SGGSAng 655Raag SorathBhagat Kabir Ji18 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

jw ky ingm dUD ky Twtw ]

jaa kae nigam dhoodhh kae thaattaa ||

Let the sacred scriptures be your milk and cream,

smuMdu iblovn kau mwtw ]

samundh bilovan ko maattaa ||

And the ocean of the mind the churning vat.

qw kI hohu iblovnhwrI ]

thaa kee hohu bilovanehaaree ||

Be the butter-churner of the Lord,

ikau mytYgo CwiC quhwrI ]1]

kio maettai go shhaashh thuhaaree ||1||

And your buttermilk shall not be wasted. ||1||

cyrI qU rwmu n kris Bqwrw ]

chaeree thoo raam n karas bhathaaraa ||

O soul-bride slave, why don't you take the Lord as your Husband?

jgjIvn pRwn ADwrw ]1] rhwau ]

jagajeevan praan adhhaaraa ||1|| rehaao ||

He is the Life of the world, the Support of the breath of life. ||1||Pause||

qyry glih qauku pg byrI ]

aucwrx pg: polw bolo

thaerae galehi thouk pag baeree ||

The chain is around your neck, and the cuffs are on your feet.

qU Gr Gr rmeIAY PyrI ]

thoo ghar ghar rameeai faeree ||

The Lord has sent you wandering around from house to house.

qU Ajhu n cyqis cyrI ]

thoo ajahu n chaethas chaeree ||

And still, you do not meditate on the Lord, O soul-bride, slave.

qU jim bpurI hY hyrI ]2]

thoo jam bapuree hai haeree ||2||

Death is watching you, O wretched woman. ||2||

pRB krn krwvnhwrI ]

prabh karan karaavanehaaree ||

The Lord God is the Cause of causes.

ikAw cyrI hwQ ibcwrI ]

kiaa chaeree haathh bichaaree ||

What is in the hands of the poor soul-bride, the slave?

soeI soeI jwgI ]

soee soee jaagee ||

She awakens from her slumber,

ijqu lweI iqqu lwgI ]3]

jith laaee thith laagee ||3||

And she becomes attached to whatever the Lord attaches her. ||3||

cyrI qY sumiq khW qy pweI ]

aucwrx sum`iq

chaeree thai sumath kehaan thae paaee ||

O soul-bride, slave, where did you obtain that wisdom,

jw qy BRm kI lIk imtweI ]

jaa thae bhram kee leek mittaaee ||

By which you erased your inscription of doubt?

su rsu kbIrY jwinAw ]

s ras kabeerai jaaniaa ||

Kabeer has tasted that subtle essence;

myro gurpRswid mnu mwinAw ]4]5]

maero gur prasaadh man maaniaa ||4||5||

By Guru's Grace, his mind is reconciled with the Lord. ||4||5||