joiq ibgws
jot bigaas
Joth Bigaas
<> siqgur pRswid ]
ikoankaar satigur prasaadh ||
gurU nwnk Awmd nrwien srUp
guroo naanak aamadh narain saroop
Guru Nanak is the complete form of Akaalpurakh,
hmwnw inrMjn inrMkwr rUp ] 1 ]
hamaanaa nira(n)jan nira(n)kaar roop || 1 ||
Without doubt, he is the image of the Formless and the Immaculate. (1)
h`kS Aw&rIdw iz nUir krm
ha'kash aaphareedhaa z noor karam
Waaheguru created him out of His own radiance,
Azo Awlmy rw &XUiz Awqm ] 2 ]
azo aalame raa phayooz aatam || 2 ||
The whole world, then, receives numerous boons from him. (2)
h`kS br-guzIdw iz hr br-guzIN
ha'kash bara-guzeedhaa z har bara-guzee(n)
Akaalpurakh has selected him out of all the selected ones,
nSWdS iz hr br-qrIN br-qrIN ] 3 ]
nashaa(n)dhash z har bara-taree(n) bara-taree(n) || 3 ||
And, has placed him on a higher place out of all high places. (3)
h`kS gu&q ^ud murSdl-AwlwmIn
ha'kash guphat khhudh murashadhala-aalaameen
Waaheguru has declared and appointed him as the prophet of both the worlds,
njwqulvrw rihmqul muznbIn ] 4 ]
najaatulavaraa rahimatul muzanabeen || 4 ||
Without doubt, Guru Nanak is the grace and benignity of heavenly salvation and bestowal. (4)
SihnSwih dwrYn krdS i^qwb
shahinashaeh dhaarain karadhash khhitaab
The Omnipotent has addressed him as the emperor of this world and the heavens,
Azo qwilbW rw krwmq nswb ] 5 ]
azo taalibaa(n) raa karaamat nasaab || 5 ||
His disciples receive a spring of super natural powers. (5)
h`kS Awrwsq ^ud q^qgwhS bulµd
ha'kash aaraasat khhudh takhhatagaahash bula(n)dh
The Lord Himself adorned his (Guru's) exalted throne,
iz hr &ru`^y sw^qS ArzmMd ] 6 ]
z har pharu'khhe saakhhatash arazama(n)dh || 6 ||
And, admired him with every possible virtue and goodness. (6)
hmw ^wsgW rw bpwieS &gMd
hamaa khhaasagaa(n) raa bapaish phaga(n)dh
The Almighty Himself directed all His near and selected ones to fall at Guru's feet,
muHz`&r lvw Awmdw dyv bMd ] 7 ]
muhaza'phar lavaa aamadhaa dhev ba(n)dh || 7 ||
And, His flag, a symbol of victory, is so tall that it challenges the sky. (7)
srIir SihnSwhIie dwiemW
sareer shahinashaaheei dhaimaa(n)
The throne of his empire will always be stable and permanent,
kulwih sr A&rwzIie jwivdW ] 8 ]
kulaeh sar apharaazeei jaavidhaa(n) || 8 ||
And, his high-gloried crown with eclat will last for ever. (8)
h`kS dwd Az Zwieiq mukrmq
ha'kash dhaadh az g(h)ait mukaramat
Akaalpurakh has blessed him with praises and generosity,
Azo zyb hr Sihro hr mumlkq ] 9 ]
azo zeb har shahiro har mumalakat || 9 ||
And, it is because of him that all towns and regions are so gracefully elegant. (9)
iz pYSInIAW pySqr Awmdw
z paisheeneeaa(n) peshatar aamadhaa
Guru Nanak was the prophet even before his predecessor prophets,
b-kdr Az hmw bySqr Awmdw ] 10 ]
ba-kadhar az hamaa beshatar aamadhaa || 10 ||
And, he was much more valuable in worth and importance. (10)
hzwrW bRhmW snw^win aU
hazaaraa(n) brahamaa(n) sanaakhhaan uoo
Thousands of Brahmaas are admiring Guru Nanak,
iz hr br-qrIN br-qrIN Swin aU ] 11 ]
z har bara-taree(n) bara-taree(n) shaan uoo || 11 ||
The rank and status of Guru Nanak is higher than the glory and splendor of all great persons. (11)
hzwr eISr ieMdr dr pwie aU
hazaar ieeshar i(n)dhar dhar pai uoo
Thousands of Ishars and Inders contained in the lotus feet of Guru Nanak.
iz hr br-qrIN br-qrIN jwie aU ] 12 ]
z har bara-taree(n) bara-taree(n) jai uoo || 12 ||
And, his status and place is higher than all the selected and the great ones. (12)
hzwrW cUM DrU hzwrW cUM ibSn
hazaaraa(n) choo(n) dharoo hazaaraa(n) choo(n) bishan
Thousands like Dhroo and thousands like Bishan, and similarly,
bsy rwm rwjw bsy kwnH ikSn ] 13 ]
base raam raajaa base kaanh kishan || 13 ||
Numerous Raams and numerous Krishens (13)
hzwrW cUM dyvI cUM gorK hzwr
hazaaraa(n) choo(n) dhevee choo(n) gorakh hazaar
Thousands of gods and goddeses and thousands like Gorakh Naathh
ik pyiS kdmhwie aU jW-ispwr ] 14 ]
k pesh kadhamahai uoo jaa(n)-sipaar || 14 ||
Are willing to sacrifice their lives at the feet of Guru Nanak. (14)
hzwrW spihro hzwrW sumw
hazaaraa(n) sapahiro hazaaraa(n) sumaa
Thousands of skies and thousands of cosmos
hzwrW zmIno hzwrW surw ] 15 ]
hazaaraa(n) zameeno hazaaraa(n) suraa || 15 ||
Thousands of the earths and thousands of netherworlds (15)
hzwrW cUM kursI hzwrW cUM ArS
hazaaraa(n) choo(n) kurasee hazaaraa(n) choo(n) arash
Thousands of seats of firmaments and thousands of thrones
bpwieS idlo jW ^ud krdw &rz ] 16 ]
bapaish dhilo jaa(n) khhudh karadhaa pharaz || 16 ||
Are willing to spread their hearts and souls in the lotus feet of Guru Nanak. (16)
hzwrW cUM nwsUqo mlkuq hm
hazaaraa(n) choo(n) naasooto malakut ham
To thousands of the material worlds and thousands of the worlds of gods and angels,
hzwrW cUM jbrUqo lwhUq hm ] 17 ]
hazaaraa(n) choo(n) jabarooto laahoot ham || 17 ||
Thousands of the regions representing the forms of Waaheguru, and thousands of heavens; (17)
hzwrW mkIno hzwrW mkW
hazaaraa(n) makeeno hazaaraa(n) makaa(n)
To thousands of inhabitants and thousands of localities
hzwrW zmIno hzwrW zmW ] 18 ]
hazaaraa(n) zameeno hazaaraa(n) zamaa(n) || 18 ||
And, to thousands of earths and thousands of ages (18)
h`k A&gMdw dr pwie aU bMdw vwr
ha'k aphaga(n)dhaa dhar pai uoo ba(n)dhaa vaar
Akaalprakh has directed (them all) at the feet of Guru Nanak as servitors,
zhy &jlo b^SwieiS ikrdgwr ] 19 ]
zahe phajalo bakhhashaish kiradhagaar || 19 ||
We are eternally grateful to and willing to sacrifice ourselves for Waaheguru for such a bestowal and kindness. (19)
mun`vr Azo hr do Awlm bh`k
muna'var azo har dho aalam baha'k
Both the worlds are radiant only because of Guru Nanak,
h`kS dwd br jumlw mukbl sb`k ] 20 ]
ha'kash dhaadh bar jumalaa mukabal saba'k || 20 ||
Akaalpurakh has designated him superior than all the other selected nobles and the elite. (20)
hzwrW cU Awdm hzwrW h`vw
hazaaraa(n) choo aadham hazaaraa(n) ha'vaa
Thousands of people and thousands of winds and
hzwrW mlwiek bpwieS i&dw ] 21 ]
