SGGSAng 1026Raag MaruSolhey Mahalla 149 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

mwrU mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pihlw

maaroo mehalaa 1 ||

Maaroo, First Mehl:

kyqy jug vrqy gubwrY ]

kaethae jug varathae gubaarai ||

For many ages, only darkness prevailed;

qwVI lweI Apr ApwrY ]

aucwrx Apr: polw bolo (ASuD: A-pr)

thaarree laaee apar apaarai ||

The infinite, endless Lord was absorbed in the primal void.

DuµDUkwir inrwlmu bYTw nw qid DMDu pswrw hy ]1]

dhhundhhookaar niraalam baithaa naa thadh dhhandhh pasaaraa hae ||1||

He sat alone and unaffected in absolute darkness; the world of conflict did not exist. ||1||

jug CqIh iqnY vrqwey ]

jug shhatheeh thinai varathaaeae ||

Thirty-six ages passed like this.

ijau iqsu Bwxw iqvY clwey ]

jio this bhaanaa thivai chalaaeae ||

He causes all to happen by the Pleasure of His Will.

iqsih srIku n dIsY koeI Awpy Apr Apwrw hy ]2]

aucwrx Apr: polw bolo (ASuD: A-pr)

thisehi sareek n dheesai koee aapae apar apaaraa hae ||2||

No rival of His can be seen. He Himself is infinite and endless. ||2||

gupqy bUJhu jug cquAwry ]

aucwrx bU`Jhu; cqu-Awry

gupathae boojhahu jug chathuaarae ||

God is hidden throughout the four ages - understand this well.

Git Git vrqY audr mJwry ]

ghatt ghatt varathai oudhar majhaarae ||

He pervades each and every heart, and is contained within the belly.

jugu jugu eykw eykI vrqY koeI bUJY gur vIcwrw hy ]3]

aucwrx bU`JY

jug jug eaekaa eaekee varathai koee boojhai gur veechaaraa hae ||3||

The One and Only Lord prevails throughout the ages. How rare are those who contemplate the Guru, and understand this. ||3||

ibMdu rkqu imil ipMfu srIAw ]

bindh rakath mil pindd sareeaa ||

From the union of the sperm and the egg, the body was formed.

pauxu pwxI AgnI imil jIAw ]

poun paanee aganee mil jeeaa ||

From the union of air, water and fire, the living being is made.

Awpy coj kry rMg mhlI hor mwieAw moh pswrw hy ]4]

aapae choj karae rang mehalee hor maaeiaa moh pasaaraa hae ||4||

He Himself plays joyfully in the mansion of the body; all the rest is just attachment to Maya's expanse. ||4||

grB kuµfl mih aurD iDAwnI ]

garabh kunddal mehi ouradhh dhhiaanee ||

Within the mother's womb, upside-down, the mortal meditated on God.

Awpy jwxY AMqrjwmI ]

aapae jaanai antharajaamee ||

The Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts, knows everything.

swis swis scu nwmu smwly AMqir audr mJwrw hy ]5]

saas saas sach naam samaalae anthar oudhar majhaaraa hae ||5||

With each and every breath, he contemplated the True Name, deep within himself, within the womb. ||5||

cwir pdwrQ lY jig AwieAw ]

chaar padhaarathh lai jag aaeiaa ||

He came into the world to obtain the four great blessings.

isv skqI Gir vwsw pwieAw ]

siv sakathee ghar vaasaa paaeiaa ||

He came to dwell in the home of the Shiva and Shakti, energy and matter.

eyku ivswry qw ipV hwry AMDulY nwmu ivswrw hy ]6]

eaek visaarae thaa pirr haarae andhhulai naam visaaraa hae ||6||

But he forgot the One Lord, and he has lost the game. The blind person forgets the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||6||

bwlku mrY bwlk kI lIlw ]

aucwrx lIlw: Bwrw krky

baalak marai baalak kee leelaa ||

The child dies in his childish games.

kih kih rovih bwlu rMgIlw ]

kehi kehi rovehi baal rangeelaa ||

They cry and mourn, saying that he was such a playful child.

ijskw sw so iqnhI lIAw BUlw rovxhwrw hy ]7]

jis kaa saa so thin hee leeaa bhoolaa rovanehaaraa hae ||7||

The Lord who owns him has taken him back. Those who weep and mourn are mistaken. ||7||

Bir jobin mir jwih ik kIjY ]

bhar joban mar jaahi k keejai ||

What can they do, if he dies in his youth?

myrw myrw kir rovIjY ]

maeraa maeraa kar roveejai ||

They cry out, “His is mine, he is mine!”

mwieAw kwrix roie ivgUcih iDRgu jIvxu sMswrw hy ]8]

aucwrx iv-gUcih

maaeiaa kaaran roe vigoochehi dhhrig jeevan sansaaraa hae ||8||

They cry for the sake of Maya, and are ruined; their lives in this world are cursed. ||8||

kwlI hU Puin Dauly Awey ]

aucwrx kwlI: polw bolo

kaalee hoo fun dhhoulae aaeae ||

Their black hair eventually turns grey.

