Bhai Gurdas JiAng 30Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 308 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

3: gurmuK mnmuK s`c kUV

Gurmukh, manmukh, truth and falsehood ,

gurmuiK hoie vIAwhIAY duhI vlI imil mMglcwrw ]

guramoukhi hoi veeaaheeai duhee valee mili mangal chaaraa.

Gurmukhs are such as the marriage of two families where sweet songs are sung on both sides and pleasures is attained.

duhu imil jMmY jwxIAY ipqw jwiq prvwr sDwrw ]

duhu mili janmai jaaneeai pitaa jaati paravaar sadhaaraa.

They are such as the son born of the union of mother and father gives happiness to the parents because the lineage and family of the father gets increased.

jMmidAW rxJuMJxw vMis vDweI ruxJuxkwrw ]

janmadiaan rounajhounjhanaa vansi vadhaaee roun jhounakaaraa.

Clarionets are played upon the birth of a child and celebrations are arranged on the further development of the family.

nwnk dwdk soihly ivrqIsr bhu dwn dqwrw ]

naanak daadak sohilay virateesar bahu daan dataaraa.

In the homes of mother and father songs of joy are sung and the servants are given many a gift.

bhu imqI hoie vysuAw nw ipau nwauN innwau pukwrw ]

bahu mitee hoi vaysuaa naa piu naaoun ninaaoun poukaaraa.

Son of a prostitute, friendly to everyone, has no name of his father and he is known as nameless.

gurmuiK vMsI prm hMs mnmuiK Tg bg vMs hiqAwrw ]

guramoukhi vansee param hans manamoukhi tdag bag vans hatiaaraa.

The family of gurmukhs is like paramhatis (the swans of high order which can sift milk from water i.e. truth from falsehood) and the family of the mind-oriented ones is like hypocrite cranes who kill others.

sic sicAwr kUVhu kUiVAwrw ]3]

sachi sachiaar koorhahu koorhiaaraa ||3||

From truth the truthful and from falsehood the Hers are begotten.