hazaaraa(n) malaik bapaish phidhaa || 21 ||
Thousands of gods and goddesses are willing to lay themselves at the feet of Guru Nanak as sacrificial objects. (21)
hzwrW SihnSwh pySS Zulwm
hazaaraa(n) shahinashaeh peshash g(h)ulaam
Thousands of emperors are Guru Nanak's slaves in attendance,
hzwrW ^u`ro mwhS AMdr slwm ] 22 ]
hazaaraa(n) khhu'ro maahash a(n)dhar salaam || 22 ||
Thousands of suns and moons keep bowing to salute Guru Nanak. (22)
hmU nwnk Asqy hmU AMgd Asq
hamoo naanak asate hamoo a(n)gadh asat
Nanak and Angad are one and the same,
hmU Amrdws A&zlo Amjd Asq ] 23 ]
hamoo amaradhaas aphazalo amajadh asat || 23 ||
And, the master of largess and great praises, Amar Das, is also the same. (23)
hmU rwmdwso hmU Arjun Asq
hamoo raamadhaaso hamoo arajun asat
Ram Das and Arjun are also one and the same (as Guru Nanak)
hmU hrgoibMdo Akrmo Aihsn Asq ] 24 ]
hamoo haragobi(n)dho akaramo ahisan asat || 24 ||
The greatest and the best of all, Hargobind, is also the same. (24)
hmU hsq hirrwie krqw gurU
hamoo hasat harirai karataa guroo
Guru Har Rai is also the same, to whom
bd AwSkwrw hmw puSqy rU ] 25 ]
badh aashakaaraa hamaa pushate roo || 25 ||
The observed and reversed sides of every thing become absolutely clear and apparent. (25)
hmU hirikSn Awmdw sr-bulµd
hamoo harikishan aamadhaa sara-bula(n)dh
The prominent and distinguished Harekishen is also the same,
Azo hwisl aumIid hr musqmMd ] 26 ]
azo haasil umeedh har musatama(n)dh || 26 ||
From whom, the wishes of every needy person are fulfilled. (26)
hmU hsq qyig bhwdr gurU
hamoo hasat teg bahaadhar guroo
Guru Teg Bahaadar is the same also,
ik goibMd isMG Awmd Az nUir aU ] 27 ]
k gobi(n)dh si(n)gh aamadh az noor uoo || 27 ||
From whose radiance emanated Gobind Singh. (27)
hmU gurU goibMd isMG hmU nwnk Asq
hamoo guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh hamoo naanak asat
Guru Gobind Singh and Guru Nanak are one and the same,
hmU Sbid aU zOhro mwnk Asq ] 28 ]
hamoo shabadh uoo zauaharo maanak asat || 28 ||
Whose words and messages are diamonds and pearls. (28)
ic jOhr cunW jOhir h`k jlw
ch jauahar chunaa(n) jauahar ha'k jalaa
His word is a precious jewel that has been tempered with the real Truth,
ic mwnk cunW mwnik h`k izAw ] 29 ]
ch maanak chunaa(n) maanak ha'k ziaa || 29 ||
His word is a diamond which has been blessed with the shine of the real Truth. (29)
iz hr kwil kudus Awmdw kudusqr
z har kaal kudhus aamadhaa kudhusatar
He is more sacred than every sacred word,
iz hr rubwA suds Awmdw subusqr ] 30 ]
z har rubaa sudhas aamadhaa subusatar || 30 ||
And, he is more elevated than all the four types of mineral resources and six types of manifestations. (30)
pzIrwie &rmwin aU SS ijhq
pazeerai pharamaan uoo shash jihat
His command is obeyed in all the six directions,
mun`vr Azy dwiemw slqnq ] 31 ]
muna'var aze dhaimaa salatanat || 31 ||
And, the entire kingdom is illuminated because of him. (31)
b-hr do jhW kOis swhIie aU
ba-har dho jahaa(n) kauas saaheei uoo
The beat of His kettle-drum resonates in both the worlds,
zhy &lir-gIhW ^udweIie aU ] 32 ]
zahe phalari-geehaa(n) khhudhaieei uoo || 32 ||
And, His godliness is the glory of the world. (32)
bulµd A^qrS hr do Awlm &roz
bula(n)dh akhhatarash har dho aalam pharoz
His elevated prominence illuminates both the worlds,
kzo Awmdw duSmnwnS bsoz ] 33 ]
kazo aamadhaa dhushamanaanash basoz || 33 ||
And, it burns down the enemies. (33)
iz mwhI zmIN qw sir lw-mkW
z maahee zamee(n) taa sar laa-makaa(n)
From the fish in the netherworld to the highest eternal limits,
hmw i&dvIie nwim pwikS bjW ] 34 ]
hamaa phidhaveei naam paakish bajaa(n) || 34 ||
The whole world follows his sacred Naam with their heart and soul. (34)
mlUik milk qwAq AMdyiS
malook malik taat a(n)dhesh
Kings and gods remember and worship Him in their meditation,
iz hr kyS &r^Mdw-qr kyiS aU ] 35 ]
z har kesh pharakhha(n)dhaa-tar kesh uoo || 35 ||
And, His belief and faith are much more fortunate and sublime than every other religion. (35)
ic kYsr ic ^wkW hjwrW hzwr
ch kaisar ch khhaakaa(n) hajaaraa(n) hazaar
How about millions of Kaisers, emperors of Germany and millions of Mongolian kings
ic iksrw ic kwaUs byS Az Sumwr ] 36 ]
ch kisaraa ch kaauoos besh az shumaar || 36 ||
How about innumerable Nausheervaans and countless emperors of Iran (36)
ic &Yro ic &g&Uir vwlw-gwh
ch phairo ch phagaphoor vaalaa-gaah
Whether we talk abouit Egyptian kings or Chinese rulers of high rank,
bpwieS hmw bMdw-ie ^wk-rwh ] 37 ]
bapaish hamaa ba(n)dhaa-i khhaaka-raeh || 37 ||
They all are the dust of his lotus feet (dust of the path on which he treads) (37)
hmw i&dvI E bMdw-ie pwie aU
hamaa phidhavee o ba(n)dhaa-i pai uoo
All these people adore his feet and are his servitors and sleves,
pzIirMdwie hukim Awlwie aU ] 38 ]
pazeeri(n)dhai hukam aalai uoo || 38 ||
And, all of them are the followers of his divine commands. (38)
ic sulqwin eIrW ic ^win ^uqn
ch sulataan ieeraa(n) ch khhaan khhutan
Whether it be the Sultaan of Iran, or Khan of Khutan
ic dwrwie qUrW Swih Xmn ] 39 ]
ch dhaarai tooraa(n) shaeh yaman || 39 ||
Whether it be the Daaraa of Tooraan, or the king of Yemen (39)
ic kuMqwil rUso ic sulqwin ihMd
ch ku(n)taal rooso ch sulataan hi(n)dh
Whether it be the Tsar of Russia, or the ruler of India
ic hu`kwim d`kn ic rwie ^zMd ] 40 ]
ch hu'kaam dha'kan ch rai khhaza(n)dh || 40 ||
Whether it be the officials of the South or those fortunate Raos (40)
iz mSirk b-mZirb hmw srvrW
z masharik ba-mag(h)rib hamaa saravaraa(n)
All the chiefs and the kings from the east to the west
pzIrwie &rmwin kudsS bjW ] 41 ]
pazeerai pharamaan kudhasash bajaa(n) || 41 ||
Are obeying his sacred command even at the cost of their lives. (41)
hzwrW ikaUmrso jmSydo zwr
hazaaraa(n) kiuoomaraso jamashedho zaar
Thousands of emperors of olden Iran and tzars of Russsia
kmr bsqw dr i^dmqS bMdw vwr ] 42 ]
kamar basataa dhar khhidhamatash ba(n)dhaa vaar || 42 ||
Are standing by, with their folded hands like slaves, ready to serve him. (42)
