mwrU mhlw 1 ]
aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pihlw
maaroo mehalaa 1 ||
Maaroo, First Mehl:
ibKu boihQw lwidAw dIAw smuMd mMJwir ]
bikh bohithhaa laadhiaa dheeaa samundh manjhaar ||
The boat is loaded with sin and corruption, and launched into the sea.
kµDI idis n AwveI nw aurvwru n pwru ]
kandhhee dhis n aavee naa ouravaar n paar ||
The shore cannot be seen on this side, nor on the shore beyond.
vMJI hwiQ n KyvtU jlu swgru Asrwlu ]1]
aucwrx Kyv-tU; As-rwlu
vanjhee haathh n khaevattoo jal saagar asaraal ||1||
There are no oars, nor any boatmen, to cross over the terrifying world-ocean. ||1||
bwbw jgu PwQw mhw jwil ]
baabaa jag faathhaa mehaa jaal ||
O Baba, the world is caught in the great noose.
gurprswdI aubry scw nwmu smwil ]1] rhwau ]
gur parasaadhee oubarae sachaa naam samaal ||1|| rehaao ||
By Guru's Grace, they are saved, contemplating the True Name. ||1||Pause||
siqgurU hY boihQw sbid lµGwvxhwru ]
sathiguroo hai bohithhaa sabadh langhaavanehaar ||
The True Guru is the boat; the Word of the Shabad will carry them across.
iqQY pvxu n pwvko nw jlu nw Awkwru ]
thithhai pavan n paavako naa jal naa aakaar ||
There is neither wind nor fire, neither water nor form there.
iqQY scw sic nwie Bvjl qwrxhwru ]2]
thithhai sachaa sach naae bhavajal thaaranehaar ||2||
The True Name of the True Lord is there; it carries them across the terrifying world-ocean. ||2||
gurmuiK lµGy sy pwir pey scy isau ilv lwie ]
guramukh langhae sae paar peae sachae sio liv laae ||
The Gurmukhs reach the shore beyond, lovingly focusing on the True Lord.
Awvw gauxu invwirAw joqI joiq imlwie ]
aavaa goun nivaariaa jothee joth milaae ||
Their comings and goings are ended, and their light merges into the Light.
gurmqI shju aUpjY scy rhY smwie ]3]
aucwrx gurm`qI
guramathee sehaj oopajai sachae rehai samaae ||3||
Following the Guru's Teachings, intuitive peace wells up within them, and they remain merged in the True Lord. ||3||
spu ipVweI pweIAY ibKu AMqir min rosu ]
sap pirraaee paaeeai bikh anthar man ros ||
The snake may be locked in a basket, but it is still poisonous, and the anger within its mind remains.
pUrib iliKAw pweIAY iksno dIjY dosu ]
poorab likhiaa paaeeai kis no dheejai dhos ||
One obtains what is pre-ordained; why does he blame others?
gurmuiK gwrVu jy suxy mMny nwau sµqosu ]4]
guramukh gaararr jae sunae mannae naao santhos ||4||
If one, as Gurmukh, hears and believes in the Name, the charm against poison, his mind becomes content. ||4||
mwgrmCu PhweIAY kuµfI jwlu vqwie ]
aucwrx mwgr-mCu: kµny sihq bolo
maagaramashh fehaaeeai kunddee jaal vathaae ||
The crocodile is caught by the hook and line;
durmiq PwQw PwhIAY iPir iPir pCoqwie ]
dhuramath faathhaa faaheeai fir fir pashhothaae ||
Caught in the trap of evil-mindedness, he regrets and repents, again and again.
jµmx mrxu n suJeI ikrqu n myitAw jwie ]5]
aucwrx suJeI: ‘j’-‘J’ dI sWJI Avwj
janman maran n sujhee kirath n maettiaa jaae ||5||
He does not understand birth and death; the inscription of one's past actions cannot be erased. ||5||
haumY ibKu pwie jgqu aupwieAw sbdu vsY ibKu jwie ]
houmai bikh paae jagath oupaaeiaa sabadh vasai bikh jaae ||
Injecting the poison of egotism, the world was created; with the Shabad enshrined within, the poison is eliminated.
jrw joih n skeI sic rhY ilv lwie ]
aucwrx jrw: polw bolo
jaraa johi n sakee sach rehai liv laae ||
Old age cannot torment one who remains lovingly absorbed in the True Lord.
jIvn mukqu so AwKIAY ijsu ivchu haumY jwie ]6]
jeevan mukath so aakheeai jis vichahu houmai jaae ||6||
He alone is called Jivan-Mikta, liberated while yet alive, from within whom egotism is eradicated. ||6||
DMDY Dwvq jgu bwiDAw nw bUJY vIcwru ]
aucwrx bU`JY
dhhandhhai dhhaavath jag baadhhiaa naa boojhai veechaar ||
The world is chasing after worldly affairs; caught and bound, it does not understand contemplative meditation.
jµmx mrxu ivswirAw mnmuK mugDu gvwru ]
janman maran visaariaa manamukh mugadhh gavaar ||
The foolish, ignorant, self-willed manmukh has forgotten birth and death.
guir rwKy sy aubry scw sbdu vIcwir ]7]
gur raakhae sae oubarae sachaa sabadh veechaar ||7||
Those whom the Guru has protected are saved, contemplating the True Word of the Shabad. ||7||
sUhtu ipMjir pRym kY bolY bolxhwru ]
soohatt pinjar praem kai bolai bolanehaar ||
In the cage of divine love, the parrot, speaks.
scu cugY AMimRqu pIAY aufY q eykw vwr ]
aucwrx cugY: polw bolo; au~fY
sach chugai anmrith peeai ouddai th eaekaa vaar ||
It pecks at the Truth, and drinks in the Ambrosial Nectar; it flies away, only once.
guir imilAY Ksmu pCwxIAY khu nwnk moKduAwru ]8]2]
aucwrx moK-duAwru: sbµDk krky bolo
gur miliai khasam pashhaaneeai kahu naanak mokh dhuaar ||8||2||
Meeting with the Guru, one recognizes his Lord and Master; says Nanak, he finds the gate of liberation. ||8||2||