4: gurmuK-mnmuK [ s`c-kUV
Gurmukh, manmukh, truth and falsehood- -
mwn srovru swDsMgu mwxk moqI rqn Amolw ]
maan sarovaru saadhasangu maanak motee ratan amolaa.
Manasarovar (lake) in the form of holy congregation contains in it many invaluable rubies, pearls and jewels.
gurmuiK vMsI prmhMs sbd suriq gurmiq Afolw ]
guramoukhi vansee param hans sabad surati guramati adolaa.
Gurmukhs too belong to the family of swans of highest order who merging their consciousness in the Word remain stabilized.
KIrhu nIr inkwldy gurmuiK igAwnu iDAwnu inrolw ]
kheerahu neer nikaaladay guramoukhi giaanu dhiaanu nirolaa.
Due to their power of knowledge and meditiation, the gurmukhs sift milk from water (i.e. truth from falsehood).
gurmuiK scu slwhIAY qolu n qolnhwru Aqolw ]
guramoukhi sachu salaaheeai tolu n tolanahaaru atolaa.
Eulogising the truth, gurmukhs become incomparable and their glory cannot be measured by any one.
mnmuK bgul smwiD hY Guit Guit jIAW Kwie Abolw ]
manamoukh bagul samaadhi hai ghouti ghouti jeeaan khaai abolaa.
Manmukh, the mind-oriented, is like a crane who silently strangulates the creatures and eats them up.
hoie lKwau itkwie jwie CpiV aUhu pVY muhcolw ]
hoi lakhaau tikaai jaai chhaparhi oohu parhai muhacholaa.
Seeing it sitting at a pond, the creatures therein create an uproar and cries of distress.
scu swaU kUVu gihlw golw ]4]
sachu saau koorhu gahilaa golaa ||4||
Truth is noble whereas falsehood is lowly slave.