Bhai Gurdas JiAng 30Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 308 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

8: s`c Aqy kUV

Truth and falsehood

suhxy swmrqK ijau kUVu scu vrqY vrqwrw ]

suhanay saamaratakh jiu koorhu sachu varatai varataaraa.

Falsehood to truth is the same as dream to reality.

hir cMdaurI ngr vWgu kUVu scu prgtu pwhwrw ]

hari chandauree nagar vaangu koorhu sachu paragatu paahaaraa.

The falsehood is like imaginary city in the sky whereas the truth is like manifest world.

ndI pCwvW mwxsw isr qlvwieAw AMbru qwrw ]

nadee pachhaavaan maanasaa sir talavaaiaa anbaru taaraa.

Falsehood is like the shadow of men in the river, where the image of trees, stars is inverted.

DUAru DuMDUkwru hoie quil n Gxhir vrsxhwrw ]

dhooaru dhoundhookaaru hoi tuli n ghanahari varasanahaaraa.

Smoke also creates mist but this darkness is not similar to the darkness caused by rain clouds.

swau n ismrix sMkrY dIpk bwJu n imtY AMDwrw ]

saau n simarani sankarai deepak baajhu n mitai andhaaraa.

As remembrance of sugar does not bring forth the sweet taste, the darkness cannot be dispelled without lamp.

lVy n kwgil iliKAw icqu icqyry sY hQIAwrw ]

larhay n kaagali likhiaa chitu chitayray sai hadeeaaraa.

The warrior can never fight adopting the weapons printed on paper.

scu kUVu krqUiq vIcwrw ]8]

sachu koorhu karatooti veechaaraa ||8||

Such are the actions of the truth and the falsehood.