

gurmuiK suK Plu sihj smwey ]18]

guramoukhi soukh phalu sahaji samaaay ||18||

Remaining absorbed in the equipoise is the delightful fruit if the gurmukhs.