SGGSAng 1251Raag SarangKabir Ji12 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

rwgu swrµg bwxI BgqW kI kbIr jI

aucwrx swrµg: it`pI sihq bolo

raag saarang baanee bhagathaan kee ||

Raag Saarang, The Word Of The Devotees.

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

khw nr grbis QorI bwq ]

aucwrx QorI: 'r' nwl bolo

kehaa nar garabas thhoree baath ||

O mortal, why are you so proud of small things?

mn ds nwju tkw cwir gWTI AYNfO tyFO jwqu ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx tkw: polw bolo

man dhas naaj ttakaa chaar gaanthee ainadda ttaedta jaath ||1|| rehaao ||

With a few pounds of grain and a few coins in your pocket, you are totally puffed up with pride. ||1||Pause||

bhuqu pRqwpu gWau sau pwey duie lK tkw brwq ]

aucwrx tkw: polw bolo

bahuth prathaap gaano so paaeae dhue lakh ttakaa baraath ||

With great pomp and ceremony, you control a hundred villages, with an income of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

idvs cwir kI krhu swihbI jYsy bn hr pwq ]1]

dhivas chaar kee karahu saahibee jaisae ban har paath ||1||

The power you exert will last for only a few days, like the green leaves of the forest. ||1||

nw koaU lY AwieE iehu Dnu nw koaU lY jwqu ]

naa kooo lai aaeiou eihu dhhan naa kooo lai jaath ||

No one has brought this wealth with him, and no one will take it with him when he goes.

rwvn hUµ qy AiDk CqRpiq iKn mih gey iblwq ]2]

raavan hoon thae adhhik shhathrapath khin mehi geae bilaath ||2||

Emperors, even greater than Raawan, passed away in an instant. ||2||

hir ky sMq sdw iQru pUjhu jo hir nwmu jpwq ]

har kae santh sadhaa thhir poojahu jo har naam japaath ||

The Lord's Saints are steady and stable forever; they worship and adore Him, and chant the Lord's Name.

ijn kau ikRpw krq hY goibdu qy sqsµig imlwq ]3]

jin ko kirapaa karath hai gobidh thae sathasang milaath ||3||

Those who are mercifully blessed by the Lord of the Universe, join the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation. ||3||

mwq ipqw binqw suq sµpiq AMiq n clq sµgwq ]

maath pithaa banithaa suth sanpath anth n chalath sangaath ||

Mother, father, spouse, children and wealth will not go along with you in the end.

khq kbIru rwm Bju baury jnmu AkwrQ jwq ]4]1]

aucwrx Bju: polw bolo; A-kwrQ

kehath kabeer raam bhaj bourae janam akaarathh jaath ||4||1||

Says Kabeer, meditate and vibrate on the Lord, O madman. Your life is uselessly wasting away. ||4||1||