hzwrW cUM rusqm hzwrW cUM swm
hazaaraa(n) choo(n) rusatam hazaaraa(n) choo(n) saam
Thousands like Rustam and Saam, father of Rustam
hzwrW cUM As&Md XwrS Zulwm ] 43 ]
hazaaraa(n) choo(n) asapha(n)dh yaarash g(h)ulaam || 43 ||
And thousands of Asfand Yaars, the son of Gustapus who was blinded by Rustam with his arrow and then killed, are his slaves. (43)
hzwrW cUM jmnw hzwrW cUM gMg
hazaaraa(n) choo(n) jamanaa hazaaraa(n) choo(n) ga(n)g
Thousands of rivers like Jamnaa and Gangaa
bpw AMdrS sr inhwdw iz nµg ] 44 ]
bapaa a(n)dharash sar nihaadhaa z na(n)g || 44 ||
Bow their heads respectfully on his lotus feet. (44)
ich ieMdr-Awidkwno ich bRhm-AwidkW
cheh i(n)dhara-aadhikaano cheh brahama-aadhikaa(n)
Whether (we talk of) gods like Indar or Brahmaa
ich rwm-Awidkwno ich ik®Sn-AwdkW ] 45 ]
cheh raama-aadhikaano cheh kirashana-aadhakaa(n) || 45 ||
Whether (we talk about) gods like Raam or Krishen (45)
zbwin hmw kwisr Az vsi& aU
zabaan hamaa kaasir az vasaph uoo
All of them are unable and inadequate to describe his eclats,
hmw ^wsqgwirMdwie luqi& aU ] 46 ]
hamaa khhaasatagaari(n)dhai lutaph uoo || 46 ||
And, All of them are the seekers of his blessings and bestowals. (46)
b-hr dIpo hr sUie kOSS bulµd
ba-har dheepo har sooi kauashash bula(n)dh
His fame is being celebrated on the beat of a drum in all islands and directions,
b-hr mimlkq nwim aU ArzmMd ] 47 ]
ba-har mamilakat naam uoo arazama(n)dh || 47 ||
And, his name is being honored in every country and region. (47)
b-hr ^Mdo bRihmMf Azo dwsqW
ba-har khha(n)dho brahima(n)dd azo dhaasataa(n)
His tales are talked about and discussed in every universe and cosmic region,
pzIrwie hukmS hmW rwsqW ] 48 ]
pazeerai hukamash hamaa(n) raasataa(n) || 48 ||
And, all the connoisseurs of truth delightfully accept and follow his command. (48)
surw qw smw jumlw &rmW-brS
suraa taa samaa jumalaa pharamaa(n)-barash
Everyone from the nethgerworld to the seventh sky are the followers of his orders,
iz mihqwbo mwhI hmw cwkrS ] 49 ]
z mahitaabo maahee hamaa chaakarash || 49 ||
And, everyone from the moon to the fish deep below the earth are his servitors and slaves. (49)
krmhw v A&zwil aU by hsw
karamahaa v aphazaal uoo be hasaa
His blessings and bestowals are infinite,
krwmwqo iehjwiz aU ikbrIAw ] 50 ]
karaamaato ihajaaz uoo kibareeaa || 50 ||
And, His miracles and antics are divine and celestial. (50)
zubW-hw b-qOsIi& aU guMgo lwl
zubaa(n)-haa ba-tauaseeph uoo gu(n)go laal
All the tongues are dumbstruck in praising him,
s^un rw b-vs&S ic h`do mjwl ] 51 ]
sakhhun raa ba-vasaphash ch ha'dho majaal || 51 ||
Neither any one can describe his eclat to any limits nor has enough courage to do so. (51)
krImul-sjwieAw zmIlul ^swl
kareemula-sajaiaa zameelul khhasaal
By nature, he is generous, and comeliness is in his character,
AmUmul-AqwieAw SmUml nvwl ] 52 ]
amoomula-ataiaa shamoomal navaal || 52 ||
He is known for his generosities, and is remembered for his unlimited gifts. (52)
s&Iaul-vrwieAw zmwnul-vurw
sapheeaula-varaiaa zamaanula-vuraa
He is desirous of condoning the sins of the populace,
mhIqul-s^wieAw zkw-aul-hudw ] 53 ]
maheetula-sakhhaiaa zakaa-aula-hudhaa || 53 ||
and he is the guarantor of the entire creations. (53)
njwqul-Avwmo Amwnul-Anwm
najaatula-avaamo amaanula-anaam
He is the redeemer of the people and he is the deposit in trust for all of them;
jlw Xw&qw zU Zmwim zlwm ] 54 ]
jalaa yaaphataa zoo g(h)maam zalaam || 54 ||
Even the darkest clouds become shining with his touch. (54)
v&Urul Aqw E AmImul nAm
vaphoorul ataa o ameemul nam
He is the treasure of bestowals and a great collection of blessings,
ksIrul &XUzo k&Iaul krm ] 55 ]
kaseerul phayoozo kapheeaul karam || 55 ||
He is the abundance of beneficence and ultimate in generosity. (55)
&rwizMdwie rwieiq Adlo dwd
pharaazi(n)dhai rait adhalo dhaadh
He unfurls and waves the flag of wisdom and justice,
&rwizMdwie dIdwie ieAqkwd ] 56 ]
pharaazi(n)dhai dheedhai iatakaadh || 56 ||
He further glistens the eyes of trust. (56)
AzImul-mnwizl r&I-aul-mkW
azeemula-manaazil raphee-aula-makaa(n)
He is the one with lofty palaces and tall mansions,
krImul-Smwiel mnIA-aul-inSW ] 57 ]
kareemula-shamail maneea-aula-nishaa(n) || 57 ||
He is generous in his character and habits, and gentle and suave in his facial features. (57)
muk`ds jnwbo muA`lw i^qwb
muka'dhas janaabo mua'laa khhitaab
Sacred is His court, and higher is His title,
gdwieS hzwrW mih E AwPqwb ] 58 ]
gadhaish hazaaraa(n) meh o aafataab || 58 ||
Thousands of moons and suns are begging at His door. (58)
muAwlI mdwirj AvwlI pnwh
muaalee madhaarij avaalee panaah
His ranks are higher and He is a great refuge,
AlIim rmuiz s&ydo isAwh ] 59 ]
aleem ramuz saphedho siaaeh || 59 ||
He is the Knower of all the good and the bad secrets. (59)
mk`dus mdwirj &^Imul nvwl
maka'dhus madhaarij phakhheemul navaal
He sanctifies different regions and is the donor of benedictions,
qAwlw mrwqb AmImul-&zwl ] 60 ]
taalaa maraatab ameemula-phazaal || 60 ||
He elevates the status and is the embodiment of compassion. (60)
muA`zm Srwi& sqUdw ^swl
mua'zam sharaaph satoodhaa khhasaal
He is great in His nobility and is most appreciated for His characteristics,
muk`rm ^swiel mun`vr jmwl ] 61 ]
muka'ram khhasail muna'var jamaal || 61 ||
He is respected for His customs and habits, and is praiseworthy for His form and shape. (61)
jmwilS hmw kUrw-ie zuljlwl
jamaalish hamaa kooraa-i zulajalaal
His elegance and radiance is the circumference of the Divine grandeur,
SkohS hmw Azmiq lw-zvwl ] 62 ]
shakohash hamaa azamat laa-zavaal || 62 ||
His glory and pomp is eternal and his eclat indestructible. (62)
jmImul s&wqo jzIlul snw
jameemul saphaato jazeelul sanaa
He is beautiful because of his noble qualities, and is perfect in his virtues,
k&Ilul jrwiem vkIlul vrw ] 63 ]
kapheelul jaraim vakeelul varaa || 63 ||
He is condoner of the sins and is the supporter of and advocates the cause of the world. (63)
krImul minS mwlik &Yzo jUd
kareemul manish maalak phaizo joodh
