20: swD sMg mihmw
Grandeur of the holy congregation
suK swgru hY swDsMgu soBw lihr qrMg Aqoly ]
soukh saagaru hai saadhasangu sobhaa lahari tarang atolay.
Holy congregation is that ocean of delight in which the waves of Lord’s praise adorn it.
mwxk moqI hIirAw gur aupdysu Avysu Amoly ]
maanak motee heeriaa gur oupadaysu avaysu amolay.
Myriad rubies diamonds and pearls in the form of Guru’s teachings exist in this ocean.
rwg rqn Anhd DunI sbid suriq ilv Agm Aloly ]
raag ratan anahad dhounee sabadi surati liv agam alolay.
Musicality here is like a jewel and merging their consciousness in the rhythm of the unstruck Word, the listeners listen to it with rapt attention.
iriD isiD iniD sB golIAW cwir pdwrQ goiel goly ]
ridhi sidhi nidhi sabh goleeaan chaari padaarad goil golay.
Here the miraculous powers are subservient and the four ideals of life (dharm, arth, kam and moks) are servants and being transitory does not attract the attention of the people who reached this stage.
lK lK cMd crwgcI lK lK AMimRq pIcin Joly ]
lakh lakh chand charaagachee lakh lakh anmrit peechani jholay.
Myriad means here work as lamps and myriad men getting elated quaff the nectar.
kwmDynu lK pwrjwq jMgl AMdir crin Afoly ]
kaamadhaynu lakh paarijaat jangal andari charani adolay.
Myriad of wish fulfilling cows gaze delightfully in the forest of wish fulfilling trees.
gurmuK suK Plu bol Aboly ]20]12]
guramoukhi soukh phalu bol abolay ||20||12|| baaraan ||
In fact the pleasure fruit of the gurmukhs is ineffable.