SGGSAng 349Raag AsaMahalla 119 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw

aasaa mehalaa 1 ||

Aasaa, First Mehl:

AwKw jIvw ivsrY mir jwau ]

aucwrx ieQy, Awsw rwg ivc vI, rihrws vwly SbdW dy kuJ Byd hn, ienHw nUµ iKAwl nwl bolo[[

aakhaa jeevaa visarai mar jaao ||

Chanting the Name, I live; forgetting it, I die.

AwKix AauKw swcw nwau ]

aakhan aoukhaa saachaa naao ||

It is so difficult to chant the True Name.

swcy nwm kI lwgY BUK ]

saachae naam kee laagai bhookh ||

If someone feels hunger for the True Name,

iqqu BUKY Kwie clIAih dUK ]1]

aucwrx ieQy 'iqqu' pwT AwieAw hY

thith bhookhai khaae chaleeahi dhookh ||1||

Then that hunger shall consume his pains. ||1||

so ikau ivsrY myrI mwie ]

so kio visarai maeree maae ||

So how could I ever forget Him, O my Mother?

swcw swihbu swcY nwie ]1] rhwau ]

saachaa saahib saachai naae ||1|| rehaao ||

True is the Master, and True is His Name. ||1||Pause||

swcy nwm kI iqlu vifAweI ]

saachae naam kee thil vaddiaaee ||

People have grown weary of trying to appraise the greatness of the True Name,

AwiK Qky kImiq nhI pweI ]

aakh thhakae keemath nehee paaee ||

But they have not been able to appraise even an iota of it.

jy siB imil kY AwKx pwih ]

jae sabh mil kai aakhan paahi ||

Even if they were all to meet together and recount them,

vfw n hovY Gwit n jwie ]2]

vaddaa n hovai ghaatt n jaae ||2||

You would not be made any greater or lesser. ||2||

nw Ehu mrY n hovY sogu ]

naa ouhu marai n hovai sog ||

He does not die - there is no reason to mourn.

dyNdw rhY n cUkY Bogu ]

dhaenadhaa rehai n chookai bhog ||

He continues to give, but His Provisions are never exhausted.

guxu eyho horu nwhI koie ]

gun eaeho hor naahee koe ||

This Glorious Virtue is His alone - no one else is like Him;

nw ko hoAw nw ko hoie ]3]

naa ko hoaa naa ko hoe ||3||

There has never been anyone like Him, and there never shall be. ||3||

jyvfu Awip qyvf qyrI dwiq ]

jaevadd aap thaevadd thaeree dhaath ||

As Great as You Yourself are, so Great are Your Gifts.

ijin idnu kir kY kIqI rwiq ]

jin dhin kar kai keethee raath ||

It is You who created day and night as well.

Ksmu ivswrih qy kmjwiq ]

khasam visaarehi thae kamajaath ||

Those who forget their Lord and Master are vile and despicable.

nwnk nwvY bwJu snwiq ]4]2]

naanak naavai baajh sanaath ||4||2||

O Nanak, without the Name, people are wretched outcasts. ||4||2||