He is generous by nature and is the master of blessings and generosity,
hmw kudsIAW pyiS aU dr sjUd ] 64 ]
hamaa kudhaseeaa(n) pesh uoo dhar sajoodh || 64 ||
All angels prostrate before him. (64)
^udwvMid Arzo smwvwqo ArS
khhudhaava(n)dh arazo samaavaato arash
He is the All-powerful master of the earth, the skies and the cosmos,
mun`vr-kuin zulmq Awbwd &rS ] 65 ]
muna'vara-kun zulamat aabaadh pharash || 65 ||
He provides illumination in the darkest porches of the world. (65)
zUey mjdo q^sIso q&^Ir hw
zooe majadho takhhaseeso taphakhheer haa
He is, in fact, is the light of maturity and courtesy,
^udwvMid qmzIdo qOkIr hw ] 66 ]
khhudhaava(n)dh tamazeedho tauakeer haa || 66 ||
He is the master of status and praises. (66)
vlI-aul-q&wzIlo qkrIm hw
valee-aula-taphaazeelo takareem haa
He is the prophet of virtues and blessings,
AmImul qkrImo qneIm hw ] 67 ]
ameemul takareemo tanieem haa || 67 ||
He is the embodiment of boons and bestowals. (67)
v&Urul qzwzIlo iejlwl hw
vaphoorul tazaazeelo ijalaal haa
He is the 'abundance' of generosities and wisdom,
ksIrul qkwmIlo iekmwl hw ] 68 ]
kaseerul takaameelo ikamaal haa || 68 ||
He is the 'collection' of accomplished and perfect persons. (68)
AmImul AqIAwq kwiml AXwr
ameemul ateeaat kaamil ayaar
He is the manifestation and perfect jeweler of the offers and gifts.
pzIirMdwie iejiz hr ^wkswr ] 69 ]
pazeeri(n)dhai ijaz har khhaakasaar || 69 ||
He recognizes and accedes to the helplessness of the lowly and meek.(69)
mu&^`rul nbwiel jzIlul jmIl
muphakhha'rul nabail jazeelul jameel
He is the pride of the elderly and kings and chief of the amiable and the suave.
ksIrul &zwiel jlIlul nbIl ] 70 ]
kaseerul phazail jaleelul nabeel || 70 ||
He is the abundance of blessings and representative of the competent, dexterous and the intelligent. (70)
iz nurS jhW Xw&qw zybo &r
z nurash jahaa(n) yaaphataa zebo phar
The world has gained beauty, splendor and glory from his radiance,
iz &YzS mkIno mkW bihrwvr ] 71 ]
z phaizash makeeno makaa(n) bahiraavar || 71 ||
The world and its people have profited a great deal from his blessings. (71)
b-dsqS &rozW do gOhr cUM imhr
ba-dhasatash pharozaa(n) dho gauahar choo(n) mihar
He has two diamonds in his hand that are brilliant like the Sun,
Xky jwie &jlo idgr jwie kihr ] 72 ]
yake jai phajalo dhigar jai kahir || 72 ||
One of them represents beneficence and the other disaster and wrath. (72)
b-A`vl jhW rw Sudw h`k numw
ba-a'val jahaa(n) raa shudhaa ha'k numaa
Due to the first (diamond), this world becomes a demonstration of truth,
b-swnI hmw zulmo zulmq zdw ] 73 ]
ba-saanee hamaa zulamo zulamat zadhaa || 73 ||
And, second is capable to dispel all darkness and tyranny. (73)
hmw zulmqo zulm rw sw^q dUr
hamaa zulamato zulam raa saakhhat dhoor
He has dispelled all the darkness and cruelty from this world,
jhW dr jhW zy rXwho srUr ] 74 ]
jahaa(n) dhar jahaa(n) ze rayaaho saroor || 74 ||
And, it is because of him that the whole world is filled with aroma and ecstacy. (74)
lkwieS mun`vr iz nUir Azl
lakaish muna'var z noor azal
His face is lit with the Devine eclat,
vjUdS v-Anvwir h`k lm Xzl ] 75 ]
vajoodhash va-anavaar ha'k lam yazal || 75 ||
And his body is eternal due to the refulgence of Akaalpurakh. (75)
ich AwAlw ich Adnw hm br drS
cheh aalaa cheh adhanaa ham bar dharash
Whether big or small, high or low, all, on his doorsteps,
sr A&gMdw v bMdw E cwkrS ] 76 ]
sar aphaga(n)dhaa v ba(n)dhaa o chaakarash || 76 ||
Are standing as slaves and servitors with their heads bowed. (76)
ic sulqW ic drvyS Azo bihrwmMd
ch sulataa(n) ch dharavesh azo bahiraama(n)dh
Whether kings or whether beggars, all profit from his kindness,
ic aulvI ic is&lI Azo srbulµd ] 77 ]
ch ulavee ch siphalee azo sarabula(n)dh || 77 ||
Whether heavenly or whether earthly people, all become respectable because of him. (77)
ich pIro ich brnw Azo kwmXwb
cheh peero cheh baranaa azo kaamayaab
Whether older folks or the youngsters, all have their wishes fulfilled from him,
ich dwnw ich nwdW Azo pur svwb ] 78 ]
cheh dhaanaa cheh naadhaa(n) azo pur savaab || 78 ||
Whether the wise or the naive, all are able to do good, virtuous and charitable deeds because of him. (78)
b-kljug cunW siqjug Awvrd bwz
ba-kalajug chunaa(n) satijug aavaradh baaz
He has brought Satgujj during the age of Kaljugg in such a way
ik ^urdo bzurg Awmdw rwsq-bwz ] 79 ]
k khhuradho bazurag aamadhaa raasata-baaz || 79 ||
That, young and old, all have become disciples and followers of truth. (79)
hmw ikzbo nwrwsqI gSq dUr
hamaa kizabo naaraasatee gashat dhoor
All falsehood and fraud were driven away,
Sib qIrh r^SW Sdw hmcU nUr ] 80 ]
shab teereh rakhhashaa(n) shadhaa hamachoo noor || 80 ||
And, the pitch-dark night became brightened emitting refulgence. (80)
iz dYqo iz dwnb jhW krd pwk
z dhaito z dhaanab jahaa(n) karadh paak
He spared the world from the evils of monsters and demons and made it sacred,
hmw zulmo zulmq zdUdw iz ^wk ] 81 ]
hamaa zulamo zulamat zadhoodhaa z khhaak || 81 ||
And he reduced to dust all darkness and tyranny from the face of the earth. (81)
Azo rOSn Awmd Sib Awlmo
azo rauashan aamadh shab aalamo
The dark night of the world became brightened due to him,
nmWdw b-gIqI Azo zwilmo ] 82 ]
namaa(n)dhaa ba-geetee azo zaalimo || 82 ||
And, there remained no tyrants any more because of him. (82)
zmwny br Awrwsq Az rwie E hoS
zamaane bar aaraasat az rai o hosh
This world is ornamented because of his wisdom and viewpoint,
Azo dyig hr dwinS Awmd bzoS ] 83 ]
azo dheg har dhaanish aamadh bazosh || 83 ||
And, it is because of him that every level of intellect gets excited and outbursts with passion. (83)
hmw dIdw Awmd qin kudis aU
hamaa dheedhaa aamadh tan kudhas uoo
His entire chaste body is all eyes and eyes alone,
hvYdw b-cSmS hmw puSq rU ] 84 ]
havaidhaa ba-chashamash hamaa pushat roo || 84 ||
And, the whole past and future events manifest before his eyes. (84)
hmw rwiz Awlm bro AwSkwr
hamaa raaz aalam baro aashakaar
All the mysteries of the world are perceptible to him.
