SGGSAng 628Raag SorathMahalla 511 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

soriT mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx soriT mh`lw pMjvw

sorath mehalaa 5 ||

Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl:

AYQY EQY rKvwlw ]

aithhai outhhai rakhavaalaa ||

Here and hereafter, He is our Savior.

pRB siqgur dIn dieAwlw ]

prabh sathigur dheen dhaeiaalaa ||

God, the True Guru, is Merciful to the meek.

dws Apny Awip rwKy ]

dhaas apanae aap raakhae ||

He Himself protects His slaves.

Git Git sbdu suBwKy ]1]

aucwrx su-BwKy: 'B' dI ApnI Avwj

ghatt ghatt sabadh subhaakhae ||1||

In each and every heart, the Beautiful Word of His Shabad resounds. ||1||

gur ky crx aUpir bil jweI ]

gur kae charan oopar bal jaaee ||

I am a sacrifice to the Guru's Feet.

idnsu rYin swis swis smwlI pUrnu sBnI QweI ] rhwau ]

dhinas rain saas saas samaalee pooran sabhanee thhaaee || rehaao ||

Day and night, with each and every breath, I remember Him; He is totally pervading and permeating all places. ||Pause||

Awip shweI hoAw ]

aap sehaaee hoaa ||

He Himself has become my help and support.

scy dw scw FoAw ]

sachae dhaa sachaa dtoaa ||

True is the support of the True Lord.

qyrI Bgiq vifAweI ]

thaeree bhagath vaddiaaee ||

Glorious and great is devotional worship to You.

pweI nwnk pRB srxweI ]2]14]78]

paaee naanak prabh saranaaee ||2||14||78||

Nanak has found God's Sanctuary. ||2||14||78||