SGGSAng 1252Raag SarangKabir Ji10 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

rwjwsRm imiq nhI jwnI qyrI ]

aucwrx rw-jwsRm

raajaasram mith nehee jaanee thaeree ||

I do not know the limits of Your Royal Ashram.

qyry sMqn kI hau cyrI ]1] rhwau ]

thaerae santhan kee ho chaeree ||1|| rehaao ||

I am the humble slave of Your Saints. ||1||Pause||

hsqo jwie su rovqu AwvY rovqu jwie su hsY ]

hasatho jaae s rovath aavai rovath jaae s hasai ||

The one who goes laughing returns crying, and the one who goes crying returns laughing.

bsqo hoie hoie suo aUjru aUjru hoie su bsY ]1]

aucwrx sou: su bolo

basatho hoe hoe suo oojar oojar hoe s basai ||1||

What is inhabited becomes deserted, and what is deserted becomes inhabited. ||1||

jl qy Ql kir Ql qy kUAw kUp qy myru krwvY ]

jal thae thhal kar thhal thae kooaa koop thae maer karaavai ||

The water turns into a desert, the desert turns into a well, and the well turns into a mountain.

DrqI qy Awkws cFwvY cFy Akwis igrwvY ]2]

dhharathee thae aakaas chadtaavai chadtae akaas giraavai ||2||

From the earth, the mortal is exalted to the Akaashic ethers; and from the ethers on high, he is thrown down again. ||2||

ByKwrI qy rwju krwvY rwjw qy ByKwrI ]

bhaekhaaree thae raaj karaavai raajaa thae bhaekhaaree ||

The beggar is transformed into a king, and the king into a beggar.

Kl mUrK qy pMifqu kirbo pMifq qy mugDwrI ]3]

aucwrx Kl: polw bolo; mug-DwrI: 'd'-'D' dI sWJI Avwj

khal moorakh thae panddith karibo panddith thae mugadhhaaree ||3||

The idiotic fool is transformed into a Pandit, a religious scholar, and the Pandit into a fool. ||3||

nwrI qy jo purKu krwvY purKn qy jo nwrI ]

naaree thae jo purakh karaavai purakhan thae jo naaree ||

The woman is transformed into a man, and the men into women.

khu kbIr swDU ko pRIqmu iqsu mUriq bilhwrI ]4]2]

kahu kabeer saadhhoo ko preetham this moorath balihaaree ||4||2||

Says Kabeer, God is the Beloved of the Holy Saints. I am a sacrifice to His image. ||4||2||