SGGSAng 1252Raag SarangNaamdeyo Ji Ki20 linesBhagat Namdev Ji

swrµg bwxI nwmdyau jI kI

aucwrx swrµg: it`pI sihq bolo

saarang baanee naamadhaeo jee kee ||

Saarang, The Word Of Naam Dayv Jee:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

kweyN ry mn ibiKAw bn jwie ]

kaaeaen rae man bikhiaa ban jaae ||

O mortal, why are you going into the forest of corruption?

BUlO ry TgmUrI Kwie ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx Tg-mUrI

bhoola rae thagamooree khaae ||1|| rehaao ||

You have been misled into eating the toxic drug. ||1||Pause||

jYsy mInu pwnI mih rhY ]

jaisae meen paanee mehi rehai ||

You are like a fish living in the water;

kwl jwl kI suiD nhI lhY ]

kaal jaal kee sudhh nehee lehai ||

You do not see the net of death.

ijhbw suAwdI lIilq loh ]

jihabaa suaadhee leelith loh ||

Trying to taste the flavor, you swallow the hook.

AYsy kink kwmnI bwiDE moh ]1]

aisae kanik kaamanee baadhhiou moh ||1||

You are bound by attachment to wealth and woman. ||1||

ijau mDu mwKI sµcY Apwr ]

jio madhh maakhee sanchai apaar ||

The bee stores up loads of honey;

mDu lIno muiK dInI Cwru ]

madhh leeno mukh dheenee shhaar ||

Then someone comes and takes the honey, and throws dust in its mouth.

gaU bwC kau sµcY KIru ]

goo baashh ko sanchai kheer ||

The cow stores up loads of milk;

glw bWiD duih lyie AhIru ]2]

aucwrx glw: polw bolo; A-hIru

galaa baandhh dhuhi laee aheer ||2||

Then the milkman comes and ties it by its neck and milks it. ||2||

mwieAw kwrin sRmu Aiq krY ]

aucwrx Aiq: polw bolo

maaeiaa kaaran sram ath karai ||

For the sake of Maya, the mortal works very hard.

so mwieAw lY gwfY DrY ]

so maaeiaa lai gaaddai dhharai ||

He takes the wealth of Maya, and buries it in the ground.

Aiq sµcY smJY nhI mUV@ ]

aucwrx Aiq: polw bolo

ath sanchai samajhai nehee moorrh ||

He acquires so much, but the fool does not appreciate it.

Dnu DrqI qnu hoie gieE DUiV ]3]

dhhan dhharathee than hoe gaeiou dhhoorr ||3||

His wealth remains buried in the ground, while his body turns to dust. ||3||

kwm kRoD iqRsnw Aiq jrY ]

aucwrx Aiq: polw bolo; jrY: polw bolo

kaam krodhh thrisanaa ath jarai ||

He burns in tremendous sexual desire, unresolved anger and desire.

swDsµgiq kbhU nhI krY ]

saadhhasangath kabehoo nehee karai ||

He never joins the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

khq nwmdyau qw cI Awix ]

aucwrx qw cI: v`Krw krky

kehath naamadhaeo thaa chee aan ||

Says Naam Dayv, seek God's Shelter;

inrBY hoie BjIAY Bgvwn ]4]1]

aucwrx inr-BY; BjIAY: polw bolo

nirabhai hoe bhajeeai bhagavaan ||4||1||

Be fearless, and vibrate on the Lord God. ||4||1||