sUhI mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx sUhI mh`lw pMjvw
soohee mehalaa 5 ||
Soohee, Fifth Mehl:
isimRiq byd purwx pukwrin poQIAw ]
simrith baedh puraan pukaaran pothheeaa ||
The Simritees, the Vedas, the Puraanas and the other holy scriptures proclaim
nwm ibnw siB kUVu gwl@I hoCIAw ]1]
naam binaa sabh koorr gaalhee hoshheeaa ||1||
That without the Naam, everything is false and worthless. ||1||
nwmu inDwnu Apwru Bgqw min vsY ]
naam nidhhaan apaar bhagathaa man vasai ||
The infinite treasure of the Naam abides within the minds of the devotees.
jnm mrx mohu duKu swDU sµig nsY ]1] rhwau ]
aucwrx nsY: polw bolo
janam maran mohu dhukh saadhhoo sang nasai ||1|| rehaao ||
Birth and death, attachment and suffering, are erased in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||1||Pause||
moih bwid Ahµkwir srpr ruµinAw ]
mohi baadh ahankaar sarapar runniaa ||
Those who indulge in attachment, conflict and egotism shall surely weep and cry.
suKu n pwiein mUil nwm ivCuµinAw ]2]
sukh n paaeinih mool naam vishhunniaa ||2||
Those who are separated from the Naam shall never find any peace. ||2||
myrI myrI Dwir bMDin bµiDAw ]
maeree maeree dhhaar bandhhan bandhhiaa ||
Crying out, Mine! Mine!, he is bound in bondage.
nrik surig Avqwr mwieAw DµiDAw ]3]
narak surag avathaar maaeiaa dhhandhhiaa ||3||
Entangled in Maya, he is reincarnated in heaven and hell. ||3||
soDq soDq soiD qqu bIcwirAw ]
sodhhath sodhhath sodhh thath beechaariaa ||
Searching, searching, searching, I have come to understand the essence of reality.
nwm ibnw suKu nwih srpr hwirAw ]4]
naam binaa sukh naahi sarapar haariaa ||4||
Without the Naam, there is no peace at all, and the mortal will surely fail. ||4||
Awvih jwih Anyk mir mir jnmqy ]
aucwrx jnm-qy
aavehi jaahi anaek mar mar janamathae ||
Many come and go; they die, and die again, and are reincarnated.
ibnu bUJy sBu vwid jonI Brmqy ]5]
aucwrx bU`Jy
bin boojhae sabh vaadh jonee bharamathae ||5||
Without understanding, they are totally useless, and they wander in reincarnation. ||5||
ijn kau Bey dieAwl iqn swDU sMgu BieAw ]
jinh ko bheae dhaeiaal thinh saadhhoo sang bhaeiaa ||
They alone join the Saadh Sangat, unto whom the Lord becomes Merciful.
AMimRqu hir kw nwmu iqn@I jnI jip lieAw ]6]
anmrith har kaa naam thinhee janee jap laeiaa ||6||
They chant and meditate on the Ambrosial Name of the Lord. ||6||
Kojih koit AsµK bhuqu Anµq ky ]
khojehi kott asankh bahuth ananth kae ||
Uncounted millions, so many they are endless, search for Him.
ijsu buJwey Awip nyVw iqsu hy ]7]
aucwrx bu`Jwey
jis bujhaaeae aap naerraa this hae ||7||
But only that one, who understands his own self, sees God near at hand. ||7||
ivsru nwhI dwqwr Awpxw nwmu dyhu ]
visar naahee dhaathaar aapanaa naam dhaehu ||
Never forget me, O Great Giver - please bless me with Your Naam.
gux gwvw idnu rwiq nwnk cwau eyhu ]8]2]5]16]
gun gaavaa dhin raath naanak chaao eaehu ||8||2||5||16||
To sing Your Glorious Praises day and night - O Nanak, this is my heart-felt desire. ||8||2||5||16||