SGGSAng 655Raag SorathBhagat Kabir Ji18 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

ijh bwJu n jIAw jweI ]

jih baajh n jeeaa jaaee ||

Without Him, we cannot even live;

jau imlY q Gwl AGweI ]

aucwrx AGweI: 'g'-'G' dI sWJI Avwj

jo milai th ghaal aghaaee ||

When we meet Him, then our task is completed.

sd jIvnu Blo khWhI ]

sadh jeevan bhalo kehaanhee ||

People say it is good to live forever,

mUey ibnu jIvnu nwhI ]1]

mooeae bin jeevan naahee ||1||

But without dying, there is no life. ||1||

Ab ikAw kQIAY igAwnu bIcwrw ]

ab kiaa kathheeai giaan beechaaraa ||

So now, what sort wisdom should I contemplate and preach?

inj inrKq gq ibauhwrw ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx inr-Kq

nij nirakhath gath biouhaaraa ||1|| rehaao ||

As I watch, worldly things dissipate. ||1||Pause||

Gis kuµkm cMdnu gwirAw ]

ghas kunkam chandhan gaariaa ||

Saffron is ground up, and mixed with sandalwood;

ibnu nYnhu jgqu inhwirAw ]

bin nainahu jagath nihaariaa ||

Without eyes, the world is seen.

pUiq ipqw ieku jwieAw ]

pooth pithaa eik jaaeiaa ||

The son has given birth to his father;

ibnu Twhr ngru bswieAw ]2]

bin thaahar nagar basaaeiaa ||2||

Without a place, the city has been established. ||2||

jwck jn dwqw pwieAw ]

jaachak jan dhaathaa paaeiaa ||

The humble beggar has found the Great Giver,

so dIAw n jweI KwieAw ]

so dheeaa n jaaee khaaeiaa ||

But he is unable to eat what he has been given.

CoifAw jwie n mUkw ]

shhoddiaa jaae n mookaa ||

He cannot leave it alone, but it is never exhausted.

Aaurn pih jwnw cUkw ]3]

aouran pehi jaanaa chookaa ||3||

He shall not go to beg from others any longer. ||3||

jo jIvn mrnw jwnY ]

jo jeevan maranaa jaanai ||

Those select few, who know how to die while yet alive,

so pMc sYl suK mwnY ]

so panch sail sukh maanai ||

Enjoy great peace.

kbIrY so Dnu pwieAw ]

kabeerai so dhhan paaeiaa ||

Kabeer has found that wealth;

hir Bytq Awpu imtwieAw ]4]6]

har bhaettath aap mittaaeiaa ||4||6||

Meeting with the Lord, he has erased his self-conceit. ||4||6||