Bhai Gurdas JiAng 30Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 308 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

6: s`c Aqy kUV

Truth and falsehood

gurmuiK scu surMg hY mUl mjIT n tlY tlMdw ]

guramoukhi sachu surangu hai moolu majeetd n talai taladaa.

Truth in the form of gurmukhs is such a beautiful madder colour which never fades.

mnmuK kUVu kurMg hY Pul kusuMBY iQr n rhMdw ]

manamoukhu koorhu kurang hai phul kousounbhai dir n rahandaa.

The colour of mind oriented, manmukh, is like the colour of safflower which soon fades away.

Qom kQUrI vwsu lY nku mroVY min BwvMdw ]

dom kadooree vaasu lai naku marorhai mani bhaavandaa.

The falsehood, as against truth, is like garlic contrasted to musk. At the smell of the former the nose is turned away whereas the latter's fragrance is pleasing to mind.

kUVu scu Ak AMb Pl kauVw imTw swau lhMdw ]

koorhu sachu ak anb phal kaurhaa mitdaa saau lahandaa.

Falsehood and truth are like akk, the wild plant of sandy region and mango tree which bear bitter and sweet fruits respectively.

swh cor sc kUVu hY swhu svY coru iPrY BvMdw ]

saah chor sachu koorhu hai saahu savai choru dhirai bhavandaa.

Truth and falsehood are like the bankar and the thief; the banker sleeps comfortably whereas the thief roams about hither and thither.

swh PVY auiT cor no iqs nukswn dIbwx krMdw ]

saah dharhai outdi chor no tisu noukasaan deebaanu karandaa.

The banker catches hold of the thief and gets him further punished in the courts.

scu kUVY lY inhix bhMdw ]6]

sachu koorhai lai nihani bahandaa ||6||

The truth ultimately puts shackles around the falsehood.