SGGSAng 1010Raag MaruAstpadiyaa Mahalla 127 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

mwrU mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pihlw

maaroo mehalaa 1 ||

Maaroo, First Mehl:

sbid mrY qw mwir mru Bwgo iksu pih jwau ]

sabadh marai thaa maar mar bhaago kis pehi jaao ||

One who dies in the Word of the Shabad conquers death; otherwise, where can you run?

ijskY fir BY BwgIAY AMimRqu qw ko nwau ]

jis kai ddar bhai bhaageeai anmrith thaa ko naao ||

Through the Fear of God, fear runs away; His Name is Ambrosial Nectar.

mwrih rwKih eyku qU bIjau nwhI Qwau ]1]

maarehi raakhehi eaek thoo beejo naahee thhaao ||1||

You alone kill and protect; except for You, there is no place at all. ||1||

bwbw mY kucIlu kwcau miq hIn ]

aucwrx ku-cIlu; m`iq

baabaa mai kucheel kaacho mathiheen ||

O Baba, I am filthy, shallow and totally without understanding.

nwm ibnw ko kCu nhI guir pUrY pUrI miq kIn ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx m`iq

naam binaa ko kashh nehee gur poorai pooree math keen ||1|| rehaao ||

Without the Naam, no one is anything; the Perfect Guru has made my intellect perfect. ||1||Pause||

Avgix suBr gux nhI ibnu gux ikau Gir jwau ]

aucwrx su`Br: 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj

avagan subhar gun nehee bin gun kio ghar jaao ||

I am full of faults, and I have no virtue at all. Without virtues, how can I go home?

shij sbid suKu aUpjY ibnu Bwgw Dnu nwih ]

sehaj sabadh sukh oopajai bin bhaagaa dhhan naahi ||

Through the Word of the Shabad, intuitive peace wells up; without good destiny, the wealth is not obtained.

ijn kY nwmu n min vsY sy bwDy dUK shwih ]2]

jin kai naam n man vasai sae baadhhae dhookh sehaahi ||2||

Those whose minds are not filled with the Naam are bound and gagged, and suffer in pain. ||2||

ijnI nwmu ivswirAw sy ikqu Awey sµswir ]

jinee naam visaariaa sae kith aaeae sansaar ||

Those who have forgotten the Naam - why have they even come into the world?

AwgY pwCY suKu nhI gwfy lwdy Cwru ]

aagai paashhai sukh nehee gaaddae laadhae shhaar ||

Here and hereafter, they do not find any peace; they have loaded their carts with ashes.

ivCuiVAw mylw nhI dUKu Gxo jm duAwir ]3]

vishhurriaa maelaa nehee dhookh ghano jam dhuaar ||3||

Those who are separated, do not meet with the Lord; they suffer in terrible pain at Death's Door. ||3||

AgY ikAw jwxw nwih mY BUly qU smJwie ]

agai kiaa jaanaa naahi mai bhoolae thoo samajhaae ||

I do not know what will happen in the world hereafter; I am so confused - please teach me, Lord!

BUly mwrgu jo dsy iqskY lwgau pwie ]

aucwrx d`sy

bhoolae maarag jo dhasae this kai laago paae ||

I am confused; I would fall at the feet of one who shows me the Way.

gur ibnu dwqw ko nhI kImiq khxu n jwie ]4]

gur bin dhaathaa ko nehee keemath kehan n jaae ||4||

Without the Guru, there is no giver at all; His value cannot be described. ||4||

swjnu dyKw qw gil imlw swcu pTwieE lyKu ]

saajan dhaekhaa thaa gal milaa saach pathaaeiou laekh ||

If I see my friend, then I will embrace Him; I have sent Him the letter of Truth.

muiK iDmwxY Dn KVI gurmuiK AwKI dyKu ]

mukh dhhimaanai dhhan kharree guramukh aakhee dhaekh ||

His soul-bride stands waiting expectantly; as Gurmukh, I see Him with my eyes.

quDu BwvY qU min vsih ndrI krim ivsyKu ]5]

thudhh bhaavai thoo man vasehi nadharee karam visaekh ||5||

By the Pleasure of Your Will, You abide in my mind, and bless me with Your Glance of Grace. ||5||

BUK ipAwso jy BvY ikAw iqsu mwgau dyie ]

bhookh piaaso jae bhavai kiaa this maago dhaee ||

One who is wandering hungry and thirsty - what can he give, and what can anyone ask from him?

bIjau sUJY ko nhI min qin pUrnu dyie ]

beejo soojhai ko nehee man than pooran dhaee ||

I cannot conceive of any other, who can bless my mind and body with perfection.

ijin kIAw iqin dyiKAw Awip vfweI dyie ]6]

jin keeaa thin dhaekhiaa aap vaddaaee dhaee ||6||

The One who created me takes care of me; He Himself blesses me with glory. ||6||

ngrI nwieku nvqno bwlku lIl AnUpu ]

aucwrx lIl: Bwrw krky bolo

nagaree naaeik navathano baalak leel anoop ||

In the body-village is my Lord and Master, whose body is ever-new, Innocent and child-like, incomparably playful.

nwir n purKu n pMKxU swcau cquru srUpu ]

naar n purakh n pankhanoo saacho chathur saroop ||

He is neither a woman, nor a man, nor a bird; the True Lord is so wise and beautiful.

jo iqsu BwvY so QIAY qU dIpku qU DUpu ]7]

jo this bhaavai so thheeai thoo dheepak thoo dhhoop ||7||

Whatever pleases Him, happens; You are the lamp, and You are the incense. ||7||

gIq swd cwKy suxy bwd swd qin rogu ]

geeth saadh chaakhae sunae baadh saadh than rog ||

He hears the songs and tastes the flavors, but these flavors are useless and insipid, and bring only disease to the body.

scu BwvY swcau cvY CUtY sog ivjogu ]

aucwrx cvY: polw bolo

sach bhaavai saacho chavai shhoottai sog vijog ||

One who loves the Truth and speaks the Truth, escapes from the sorrow of separation.

nwnk nwmu n vIsrY jo iqsu BwvY su hogu ]8]3]

naanak naam n veesarai jo this bhaavai s hog ||8||3||

Nanak does not forget the Naam; whatever happens is by the Lord's Will. ||8||3||