ivxu nwvY gQu gieAw gvwey ]

vin naavai gathh gaeiaa gavaaeae ||

Without the Name, they lose their wealth, and then leave.

durmiq AMDulw ibnis ibnwsY mUTy roie pUkwrw hy ]9]

dhuramath andhhulaa binas binaasai moothae roe pookaaraa hae ||9||

They are evil-minded and blind - they are totally ruined; they are plundered, and cry out in pain. ||9||

Awpu vIcwir n rovY koeI ]

aap veechaar n rovai koee ||

One who understands himself, does not cry.

siqguru imlY q soJI hoeI ]

sathigur milai th sojhee hoee ||

When he meets the True Guru, then he understands.

ibnu gur bjr kpwt n KUlih sbid imlY insqwrw hy ]10]

aucwrx kpwt: polw bolo (ASuD: kp`wt)

bin gur bajar kapaatt n khoolehi sabadh milai nisathaaraa hae ||10||

Without the Guru, the heavy, hard doors are not opened. Obtaining the Word of the Shabad, one is emancipated. ||10||

ibriD BieAw qnu CIjY dyhI ]

biradhh bhaeiaa than shheejai dhaehee ||

The body grows old, and is beaten out of shape.

rwmu n jpeI AMiq snyhI ]

raam n japee anth sanaehee ||

But he does not meditate on the Lord, His only friend, even at the end.

nwmu ivswir clY muih kwlY drgh JUTu KuAwrw hy ]11]

aucwrx c`lY

naam visaar chalai muhi kaalai dharageh jhooth khuaaraa hae ||11||

Forgetting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, he departs with his face blackened. The false are humiliated in the Court of the Lord. ||11||

nwmu ivswir clY kUiVAwro ]

aucwrx c`lY

naam visaar chalai koorriaaro ||

Forgetting the Naam, the false ones depart.

Awvq jwq pVY isir Cwro ]

aucwrx pVY: polw bolo

aavath jaath parrai sir shhaaro ||

Coming and going, dust falls on their heads.

swhurVY Gir vwsu n pwey pyeIAVY isir mwrw hy ]12]

saahurarrai ghar vaas n paaeae paeeearrai sir maaraa hae ||12||

The soul-bride finds no home in her in-laws' home, the world hereafter; she suffers in agony in this world of her parents' home. ||12||

KwjY pYJY rlI krIjY ]

khaajai paijhai ralee kareejai ||

She eats, dresses and plays joyfully,

ibnu AB BgqI bwid mrIjY ]

bin abh bhagathee baadh mareejai ||

But without loving devotional worship of the Lord, she dies uselessly.

sr Apsr kI swr n jwxY jmu mwry ikAw cwrw hy ]13]

aucwrx Ap-sr

sar apasar kee saar n jaanai jam maarae kiaa chaaraa hae ||13||

One who does not distinguish between good and evil, is beaten by the Messenger of Death; how can anyone escape this? ||13||

privrqI nrivriq pCwxY ]

aucwrx pr-ivrqI

paravirathee naravirath pashhaanai ||

One who realizes what he has to possess, and what he has to abandon,

gur kY sµig sbid Gru jwxY ]

gur kai sang sabadh ghar jaanai ||

Associating with the Guru, comes to know the Word of the Shabad, within the home of his own self.

ikshI mMdw AwiK n clY sic Krw sicAwrw hy ]14]

aucwrx c`lY

kis hee mandhaa aakh n chalai sach kharaa sachiaaraa hae ||14||

Do not call anyone else bad; follow this way of life. Those who are true are judged to be genuine by the True Lord. ||14||

swc ibnw dir isJY n koeI ]

saach binaa dhar sijhai n koee ||

Without Truth, no one succeeds in the Court of the Lord.

swc sbid pYJY piq hoeI ]

saach sabadh paijhai path hoee ||

Through the True Shabad, one is robed in honor.

Awpy bKis ley iqsu BwvY haumY grbu invwrw hy ]15]

aapae bakhas leae this bhaavai houmai garab nivaaraa hae ||15||

He forgives those with whom He is pleased; they silence their egotism and pride. ||15||

gur ikrpw qy hukmu pCwxY ]

gur kirapaa thae hukam pashhaanai ||

One who realizes the Hukam of God's Command, by the Grace of the Guru,

jugh jugµqr kI ibiD jwxY ]

jugeh juganthar kee bidhh jaanai ||

Comes to know the lifestyle of the ages.

nwnk nwmu jphu qru qwrI scu qwry qwrxhwrw hy ]16]1]7]

naanak naam japahu thar thaaree sach thaarae thaaranehaaraa hae ||16||1||7||

O Nanak, chant the Naam, and cross over to the other side. The True Lord will carry you across. ||16||1||7||