hmw coib KuSk Az dmS bwrdwr ] 85 ]
hamaa chob khushak az dhamash baaradhaar || 85 ||
And, even the dry wood of a stem, with his strength, starts to bear fruits. (85)
ich AMjm ich A&lwk mihkUim aU
cheh a(n)jam cheh aphalaak mahikoom uoo
Whether (we talk about) the stars or the skies, all are his subjects,
ich bwlw E ich psq mnzUim aU ] 86 ]
cheh baalaa o cheh pasat manazoom uoo || 86 ||
Everyone, high and low, is under his management and control. (86)
ich ^wko ich AwiqS ich bwdo ich Awb
cheh khhaako cheh aatish cheh baadho cheh aab
Whether it is the dust or the fire, whether it is the wind or the water,
ich ^urSIid r^iSMdw E mwhqwb ] 87 ]
cheh khhurasheedh rakhhashi(n)dhaa o maahataab || 87 ||
Whether it is the bright sun and whether it is the star-studded moon, (87)
ich ArSo ich kursI hmw bMdw-AS
cheh arasho cheh kurasee hamaa ba(n)dhaa-ash
Whether (we talk about) the skies and cosmos, or the earthlings and the earth, all these are his slaves;
bi^dmq-guzwrI sr A&gdw-AS ] 88 ]
bakhhidhamata-guzaaree sar aphagadhaa-ash || 88 ||
All of them are standing with their heads bowed before him and willing to serve him. (88)
ishgwnw mvwlIdo ASrw hvws
sihagaanaa mavaaleedho asharaa havaas
The three species, born out of egg, placental, and out moisture and heat, and the ten organs of sense and reproduction,
b-qwAq-guzwrIS dwrd pws ] 89 ]
ba-taata-guzaareesh dhaaradh paas || 89 ||
All give special consideration to his meditation and worship. (89)
sqUin i^rd qw&q qSXId Azo
satoon khhiradh taaphat tashayeedh azo
Pillar of wisdom received fortification from him,
ibnwie s^w rwsq qOkId Azo ] 90 ]
binai sakhhaa raasat tauakeedh azo || 90 ||
And, because of him, the foundation of bestowals became cemented and strong. (90)
muSeIA`d Azo rwsqI rw Asws
mushieea'dh azo raasatee raa asaas
The foundations of truth became firmer only because of him,
iz nUrS jhW Xw&qw iekqbws ] 91 ]
z noorash jahaa(n) yaaphataa ikatabaas || 91 ||
And, the world got its illumination from his refulgence and brilliance. (91)
jmwil hkIkq br Awrwsqw
jamaal hakeekat bar aaraasataa
The decorated beauty and elegance of realism and truth
iz zulmq jhW jumlw prdwKqw ] 92 ]
z zulamat jahaa(n) jumalaa paradhaakhataa || 92 ||
Was able to dispel all the darkness and tyranny from this world and made it clean and chaste. (92)
rui^ Adlo iensw& A&ro^qw
rukhh adhalo inasaaph apharokhhataa
The face of justice, equity and fair play glistened,
idil jbro bydwd rw so^qw ] 93 ]
dhil jabaro bedhaadh raa sokhhataa || 93 ||
And, the hearts of cruelty and outrage were frustrated and burnt into ashes. (93)
ibnwie isqm rw br-AMdw^qw
binai sitam raa bara-a(n)dhaakhhataa
The foundations of tyrannt were uprooted,
sir mwAdlq rw br-A&rw^qw ] 94 ]
sar maadhalat raa bara-apharaakhhataa || 94 ||
And, the head of justice and fair play was elevated and raised high. (94)
rXwhIin &jlo Aqw rw shwb
rayaaheen phajalo ataa raa sahaab
He is the raining cloud to nurture the vines of grace and blessings,
smwie krwmwq rw AwPqwb ] 95 ]
samai karaamaat raa aafataab || 95 ||
And, he is the sun of the skies of miracles and generosity. (95)
bswqIin &Yzo s^w rw Znwm
basaateen phaizo sakhhaa raa g(h)naam
He is dense cloud for the gardens of blessings and generosity,
jhwin AqIAwq rw ieMqzwm ] 96 ]
jahaan ateeaat raa i(n)tazaam || 96 ||
And, he is the management for the world of gifts and donations. (96)
mhIiq &XUzwqo bihir &zwl
maheet phayoozaato bahir phazaal
He is the ocean of bestowals and a sea of compassion,
shwib AnwXwqo Abir nvwl ] 97 ]
sahaab anaayaato abar navaal || 97 ||
And, he is the cloud full of largess and showers of generosity. (97)
jhW ^u`rmo Awlm Awbwd Azo
jahaa(n) khhu'ramo aalam aabaadh azo
This world is pleasant and the universe inhabited because of him,
r`XAq ^uSo mmlkq Swd Azo ] 98 ]
ra'yat khhusho mamalakat shaadh azo || 98 ||
And, the subjects are satisfied and happy and the country is comfortable due to him. (98)
hmw Awlm Az SihrI E lSkrI
hamaa aalam az shahiree o lashakaree
From an ordinary citizen to the entire army, and in fact the whole world
pzIrwie hukmS b-nyk A^qrI ] 99 ]
pazeerai hukamash ba-nek akhhataree || 99 ||
follow the command of this noble star. (99)
jhwin iz &YzS hm AwgoiS kwm
jahaan z phaizash ham aagosh kaam
The wishes of this world are fulfilled because of his compassion and grace,
do Awlm Azo Xw&q nsko inzwm ] 100 ]
dho aalam azo yaaphat nasako nizaam || 100 ||
And, it is due to him that both the worlds are functioning under an orderly management and rules. (100)
h`kS dwd im&qwih hr muSklo
ha'kash dhaadh miphataeh har mushakalo
God has blessed him with a solution to every problem,
nSWdS zbrdsq hr mukblo ] 101 ]
nashaa(n)dhash zabaradhasat har mukabalo || 101 ||
And, he has defeated even the greatest tyrants in every encounter. (101)
SihnSwih AklIim qjmIl rw
shahinashaeh akaleem tajameel raa
He is the king of the rule of grandeur and grace,
^udwvMid dIvwin qjzIl rw ] 102 ]
khhudhaava(n)dh dheevaan tajazeel raa || 102 ||
And, he is the master of the anthology of poems of venerability and status. (102)
guhr qwij iehjwzo qOkIr rw
guhar taaj ihajaazo tauakeer raa
He is the gem of the grandeur and glory of miracles and status,
izAw-b^S As&w E qnvIr rw ] 103 ]
ziaa-bakhhash asaphaa o tanaveer raa || 103 ||
He blesses the luster and chasteness with radiance. (103)
ijlw lUlUie ie`zo qwAzIm rw
jilaa loolooi i'zo taazeem raa
He is the brilliance of the stones of respectability and honor,
snI neIXir &^ro q&^Im rw ] 104 ]
sanee nieeyar phakhharo taphakhheem raa || 104 ||
And, he is the light of the sun of elderliness and veneration. (104)
rui^ ie`zqo jwh rw ieMjlw
rukhh i'zato jaeh raa i(n)jalaa
He blesses the face of respectability and status with happy disposition,
lvwie qbwjIl rw ieAqlw ] 105 ]
lavai tabaajeel raa iatalaa || 105 ||
And, he raises the banner of veneration and maturity high in the sky.(105)
mhIiq s^w E krm rw guhr
maheet sakhhaa o karam raa guhar
He is the pearl of the ocean of blessings and generosity,
spihir s^w E Aqw rw kmr ] 106 ]
sapahir sakhhaa o ataa raa kamar || 106 ||
And, he is the moon in the sky of blessings, donations and offerings. (106)
jhWbwin mulik &zwlo krwm
jahaa(n)baan mulak phazaalo karaam
He is the overseer and monitor of the realm of grace and compassion,
muih`mwiq dwrYn rw ieMqzwm ] 107 ]
muhi'maat dhaarain raa i(n)tazaam || 107 ||
And, he is the general manager of the tasks and actions of both the worlds. (107)
imsy S^is Aw&wk rw kImIAw
mise shakhhas aaphaak raa keemeeaa
He is the chemical to convert the nature of the brass of the sky (into gold).
