SGGSAng 359Raag AsaMahalla 112 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

Awsw Gru 6 mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx Awsw Gru Cyvw mh`lw pihlw

aasaa ghar 6 mehalaa 1 ||

Aasaa, Sixth House, First Mehl:

mnu moqI jy ghxw hovY pauxu hovY sUq DwrI ]

man mothee jae gehanaa hovai poun hovai sooth dhhaaree ||

If the pearl of the mind is strung like a jewel on the thread of the breath,

iKmw sIgwru kwmix qin pihrY rwvY lwl ipAwrI ]1]

khimaa seegaar kaaman than pehirai raavai laal piaaree ||1||

And the soul-bride adorns her body with compassion, then the Beloved Lord will enjoy His lovely bride. ||1||

lwl bhu guix kwmix mohI ]

laal bahu gun kaaman mohee ||

O my Love, I am fascinated by Your many glories;

qyry gux hoih n AvrI ]1] rhwau ]

thaerae gun hohi n avaree ||1|| rehaao ||

Your Glorious Virtues are not found in any other. ||1||Pause||

hir hir hwru kµiT ly pihrY dwmodru dMqu lyeI ]

har har haar kanth lae pehirai dhaamodhar dhanth laeee ||

If the bride wears the garland of the Lord's Name, Har, Har, around her neck, and if she uses the toothbrush of the Lord;

kr kir krqw kMgn pihrY ien ibiD icqu DryeI ]2]

kar kar karathaa kangan pehirai ein bidhh chith dhharaeee ||2||

And if she fashions and wears the bracelet of the Creator Lord around her wrist, then she shall hold her consciousness steady. ||2||

mDusUdnu kr muMdrI pihrY prmysru ptu lyeI ]

aucwrx p`tu

madhhusoodhan kar mundharee pehirai paramaesar patt laeee ||

She should make the Lord, the Slayer of demons, her ring, and take the Transcendent Lord as her silken clothes.

DIrju DVI bµDwvY kwmix sRI rMgu surmw dyeI ]3]

dhheeraj dhharree bandhhaavai kaaman sreerang suramaa dhaeee ||3||

The soul-bride should weave patience into the braids of her hair, and apply the lotion of the Lord, the Great Lover. ||3||

mn mMdir jy dIpku jwly kwieAw syj kryeI ]

aucwrx kWieAW

man mandhar jae dheepak jaalae kaaeiaa saej karaeee ||

If she lights the lamp in the mansion of her mind, and makes her body the bed of the Lord,

igAwnrwau jb syjY AwvY q nwnk Bogu kryeI ]4]1]35]

giaan raao jab saejai aavai th naanak bhog karaeee ||4||1||35||

Then, when the King of spiritual wisdom comes to her bed, He shall take her, and enjoy her. ||4||1||35||