mlwr mhlw 1 ]
aucwrx mlwr mh`lw pihlw
malaar mehalaa 1 ||
Malaar, First Mehl:
duK mhurw mwrx hir nwmu ]
dhukh mahuraa maaran har naam ||
Pain is the poison. The Lord's Name is the antidote.
islw sµqoK pIsxu hiQ dwnu ]
aucwrx islw: polw bolo
silaa santhokh peesan hathh dhaan ||
Grind it up in the mortar of contentment, with the pestle of charitable giving.
inq inq lyhu n CIjY dyh ]
nith nith laehu n shheejai dhaeh ||
Take it each and every day, and your body shall not waste away.
AMq kwil jmu mwrY Tyh ]1]
anth kaal jam maarai thaeh ||1||
At the very last instant, you shall strike down the Messenger of Death. ||1||
AYsw dwrU Kwih gvwr ]
aisaa dhaaroo khaahi gavaar ||
So take such medicine, O fool,
ijqu KwDY qyry jwih ivkwr ]1] rhwau ]
jith khaadhhai thaerae jaahi vikaar ||1|| rehaao ||
By which your corruption shall be taken away. ||1||Pause||
rwju mwlu jobnu sBu CWv ]
raaj maal joban sabh shhaanv ||
Power, wealth and youth are all just shadows,
riQ iPrµdY dIsih Qwv ]
rathh firandhai dheesehi thhaav ||
As are the vehicles you see moving around.
dyh n nwau n hovY jwiq ]
dhaeh n naao n hovai jaath ||
Neither your body, nor your fame, nor your social status shall go along with you.
EQY idhu AYQY sB rwiq ]2]
outhhai dhihu aithhai sabh raath ||2||
In the next world it is day, while here, it is all night. ||2||
swd kir smDW iqRsnw iGau qylu ]
aucwrx smDW: polw bolo (ASuD: sm`DW)
saadh kar samadhhaan thrisanaa ghio thael ||
Let your taste for pleasures be the firewood, let your greed be the ghee,
kwmu kRoDu AgnI isau mylu ]
kaam krodhh aganee sio mael ||
And your sexual desire and anger the cooking oil; burn them in the fire.
hom jg Aru pwT purwx ]
aucwrx j`g
hom jag ar paath puraan ||
Some make burnt offerings, hold sacred feasts, and read the Puraanas.
jo iqsu BwvY so prvwx ]3]
jo this bhaavai so paravaan ||3||
Whatever pleases God is acceptable. ||3||
qpu kwgdu qyrw nwmu nIswnu ]
thap kaagadh thaeraa naam neesaan ||
Intense meditation is the paper, and Your Name is the insignia.
ijn kau iliKAw eyhu inDwnu ]
jin ko likhiaa eaehu nidhhaan ||
Those for whom this treasure is ordered,
sy Dnvµq idsih Gir jwie ]
sae dhhanavanth dhisehi ghar jaae ||
Look wealthy when they reach their true home.
nwnk jnnI DMnI mwie ]4]3]8]
naanak jananee dhhannee maae ||4||3||8||
O Nanak, blessed is that mother who gave birth to them. ||4||3||8||