2: guru nwnk ny ikvyN bcwieAw ?
The true Guru arranged the glimpse of the imperceptible ?
pr qn pr Dn pr inMd myit nwmu dwnu iesnwnu idVwieAw ]
paratan paradhan paranid mayti naamu daanu isanaanu dirhaaiaa.
Holding (me) back from other's body, wealth and slander, the true Guru, has made me resolute for the practice of meditation on Lord's name, ablution and charity.
gurmiq mnu smJwiekY bwhir jWdw vrij rhwieAw ]
guramati manu samajhaai kai baahari jaandaa varaji rahaaiaa.
People also making their minds understand through the teaching of the Gum have restrained it from going astray.
min ijqY jgu ijix lieAw AstDwqu iekDwqu krwieAw ]
mani jitai jagu jini laiaa asat dhaatu ik dhaatu karaaiaa.
As the eight metals touching the philosopher's stone become gold, similarly, the gurmukhs, having conquered their mind have conquered the whole world.
pwrs hoey pwrshu gur aupdysu Avysu idKwieAw ]
paaras hoay paarasahu gur oupadaysu avaysu dikhaaiaa.
Such is the effect of the Guru's teaching that the Sikh acquires the same qualifies as if a stone by touching a philosopher's stone has itself become another philosopher's stone.
jog Bog ijix jugiq kir Bwie Bgiq BY Awpu gvwieAw ]
jog bhog jini jougati kari bhaai bhagati bhai aapu gavaaiaa.
Systematically, having won yoga as well as pleasures and getting immersed in devotion they have lost their fears.
Awpu gieAw Awip vriqAw Bgiq vCl hoie vsgiq AwieAw ]
aapu gaiaa aapi varatiaa bhagati vachhal hoi vasagati aaiaa.
When the ego vanished, God was not only realized as diffused all around, but also because of love for His devotees
swDsMgiq ivic AlKu lKwieAw ]2]
saadhasangati vichi alakhu lakhaaiaa ||2||
He came under their control.