SGGSAng 363Raag AsaMahalla 319 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

Awsw mhlw 3 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw qIjw

aasaa mehalaa 3 ||

Aasaa, Third Mehl:

Bgiq rqw jnu shij suBwie ]

aucwrx r`qw; suBwie: 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj

bhagath rathaa jan sehaj subhaae ||

The Lord's humble servant is imbued with devotional love, effortlessly and spontaneously.

gur kY BY swcY swic smwie ]

gur kai bhai saachai saach samaae ||

Through awe and fear of the Guru, he is truly absorbed in the True One.

ibnu gur pUry Bgiq n hoie ]

bin gur poorae bhagath n hoe ||

Without the Perfect Guru, devotional love is not obtained.

mnmuK ruµny ApnI piq Koie ]1]

manamukh runnae apanee path khoe ||1||

The self-willed manmukhs lose their honor, and cry out in pain. ||1||

myry mn hir jip sdw iDAwie ]

maerae man har jap sadhaa dhhiaae ||

O my mind, chant the Lord's Name, and meditate on Him forever.

sdw Anµdu hovY idnu rwqI jo ieCY soeI Plu pwie ]1] rhwau ]

sadhaa anandh hovai dhin raathee jo eishhai soee fal paae ||1|| rehaao ||

You shall always be in ecstasy, day and night, and you shall obtain the fruits of your desires. ||1||Pause||

gur pUry qy pUrw pwey ]

gur poorae thae pooraa paaeae ||

Through the Perfect Guru, the Perfect Lord is obtained,

ihrdY sbdu scu nwmu vswey ]

hiradhai sabadh sach naam vasaaeae ||

And the Shabad, the True Name, is enshrined in the mind.

AMqru inrmlu AMimRq sir nwey ]

aucwrx nwey: 'n' Bwrw krky

anthar niramal anmrith sar naaeae ||

One who bathes in the Pool of Ambrosial Nectar becomes immaculately pure within.

sdw sUcy swic smwey ]2]

sadhaa soochae saach samaaeae ||2||

He becomes forever sanctified, and is absorbed in the True Lord. ||2||

hir pRBu vyKY sdw hjUir ]

har prabh vaekhai sadhaa hajoor ||

He sees the Lord God ever-present.

gurprswid rihAw BrpUir ]

gur parasaadh rehiaa bharapoor ||

By Guru's Grace, he sees the Lord permeating and pervading everywhere.

jhw jwau qh vyKw soie ]

jehaa jaao theh vaekhaa soe ||

Wherever I go, there I see Him.

gur ibnu dwqw Avru n koie ]3]

gur bin dhaathaa avar n koe ||3||

Without the Guru, there is no other Giver. ||3||

guru swgru pUrw Bµfwr ]

gur saagar pooraa bhanddaar ||

The Guru is the ocean, the perfect treasure,

aUqm rqn jvwhr Apwr ]

aucwrx j-vwhr

ootham rathan javaahar apaar ||

The most precious jewel and priceless ruby.

gurprswdI dyvxhwru ]

gur parasaadhee dhaevanehaar ||

By Guru's Grace, the Great Giver blesses us;

nwnk bKsy bKsxhwru ]4]9]48]

naanak bakhasae bakhasanehaar ||4||9||48||

O Nanak, the Forgiving Lord forgives us. ||4||9||48||