rui^ imhro iensw& rw ieMjlw ] 108 ]
rukhh miharo inasaaph raa i(n)jalaa || 108 ||
He is the happy disposition of the face of justice and love. (108)
kbw kwmiq dOlqo kdr rw
kabaa kaamat dhaualato kadhar raa
He is beneficial to the status of honor and wealth,
bsr dIdwie Azmqo sdr rw ] 109 ]
basar dheedhai azamato sadhar raa || 109 ||
And, he is the light of the eyes of command and greatness. (109)
irAwiz ijnW rw nsIim shr
riaaz jinaa(n) raa naseem sahar
He is the early morning frangrance for the heavenly gardens,
dR^iq krn rw nO AweIin smr ] 110 ]
dhrakhhat karan raa nau aaieen samar || 110 ||
And, he is the new sprouting fruit for the tree of generosity. (110)
qrwiz AwsqIno mwho swl rw
taraaz aasateeno maaho saal raa
He is the trimming of the cuffs of months and years,
&lk ir&Aiq ie`zo iekbwl rw ] 111 ]
phalak riphat i'zo ikabaal raa || 111 ||
And, he is the sky (limit) of the heights of honor and glory. (111)
dlyoro qnomMdo &Iroz jMg
dhaleoro tanoma(n)dho pheeroz ja(n)g
He is courageous, powerful, and a victorious valiant in the war,
guil Adlo iensw& rw bU E rMg ] 112 ]
gul adhalo inasaaph raa boo o ra(n)g || 112 ||
And, he is the fragrance an colors of the flower of justice. (112)
j&win s^w Awlim mkrmq
japhaan sakhhaa aalam makaramat
He is the world of generosity and a universe of blessings,
mhIiq Aqw kulzim Awq&q ] 113 ]
maheet ataa kulazam aataphat || 113 ||
And, he is the sea of bestowals and deep ocean of grace and kindness. (113)
hpihir Alw swihb Ajqbw
hapahir alaa saahib ajatabaa
He is sky of high altitude and the chief of the selected ones,
swhib krm AwPqwib hudw ] 114 ]
saahab karam aafataab hudhaa || 114 ||
He is the cloud bursting with blessings and the sun of learning. (114)
&roiZ jbIin rsUKo sdwd
pharog(h) jabeen rasookho sadhaadh
He is the light of the forehead of the truthful conversation,
jmwil rui^ Adlo iensw& dwd ] 115 ]
jamaal rukhh adhalo inasaaph dhaadh || 115 ||
And, he is the brightness of the face of justice and fairness. (115)
cNrwiZ SibSqwnI mjdo bhw
cha(n)raag(h) shabishataanee majadho bahaa
He is the lighted oil lamp of the long and wedding night of confluence,
bhwir guilsqwin ie`zo Alw ] 116 ]
bahaar gulisataan i'zo alaa || 116 ||
And, he is the spring of the garden of greatness, nobility, honor and reputation.(116)
nZIN ^wqim ins&qo Adl rw
nag(h)ee(n) khhaatam nisaphato adhal raa
He is the gem of the ring of justice and fairness,
smir Sjrwie rihmqo &zl rw ] 117 ]
samar shajarai rahimato phazal raa || 117 ||
And, he is the fruit of the tree of kindness and grace. (117)
Zhuir mwAdin &jlo Akrwm rw
g(h)hur maadhan phajalo akaraam raa
He is the diamond of the mine of compassion and largess,
izAw b^iS iehswno ienAwm rw ] 118 ]
ziaa bakhhash ihasaano inaam raa || 118 ||
And, he is the light that grants boons and gratitude. (118)
qrwvq rXwhIin qOhId rw
taraavat rayaaheen tauaheedh raa
He is the moisture for the vines of the Unique Primal Lord,
nzwrq buswqIin qjrId rw ] 119 ]
nazaarat busaateen tajareedh raa || 119 ||
And, he is the aroma of the garden of the One and the only One. (119)
b-rzm AMdrUM n`rwie Syir dmW
ba-razam a(n)dharoo(n) na'rai sher dhamaa(n)
He is a roaring lion in the battlefields, and
b-bzm AMdrUM Abir ghur i&SW ] 120 ]
ba-bazam a(n)dharoo(n) abar gahur phishaa(n) || 120 ||
He is the cloud that showers pearls and gems in a happy social cultural party(120)
b-mYdwin jMg AwvrI Sihsvwr
ba-maidhaan ja(n)g aavaree shahisavaar
He is great a cavalaryman in the battlefields, and
b-jOlwin ^sm A&gnI nwmdwr ] 121 ]
ba-jaualaan khhasam aphaganee naamadhaar || 121 ||
He is famous for the race knocking down the enemies. (121)
b-bihir qhwrb dimMdw inhMg
ba-bahir tahaarab dhami(n)dhaa niha(n)g
He is a snorting alligator in the ocean of battles, and
idil ^sm dozW b qIro ^dMg ] 122 ]
dhil khhasam dhozaa(n) b teero khhadha(n)g || 122 ||
He is capable to pierce through the hearts of the enemy with his arrows and muskets (122).
