Bhai Gurdas JiAng 30Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 308 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

7: sc Aqy kUV

Truth and falsehood

scu sohY isr pg ijau koJw kUVu kuQwie kCotw ]

sachu sohai sir pag jiu kojhaa koorhu kudaai kachhotaa.

The truth adorns the head like a turban but the falsehood is like a loincloth which remains in an untidy place.

scu sqwxw swrdUlu kUVu ijvY hIxw hrxotw ]

sachu sataanaa saaradoolu koorhu jivai heenaa haranotaa.

The truth is a potent lion and the falsehood is like an abased deer.

lwhw scu vxMjIAY kUVu ik vxjhu AwvY qotw ]

laahaa sachu vananjeeai koorhu ki vanajahu aavai totaa.

Transactions of truth bring gains whereas the trading in falsehood brings nothing but loss.

scu Krw swbwis hY kUVu n clY dmVw Kotw ]

sachu kharaa saabaasi hai koorhu n chalai damarhaa khotaa.

Truth being pure earns applause but the falsehood like a counter coin does not get circulated.

qwry lK AmwvsY Gyir Anyir cnwiexu hotw ]

taaray lakh amaavasai ghayri anayri chanaainu hotaa.

In the no-moon night, millions of stars remain there (in the sky) but the scarcity of light persists and pitch darkness prevails.

sUrj iek cVHMidAw hoie AT KMf pvY PlPotw ]

sooraj iku charhanhadiaa hoi atd khand pavai phaladhotaa.

With the rise of the sun the darkness dispells in all the eight directions.

kUVu scu ijauN vtu GVotw ]7]

koorhu sachu jioun vatu gharhotaa ||7||

The relationship between the false hood and the truth is similar to the relation of the pitcher and the stone.