mwrU AstpdIAw mhlw 1 Gru 1
aucwrx mwrU Ast-pdIAw mh`lw pihlw Gru pihlw
maaroo asattapadheeaa mehalaa 1 ghar 1
Maaroo, Ashtapadees, First Mehl, First House:
<> siqgur pRswid ]
aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr
ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
byd purwx kQy suxy hwry munI Anykw ]
baedh puraan kathhae sunae haarae munee anaekaa ||
Reciting and listening to the Vedas and the Puraanas, countless wise men have grown weary.
ATsiT qIrQ bhu Gxw BRim Qwky ByKw ]
athasath theerathh bahu ghanaa bhram thhaakae bhaekhaa ||
So many in their various religious robes have grown weary, wandering to the sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage.
swco swihbu inrmlo min mwnY eykw ]1]
saacho saahib niramalo man maanai eaekaa ||1||
The True Lord and Master is immaculate and pure. The mind is satisfied only by the One Lord. ||1||
qU Ajrwvru Amru qU sB cwlxhwrI ]
aucwrx Ajrw-vru
thoo ajaraavar amar thoo sabh chaalanehaaree ||
You are eternal; You do not grow old. All others pass away.
nwmu rswiexu Bwie lY prhir duKu BwrI ]1] rhwau ]
naam rasaaein bhaae lai parehar dhukh bhaaree ||1|| rehaao ||
One who lovingly focuses on the Naam, the source of nectar - his pains are taken away. ||1||Pause||
hir pVIAY hir buJIAY gurmqI nwim auDwrw ]
aucwrx bu`JIAY; gurm`qI
har parreeai har bujheeai guramathee naam oudhhaaraa ||
Study the Lord's Name, and understand the Lord's Name; follow the Guru's Teachings, and through the Naam, you shall be saved.
guir pUrY pUrI miq hY pUrY sbid bIcwrw ]
aucwrx m`iq
gur poorai pooree math hai poorai sabadh beechaaraa ||
Perfect are the Teachings of the Perfect Guru; contemplate the Perfect Word of the Shabad.
ATsiT qIrQ hir nwmu hY iklivK kwtxhwrw ]2]
athasath theerathh har naam hai kilavikh kaattanehaaraa ||2||
The Lord's Name is the sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage, and the Eradicator of sins. ||2||
jlu iblovY jlu mQY qqu loVY AMDu AigAwnw ]
aucwrx mQY: polw bolo
jal bilovai jal mathhai thath lorrai andhh agiaanaa ||
The blind ignorant mortal stirs the water and churns the water, wishing to obtain butter.
gurmqI diD mQIAY AMimRqu pweIAY nwmu inDwnw ]
aucwrx gurm`qI
guramathee dhadhh mathheeai anmrith paaeeai naam nidhhaanaa ||
Following the Guru's Teachings, one churns the cream, and the treasure of the Ambrosial Naam is obtained.
mnmuK qqu n jwxnI psU mwih smwnw ]3]
manamukh thath n jaananee pasoo maahi samaanaa ||3||
The self-willed manmukh is a beast; he does not know the essence of reality that is contained within himself. ||3||
haumY myrw mrI mru mir jµmY vwro vwr ]
houmai maeraa maree mar mar janmai vaaro vaar ||
Dying in egotism and self-conceit, one dies, and dies again, only to be reincarnated over and over again.
gur kY sbdy jy mrY iPir mrY n dUjI vwr ]
gur kai sabadhae jae marai fir marai n dhoojee vaar ||
But when he dies in the Word of the Guru's Shabad, then he does not die, ever again.
gurmqI jgjIvnu min vsY siB kul auDwrxhwr ]4]
aucwrx gurm`qI
guramathee jagajeevan man vasai sabh kul oudhhaaranehaar ||4||
When he follows the Guru's Teachings, and enshrines the Lord, the Life of the World, within his mind, he redeems all his generations. ||4||
scw vKru nwmu hY scw vwpwrw ]
sachaa vakhar naam hai sachaa vaapaaraa ||
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is the true object, the true commodity.
lwhw nwmu sµswir hY gurmqI vIcwrw ]
aucwrx gurm`qI
laahaa naam sansaar hai guramathee veechaaraa ||
The Naam is the only true profit in this world. Follow the Guru's Teachings, and contemplate it.
dUjY Bwie kwr kmwvxI inq qotw sYswrw ]5]
dhoojai bhaae kaar kamaavanee nith thottaa saisaaraa ||5||
To work in the love of duality, brings constant loss in this world. ||5||
swcI sµgiq Qwnu scu scy Gr bwrw ]
saachee sangath thhaan sach sachae ghar baaraa ||
True is one's association, true is one's place,
scw Bojnu Bwau scu scu nwmu ADwrw ]
sachaa bhojan bhaao sach sach naam adhhaaraa ||
And true is one's hearth and home, when one has the support of the Naam.
scI bwxI sµqoiKAw scw sbdu vIcwrw ]6]
sachee baanee santhokhiaa sachaa sabadh veechaaraa ||6||
Contemplating the True Word of the Guru's Bani, and the True Word of the Shabad, one becomes content. ||6||
rs Bogx pwiqswhIAw duK suK sµGwrw ]
ras bhogan paathisaaheeaa dhukh sukh sanghaaraa ||
Enjoying princely pleasures, one shall be destroyed in pain and pleasure.
motw nwau DrweIAY gil Aaugx Bwrw ]
mottaa naao dhharaaeeai gal aougan bhaaraa ||
Adopting a name of greatness, one strings heavy sins around his neck.
mwxs dwiq n hoveI qU dwqw swrw ]7]
maanas dhaath n hovee thoo dhaathaa saaraa ||7||
Mankind cannot give gifts; You alone are the Giver of everything. ||7||
Agm Agocru qU DxI Aivgqu Apwrw ]
aucwrx Aiv-gqu
agam agochar thoo dhhanee avigath apaaraa ||
You are inaccessible and unfathomable; O Lord, You are imperishable and infinite.
gur sbdI dru joeIAY mukqy Bµfwrw ]
gur sabadhee dhar joeeai mukathae bhanddaaraa ||
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, seeking at the Lord's Door, one finds the treasure of liberation.
nwnk mylu n cUkeI swcy vwpwrw ]8]1]
naanak mael n chookee saachae vaapaaraa ||8||1||
O Nanak, this union is not broken, if one deals in the merchandise of Truth. ||8||1||