i&roizMdw imhry b Awvwin bzm
phirozi(n)dhaa mihare b aavaan bazam
He is the shining sun of the palaces of gala parties,
dmW Azdhwie b mYdwin rzm ] 123 ]
dhamaa(n) azadhahai b maidhaan razam || 123 ||
And, he is the hissing snake of the battlefronts. (123)
hmwXUM humW AOij qkmIl rw
hamaayoo(n) humaa(n) aauaj takameel raa
He is the mythical bird, Humaa, whose shadow brings in luck, of the heights of competence and skill,
dr^iSMdw mih AOij q&zIl rw ] 124 ]
dharakhhashi(n)dhaa meh aauaj taphazeel raa || 124 ||
And, he is the shining moon of the elevations of praises and idealism. (124)
gul Awrwie bwiZ jhW prvrI
gul aarai baag(h) jahaa(n) paravaree
He is the decorator of the flowers of the garden providing sustainence to
&roiZ idlo dIdwie srvrI ] 125 ]
pharog(h) dhilo dheedhai saravaree || 125 ||
He is the light of the heart and eyes of chief-ship. (125)
ny Awein guil gulSin &`ro zyb
ne aaen gul gulashan pha'ro zeb
He is the fresh flower of the garden of glory and decoration, and
bulµd Az Sumwir &rwzo nSyb ] 126 ]
bula(n)dh az shumaar pharaazo nasheb || 126 ||
He is beyond the arithmetic of ups and downs. (126)
zhWbwin mulik dvwmo Abd
zahaa(n)baan mulak dhavaamo abadh
He is the caretaker of the eternal and immortal country or region, and
b-ielmul XkIN dr do Awlm Ahd ] 127 ]
ba-ilamul yakee(n) dhar dho aalam ahadh || 127 ||
He, based on knowledge and belief, is the same entity in both the worlds. (127)
hmw AOlIAw E hmw AMbIAw
hamaa aaualeeaa o hamaa a(n)beeaa
All prophets and all saints have
hmw As&IAw E hmw AqkIAw ] 128 ]
hamaa asapheeaa o hamaa atakeeaa || 128 ||
All Sufis, Muslims mystics and religious persons practicing abstinence have bowed (128)
b^wik drS sr inhwdw b-ie`jz
bakhhaak dharash sar nihaadhaa ba-i'jaz
Bowed their heads with utmost humility at the dust of his door, and
bpw AMdrS E&qwdw b-iejz ] 129 ]
bapaa a(n)dharash ophataadhaa ba-ijaz || 129 ||
They have fallen on his feet with utter respect and honor. (129)
ic AOqwd hw E ic Abdwl hw
ch aauataadh haa o ch abadhaal haa
Whether we talk about the elders or carefree Muslim ascetics,
ic Akqwb &r^Mdw iekbwl hw ] 130 ]
ch akataab pharakhha(n)dhaa ikabaal haa || 130 |
Whether we talk about the Kutab or the accepted ones with chaste intentions (130)
ic iS`Do ic nwbo ic ZOso ic pIr
ch shi'dho ch naabo ch g(h)auaso ch peer
Whether we talk about Sidhs or Naaths (those who prolong their lives by controlling their breath), or whether we talk about Gaus group of Muslin saints of higher rank, or the prophets, and
ic sur-jn ic muin-jn ic Swh ic &kIr ] 131 ]
ch sura-jan ch muni-jan ch shaeh ch phakeer || 131 ||
Whether we talk about the holy persons or hermits, or we talk about kings or beggars (131)
hmw bMdw E i&dvIie nwim aU
hamaa ba(n)dhaa o phidhaveei naam uoo
All of them are the servants and slaves of his Naam, and
hmw ^wsqgwirMdwie kwim aU ] 132 ]
hamaa khhaasatagaari(n)dhai kaam uoo || 132 ||
All of them are extremely anxious to fulfill his desires and wishes. (132)
kzw E kdr hr do dr qwieqS
kazaa o kadhar har dho dhar taitash
Both the destiny and Nature are subservient to him, and
s-pihro zmIN hr do dr iKdmqS ] 133 ]
sa-pahiro zamee(n) har dho dhar khidhamatash || 133 ||
Both the sky and the earth are (always) ready to be at his service. (133)
^u`ro mwh hr do gdwie drS
khhu'ro maeh har dho gadhai dharash
Both the sun and the moon are beggars at his door, and
b`ro bihr hr do snw gusqrS ] 134 ]
ba'ro bahir har dho sanaa gusatarash || 134 ||
Both the water and the land are spreading his praises, virtues and qualities. (134)
qvwlI q&`zul qvwqr krm
tavaalee tapha'zul tavaatar karam
He is the pursuer and appreciator of kindness and blessing,
qvw&r qrwhm qkwsr nAm ] 135 ]
tavaaphar taraaham takaasar nam || 135 ||
He is the bounty of benevolence and ultimate of granting boons. (135)
mkwilS irAwhul-Azm vl-Arb
makaalish riaahula-azam vala-arab
His words and messages are full of fragrance for the Arab and Iran regions, and
iz nUrS &rozW Srkul Zrb ] 136 ]
z noorash pharozaa(n) sharakul g(h)rab || 136 ||
Both the east and the west are illuminated with his radiance. (136)
hr AW ks ik Az rih isdk ieAqkwd
har aa(n) kas k az reh sidhak iatakaadh
Every such person who with a chaste mind and firm faith
Qpwie hmwXUin aU sr inhwd ] 137 ]
thapai hamaayoon uoo sar nihaadh || 137 ||
Put his head down on his sacred lotus feet, (137)
sr A&rw^qS h`k iz hr srbulµd
sar apharaakhhatash ha'k z har sarabula(n)dh
The Primal Lord blessed him with honors higher than even the great persons,
Awgr Sr-ingUM b^qo A^qr nzMd ] 138 ]
aagar shara-nigoo(n) bakhhato akhhatar naza(n)dh || 138 ||
Even though, he had a bad fortune and his star of destiny was bleak.(138)
hr AW ks ik aU ^Wd nwmS bisdk
har aa(n) kas k uoo khhaa(n)dh naamash basidhak
Every such person who remembered his name with a true faith,
rvw Sud hr aumIdo kwmS bisdk ] 139 ]
ravaa shudh har umeedho kaamash basidhak || 139 ||
Without any doubt, every wish and ambition of that person was fulfilled. (139)
hr AW ks ik aU nwim aU rw SnId
har aa(n) kas k uoo naam uoo raa shaneedh
Every such person who heard or listened to his sacred name
iz pwdwiS hr mwAsIAq vw rhId ] 140 ]
z paadhaash har maaseeat vaa raheedh || 140 ||
Was forgiven and redeemed of the punishement of every sin that he had committed. (140)
hr AW ks ik dIdwir pwikS bdId
har aa(n) kas k dheedhaar paakish badheedh
Every such person who happened to have had a sacred glimpse of him,
bcSm AMdrS nUir h`k Sud pdId ] 141 ]
bachasham a(n)dharash noor ha'k shudh padheedh || 141 ||
The Divine Light manifested with resplendent glow in his eyes. (141)
hr AW ks ik aU gSq mnzUir aU
har aa(n) kas k uoo gashat manazoor uoo
Anyone who happens to be favored in his eyes,
b-vsil ^udS h`k &zUd AwbrU ] 142 ]
ba-vasal khhudhash ha'k phazoodh aabaroo || 142 ||
Was blessed with the Divine meeting thus enhancing his esteem. (142)
qu&YlS hmw mujrmW rw njwq
tuphailash hamaa mujaramaa(n) raa najaat
With his clemency, all sinner are forgiven and granted salvation,
iz pw-Suie aU murdgW rw hXwq ] 143 ]
z paa-shui uoo muradhagaa(n) raa hayaat || 143 ||
By washing his lotus feet, even the dead become alive, are revived. (143)
ic hYvW mukwibl b-pwSUie aU
ch haivaa(n) mukaabil ba-paashooi uoo
Compared to washing his lotus feet, even the nectar becomes far inferior,
