5: gurmuK-mnmuK [ sc-kUV
Gurmukh, manmukh, truth and falsehood- -
gurmuK scu sulKxw siB sulKx scu suhwvw ]
guramoukh sachu sulakhanaa sabhi sulakhan sachu suhaavaa.
The true gurmukh possesses auspicious characteristics and all good marks adorn him.
mnmuK kUVu kulKxw sB kulKx kUVu kudwvw ]
manamoukh koorhu kulakhanaa sabh kulakhan koorhu kudaavaa.
Manmukh, the self-willed, keeps false marks and besides all bad characteristics in him, be possesses all deceptive tricks.
scu suienw kUVu kcu hY kcu n kMcn muil mulwvw ]
sachu suinaa koorhu kachu hai kachu n kanchan muli mulaavaa.
Truth is gold and falsehood is like glass. Glass cannot be priced as gold.
scu Bwrw kUVu haulVw pvY n rqk rqnu Bulwvw ]
sachu bhaaraa koorhu haularhaa pavai n ratak ratanu bhulaavaa.
Truth is invariably heavy and the falsehood light; there is not the least doubt in this.
scu hIrw kUVu Ptku hY jVY jVwv n juVY juVwvw ]
sachu heeraa koorhu dhataku hai jarhai jarhaav n jurhai jurhaavaa.
The truth is diamond and the falsehood stone which cannot be studded in a string.
scu dwqw kUVu mMgqw idhu rwqI cor swh imlwvw ]
sach daataa koorhu mangataa dihu raatee chor saah milaavaa.
The truth is bestower whereas falsehood is a beggar; like a thief and a rich person or the day and the night they never meet.
scu swbqu kUiV iPrdw Pwvw ]5]
sachu saabatu koorhi dhiradaa dhaavaa ||5||
The truth is perfect and the falsehood a loser gambler running from pillar to post.