SGGSAng 359Raag AsaMahalla 111 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw

aasaa mehalaa 1 ||

Aasaa, First Mehl:

kIqw hovY kry krwieAw iqsu ikAw khIAY BweI ]

keethaa hovai karae karaaeiaa this kiaa keheeai bhaaee ||

The created being acts as he is made to act; what can be said to him, O Siblings of Destiny?

jo ikCu krxw so kir rihAw kIqy ikAw cqurweI ]1]

jo kishh karanaa so kar rehiaa keethae kiaa chathuraaee ||1||

Whatever the Lord is to do, He is doing; what cleverness could be used to affect Him? ||1||

qyrw hukmu Blw quDu BwvY ]

thaeraa hukam bhalaa thudhh bhaavai ||

The Order of Your Will is so sweet, O Lord; this is pleasing to You.

nwnk qw kau imlY vfweI swcy nwim smwvY ]1] rhwau ]

naanak thaa ko milai vaddaaee saachae naam samaavai ||1|| rehaao ||

O Nanak, he alone is honored with greatness, who is absorbed in the True Name. ||1||Pause||

ikrqu pieAw prvwxw iliKAw bwhuiV hukmu n hoeI ]

kirath paeiaa paravaanaa likhiaa baahurr hukam n hoee ||

The deeds are done according to pre-ordained destiny; no one can turn back this Order.

jYsw iliKAw qYsw piVAw myit n skY koeI ]2]

jaisaa likhiaa thaisaa parriaa maett n sakai koee ||2||

As it is written, so it comes to pass; no one can erase it. ||2||

jy ko drgh bhuqw bolY nwau pvY bwjwrI ]

jae ko dharageh bahuthaa bolai naao pavai baajaaree ||

He who talks on and on in the Lord's Court is known as a joker.

sqrµj bwjI pkY nwhI kcI AwvY swrI ]3]

aucwrx p`kY

satharanj baajee pakai naahee kachee aavai saaree ||3||

He is not successful in the game of chess, and his chessmen do not reach their goal. ||3||

nw ko piVAw pMifqu bInw nw ko mUrKu mMdw ]

naa ko parriaa panddith beenaa naa ko moorakh mandhaa ||

By himself, no one is literate, learned or wise; no one is ignorant or evil.

bµdI AMdir isPiq krwey qw kau khIAY bMdw ]4]2]36]

bandhee andhar sifath karaaeae thaa ko keheeai bandhaa ||4||2||36||

When, as a slave, one praises the Lord, only then is he known as a human being. ||4||2||36||