SGGSAng 1025Raag MaruSolhey Mahalla 149 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

mwrU mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pihlw

maaroo mehalaa 1 ||

Maaroo, First Mehl:

Awpy krqw purKu ibDwqw ]

aapae karathaa purakh bidhhaathaa ||

He Himself is the Creator Lord, the Architect of Destiny.

ijin Awpy Awip aupwie pCwqw ]

jin aapae aap oupaae pashhaathaa ||

He evaluates those whom He Himself has created.

Awpy siqguru Awpy syvku Awpy isRsit aupweI hy ]1]

aapae sathigur aapae saevak aapae srisatt oupaaee hae ||1||

He Himself is the True Guru, and He Himself is the servant; He Himself created the Universe. ||1||

Awpy nyVY nwhI dUry ]

aapae naerrai naahee dhoorae ||

He is near at hand, not far away.

bUJih gurmuiK sy jn pUry ]

aucwrx bU`Jih

boojhehi guramukh sae jan poorae ||

The Gurmukhs understand Him; perfect are those humble beings.

iqn kI sµgiq Aihinis lwhw gur sµgiq eyh vfweI hy ]2]

thin kee sangath ahinis laahaa gur sangath eaeh vaddaaee hae ||2||

Associating with them night and day is profitable. This is the glorious greatness of associating with the Guru. ||2||

juig juig sMq Bly pRB qyry ]

jug jug santh bhalae prabh thaerae ||

Throughout the ages, Your Saints are holy and sublime, O God.

hir gux gwvih rsn rsyry ]

har gun gaavehi rasan rasaerae ||

They sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, savoring it with their tongues.

ausqiq krih prhir duKu dwldu ijn nwhI icMq prweI hy ]3]

ousathath karehi parehar dhukh dhaaladh jin naahee chinth paraaee hae ||3||

They chant His Praises, and their pain and poverty are taken away; they are not afraid of anyone else. ||3||

Eie jwgq rhih n sUqy dIsih ]

oue jaagath rehehi n soothae dheesehi ||

They remain awake and aware, and do not appear to sleep.

sµgiq kul qwry swcu prIsih ]

sangath kul thaarae saach pareesehi ||

They serve up Truth, and so save their companions and relatives.

kilml mYlu nwhI qy inrml Eie rhih Bgiq ilv lweI hy ]4]

kalimal mail naahee thae niramal oue rehehi bhagath liv laaee hae ||4||

They are not stained with the filth of sins; they are immaculate and pure, and remain absorbed in loving devotional worship. ||4||

bUJhu hirjn siqgur bwxI ]

aucwrx bU`Jhu

boojhahu har jan sathigur baanee ||

O humble servants of the Lord, understand the Word of the Guru's Bani.

eyhu jobnu swsu hY dyh purwxI ]

eaehu joban saas hai dhaeh puraanee ||

This youth, breath and body shall pass away.

Awju kwil mir jweIAY pRwxI hir jpu jip irdY iDAweI hy ]5]

aaj kaal mar jaaeeai praanee har jap jap ridhai dhhiaaee hae ||5||

O mortal, you shall die today or tomorrow; chant, and meditate on the Lord within your heart. ||5||

Cofhu pRwxI kUV kbwVw ]

shhoddahu praanee koorr kabaarraa ||

O mortal, abandon falsehood and your worthless ways.

kUVu mwry kwlu auCwhwVw ]

aucwrx au-CwhwVw

koorr maarae kaal oushhaahaarraa ||

Death viciously kills the false beings.

swkq kUiV pcih min haumY duhu mwrig pcY pcweI hy ]6]

aucwrx pcY: polw bolo

saakath koorr pachehi man houmai dhuhu maarag pachai pachaaee hae ||6||

The faithless cynic is ruined through falsehood and his egotistical mind.On the path of duality, he rots away and decomposes. ||6||

Coifhu inMdw qwiq prweI ]

shhoddihu nindhaa thaath paraaee ||

Abandon slander and envy of others.

piV piV dJih swiq n AweI ]

parr parr dhajhehi saath n aaee ||

Reading and studying, they burn, and do not find tranquility.

imil sqsµgiq nwmu slwhhu Awqm rwmu sKweI hy ]7]

mil sathasangath naam salaahahu aatham raam sakhaaee hae ||7||

Joining the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, praise the Naam, the Name of the Lord. The Lord, the Supreme Soul, shall be your helper and companion. ||7||

Cofhu kwm kRoDu buirAweI ]

shhoddahu kaam krodhh buriaaee ||

Abandon sexual desire, anger and wickedness.

haumY DMDu Cofhu lµptweI ]

houmai dhhandhh shhoddahu lanpattaaee ||

Abandon your involvement in egotistical affairs and conflicts.

siqgur srix prhu qw aubrhu ieau qrIAY Bvjlu BweI hy ]8]

sathigur saran parahu thaa oubarahu eio thareeai bhavajal bhaaee hae ||8||

If you seek the Sanctuary of the True Guru, then you shall be saved. In this way you shall cross over the terrifying world-ocean, O Siblings of Destiny. ||8||

AwgY ibml ndI Agin ibKu Jylw ]

aucwrx ibml: polw bolo (ASuD: ibm`l)

aagai bimal nadhee agan bikh jhaelaa ||

In the hereafter, you shall have to cross over the fiery river of poisonous flames.

iqQY Avru n koeI jIau iekylw ]

thithhai avar n koee jeeo eikaelaa ||

No one else will be there; your soul shall be all alone.

