SGGSAng 359Raag AsaMahalla 111 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw

aasaa mehalaa 1 ||

Aasaa, First Mehl:

gur kw sbdu mnY mih muMdRw iKMQw iKmw hFwvau ]

gur kaa sabadh manai mehi mundhraa khinthhaa khimaa hadtaavo ||

Let the Word of the Guru's Shabad be the ear-rings in your mind, and wear the patched coat of tolerance.

jo ikCu krY Blw kir mwnau shj jog iniD pwvau ]1]

aucwrx in`iD

jo kishh karai bhalaa kar maano sehaj jog nidhh paavo ||1||

Whatever the Lord does, look upon that as good; thus you shall obtain the treasure of Sehj Yoga. ||1||

bwbw jugqw jIau jugh jug jogI prm qMq mih jogµ ]

baabaa jugathaa jeeo jugeh jug jogee param thanth mehi jogan ||

O father, the soul which is united in union as a Yogi, remains united in the supreme essence throughout the ages.

AMimRqu nwmu inrµjn pwieAw igAwn kwieAw rs Bogµ ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx kWieAW

anmrith naam niranjan paaeiaa giaan kaaeiaa ras bhogan ||1|| rehaao ||

One who has obtained the Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Immaculate Lord - his body enjoys the pleasure of spiritual wisdom. ||1||Pause||

isv ngrI mih Awsix bYsau klp iqAwgI bwdµ ]

aucwrx klp: polw bolo (ASuD: kl`p)

siv nagaree mehi aasan baiso kalap thiaagee baadhan ||

In the Lord's City, he sits in his Yogic posture, and he forsakes his desires and conflicts.

isM|I sbdu sdw Duin sohY Aihinis pUrY nwdµ ]2]

sinn(g)ee sabadh sadhaa dhhun sohai ahinis poorai naadhan ||2||

The sound of the horn ever rings out its beautiful melody, and day and night, he is filled with the sound current of the Naad. ||2||

pqu vIcwru igAwn miq fMfw vrqmwn ibBUqµ ]

aucwrx p`qu; m`iq; ibBUqµ: 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj

path veechaar giaan math ddanddaa varathamaan bibhoothan ||

My cup is reflective meditation, and spiritual wisdom is my walking stick; to dwell in the Lord's Presence is the ashes I apply to my body.

hir kIriq rhrwis hmwrI gurmuiK pMQu AqIqµ ]3]

har keerath reharaas hamaaree guramukh panthh atheethan ||3||

The Praise of the Lord is my occupation; and to live as Gurmukh is my pure religion. ||3||

sglI joiq hmwrI sµimAw nwnw vrn Anykµ ]

aucwrx nwnw: pihlw 'n' Bwrw krky

sagalee joth hamaaree sanmiaa naanaa varan anaekan ||

My arm-rest is to see the Lord's Light in all, although their forms and colors are so numerous.

khu nwnk suix BrQir jogI pwrbRhm ilv eykµ ]4]3]37]

aucwrx pwr-bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

kahu naanak sun bharathhar jogee paarabreham liv eaekan ||4||3||37||

Says Nanak, listen, O Bharthari Yogi: love only the Supreme Lord God. ||4||3||37||