BV BV Agin swgru dy lhrI piV dJih mnmuK qweI hy ]9]

bharr bharr agan saagar dhae leharee parr dhajhehi manamukh thaaee hae ||9||

The ocean of fire spits out waves of searing flames; the self-willed manmukhs fall into it, and are roasted there. ||9||

gur pih mukiq dwnu dy BwxY ]

gur pehi mukath dhaan dhae bhaanai ||

Liberation comes from the Guru; He grants this blessing by the Pleasure of His Will.

ijin pwieAw soeI ibiD jwxY ]

jin paaeiaa soee bidhh jaanai ||

He alone knows the way, who obtains it.

ijn pwieAw iqn pUChu BweI suKu siqgur syv kmweI hy ]10]

jin paaeiaa thin pooshhahu bhaaee sukh sathigur saev kamaaee hae ||10||

So ask one who has obtained it, O Siblings of Destiny. Serve the True Guru, and find peace. ||10||

gur ibnu auriJ mrih bykwrw ]

gur bin ourajh marehi baekaaraa ||

Without the Guru, he dies entangled in sin and corruption.

jmu isir mwry kry KuAwrw ]

jam sir maarae karae khuaaraa ||

The Messenger of Death smashes his head and humiliates him.

bwDy mukiq nwhI nr inMdk fUbih inMd prweI hy ]11]

baadhhae mukath naahee nar nindhak ddoobehi nindh paraaee hae ||11||

The slanderous person is not freed of his bonds; he is drowned, slandering others. ||11||

bolhu swcu pCwxhu AMdir ]

bolahu saach pashhaanahu andhar ||

So speak the Truth, and realize the Lord deep within.

dUir nwhI dyKhu kir nµdir ]

dhoor naahee dhaekhahu kar nandhar ||

He is not far away; look, and see Him.

ibGnu nwhI gurmuiK qru qwrI ieau Bvjlu pwir lµGweI hy ]12]

bighan naahee guramukh thar thaaree eio bhavajal paar langhaaee hae ||12||

No obstacles shall block your way; become Gurmukh, and cross over to the other side. This is the way to cross over the terrifying world-ocean. ||12||

dyhI AMdir nwmu invwsI ]

dhaehee andhar naam nivaasee ||

The Naam, the Name of the Lord, abides deep within the body.

Awpy krqw hY AibnwsI ]

aapae karathaa hai abinaasee ||

The Creator Lord is eternal and imperishable.

nw jIau mrY n mwirAw jweI kir dyKY sbid rjweI hy ]13]

aucwrx rjweI: polw bolo

naa jeeo marai n maariaa jaaee kar dhaekhai sabadh rajaaee hae ||13||

The soul does not die, and it cannot be killed; God creates and watches over all. Through the Word of the Shabad, His Will is manifest. ||13||

Ehu inrmlu hY nwhI AMiDAwrw ]

ouhu niramal hai naahee andhhiaaraa ||

He is immaculate, and has no darkness.

Ehu Awpy qKiq bhY sicAwrw ]

ouhu aapae thakhath behai sachiaaraa ||

The True Lord Himself sits upon His throne.

swkq kUVy bµiD BvweIAih mir jnmih AweI jweI hy ]14]

saakath koorrae bandhh bhavaaeeahi mar janamehi aaee jaaee hae ||14||

The faithless cynics are bound and gagged, and forced to wander in reincarnation. They die, and are reborn, and continue coming and going. ||14||

gur ky syvk siqgur ipAwry ]

gur kae saevak sathigur piaarae ||

The Guru's servants are the Beloveds of the True Guru.

Eie bYsih qKiq su sbdu vIcwry ]

oue baisehi thakhath s sabadh veechaarae ||

Contemplating the Shabad, they sit upon His throne.

qqu lhih AMqrgiq jwxih sqsµgiq swcu vfweI hy ]15]

thath lehehi antharagath jaanehi sathasangath saach vaddaaee hae ||15||

They realize the essence of reality, and know the state of their inner being. This is the true glorious greatness of those who join the Sat Sangat. ||15||

Awip qrY jnu ipqrw qwry ]

aap tharai jan pitharaa thaarae ||

He Himself saves His humble servant, and saves his ancestors as well.

sµgiq mukiq su pwir auqwry ]

sangath mukath s paar outhaarae ||

His companions are liberated; He carries them across.

nwnku iqs kw lwlw golw ijin gurmuiK hir ilv lweI hy ]16]6]

aucwrx golw: Bwrw krky

naanak this kaa laalaa golaa jin guramukh har liv laaee hae ||16||6||

Nanak is the servant and slave of that Gurmukh who lovingly focuses his consciousness on the Lord. ||16||6||