ik AW nIz Sud bMdwie kUie aU ] 144 ]
k aa(n) neez shudh ba(n)dhai kooi uoo || 144 ||
Because, it also becomes a slave of his street (realm). (144)
iz hYvW Ar murdw igl hw zIAMd
z haivaa(n) ar muradhaa gil haa zeea(n)dh
If the dead dirt can be revived with this life-giving potion,
AzIN Awb jW-hw E idl hw zIAMd ] 145 ]
azee(n) aab jaa(n)-haa o dhil haa zeea(n)dh || 145 ||
Then, with this nectar, soul and heart become alive again. (145)
zlwil mkwilS cunW Awmdw
zalaal makaalish chunaa(n) aamadhaa
The tenor of his conversation is such, that
ik sd Awib hYvW drW Awmdw ] 146 ]
k sadh aab haivaa(n) dharaa(n) aamadhaa || 146 ||
Hundreds of life-giving nectars become contained therein. (146)
jhW dr jhW murdw rw izMdw krd
jahaa(n) dhar jahaa(n) muradhaa raa zi(n)dhaa karadh
He revived dead people of numerous worlds (world after world), and
hzwrW idil izMdw rw bMdw krd ] 147 ]
hazaaraa(n) dhil zi(n)dhaa raa ba(n)dhaa karadh || 147 ||
He made servitors out of thousands of enlivened hearts. (147)
ic gMgw mukwibl b AMimRqsrS
ch ga(n)gaa mukaabil b a(n)mritasarash
Sacred river Gangaa is absolutely no match to his pool of nectar, (Amrit Sarovar of Amritsar), because
ik hr hSqo Ssq Awmdw cwkrS ] 148 ]
k har hashato shasat aamadhaa chaakarash || 148 ||
Every one of the sixty pilgrim centers is at his beck and call and his servant. (148)
vjUdS bh`k pwiedwro mudwm
vajoodhash baha'k paidhaaro mudhaam
Because of truthfulness, his body and stature is eternal and immortal,
idlS rOSn Az nUir h`kul-krwm ] 149 ]
dhilash rauashan az noor ha'kula-karaam || 149 ||
Due to the radiance of Akaalpurakh's blessings, his heart is always brilliance and illuminated. (149)
bh`k dwnI Az jumlw vwlw nzr
baha'k dhaanee az jumalaa vaalaa nazar
He has the highest divine insight to appreciate and recognize the 'truth',
bh`k bInI Az jumlw rOSn bsr ] 150 ]
baha'k beenee az jumalaa rauashan basar || 150 ||
He has the keenest luminous and brilliant vision to examine the truth and take the right decision. (150)
b-AwgwhI Az jumlw Awgwh qr
ba-aagaahee az jumalaa aagaeh tar
He is most familiar about the knowledge about truth than all, and
dr AklIm dwinS SihnSwh qr ] 151 ]
dhar akaleem dhaanish shahinashaeh tar || 151 ||
He is the king of wisdom and perception. (151)
zbIin mqInS &roizMdw nUr
zabeen mateenash pharozi(n)dhaa noor
His steel-like forehead radiates with heavenly glow, and
zmIir munIrS dr^iSMdw hUr ] 152 ]
zameer muneerash dharakhhashi(n)dhaa hoor || 152 ||
His divine and luminous soul is a shining sun. (152)
b-&jlo qrwhm srwsr &zwl
ba-phajalo taraaham saraasar phazaal
He is absolutely forgiving in terms of compassiona and generosity, and
b-zybo qj`eIAn srwpw jmwl ] 153 ]
ba-zebo taja'ieean saraapaa jamaal || 153 ||
He is all beauty for grace and embellishment from head to toes. (153)
b-ihMmq bulµdI bulµd Az hmw
ba-hi(n)mat bula(n)dhee bula(n)dh az hamaa
In terms of courage, he is the most courageous of all, and
b-iekbwl &IrozmMd Az hmw ] 154 ]
ba-ikabaal pheerozama(n)dh az hamaa || 154 ||
As far as rank and status is concerned, he is most fortunate of all. (154)
Agric b-qs^Iir hr do jhW
agarach ba-tasakhheer har dho jahaa(n)
Even though, in order to conquer both the worlds
inAwzS nw bwSd b qyZo snW ] 155 ]
niaazash naa baashadh b teg(h)o sanaa(n) || 155 ||
He does not need swords and spears, (155)
vly jOhir qyZ A&ro^qw
vale jauahar teg(h) apharokhhataa
But when the skill, feat and the power of his sword springs up
iz brkS idil duSmnW so^qw ] 156 ]
z barakash dhil dhushamanaa(n) sokhhataa || 156 ||
Then, with its lightening, the hearts of the enemy get singed. (156)
iz zopIin aU pIl rw ^UM ijgr
z zopeen uoo peel raa khhoo(n) jigar
The heart of an elephant is bludgeoned with his lance, and
iz qIrS ijgr so^qw Syir nr ] 157 ]
z teerash jigar sokhhataa sher nar || 157 ||
Even the heart of a lion is scorched with his arrow. (157)
kmMdS ddo dwm dr bMd krd
kama(n)dhash dhadho dhaam dhar ba(n)dh karadh
His scaling rope has captured animals and ferocious beasts in its snare,
isnwnS iz dyvW br Awvurd grd ] 158 ]
sinaanash z dhevaa(n) bar aavuradh garadh || 158 ||
And, his heavy spear has spread the dirt under the demons and Satans, (by defeating them) (158)
cunW nwvkS hlkw dr koh krd
chunaa(n) naavakash halakaa dhar koh karadh
His sharp arrow pierced the mountain in such a manner
ik Arjun n krdw brUiz nbur`d ] 159 ]
k arajun na karadhaa barooz nabura'dh || 159 ||
That even the brave Arjun could not do on the day of the battle. (159)
ic Arjun ic BImo ic rusqm ic swm
ch arajun ch bheemo ch rusatam ch saam
Whether we talk about Arjun, Bheem, Rustam or Saam, or
ic As&MdXwro ic lCmn ic rwm ] 160 ]
ch asapha(n)dhayaaro ch lachhaman ch raam || 160 ||
Whether we talk about Asafan? Dayar, Lachhman, or Ram; who and what were these brave men? (160)
hzwrW mhySo hzwrW gnyS
hazaaraa(n) mahesho hazaaraa(n) ganesh
Thousands of Mahayshs and Thousands of Ganayshs
bpwieS inhwdw sir iejiz ^yS ] 161 ]
bapaish nihaadhaa sar ijaz khhesh || 161 ||
Bow their heads with humility and reverence on his lotus feet. (161)
hmw bMdwie aU Swih &Iroz-jMg
hamaa ba(n)dhai uoo shaeh pheeroza-ja(n)g
All of them are servitors-slaves of this victorious king of the battle, and
do Awlm Azo Xw&qw bU E rMg ] 162 ]
dho aalam azo yaaphataa boo o ra(n)g || 162 ||
Both the worlds were bestowed with fragrance, gaiety and brilliance by him. (162)
hzwrW AlI E hzwrW vlI
hazaaraa(n) alee o hazaaraa(n) valee
Thousands of Alis and thousands of prophets
bpwieS inhwdw sir srvrI ] 163 ]
bapaish nihaadhaa sar saravaree || 163 ||
All bow their heads of their chieftainship with humilty and respect at his feet. (163)
cUM qIrS ijhd Az kmW qyz qr
choo(n) teerash jihadh az kamaa(n) tez tar
When his arrow is shot from his bow in the battle with tremendous speed,
hmw duSmnW rw iSgw&d ijgr ] 164 ]
hamaa dhushamanaa(n) raa shigaaphadh jigar || 164 ||
It pierces through the hearts of the enemy. (164)
^dMgS cunW sMig ^wrh drd
khhadha(n)gash chunaa(n) sa(n)g khhaareh dharadh
His arrow cuts through the hard stone in such a manner,
ik SmSIir ihMdI igAwh rw brd ] 165 ]
k shamasheer hi(n)dhee giaaeh raa baradh || 165 ||
Like an Indian sword that can mow through the grass. (165)
ic sMgo ic Awhn bir qIir aU
ch sa(n)go ch aahan bar teer uoo
Neither the stone nor the steel are no match against his arrow, and
ic &rzwngW pyiS qdbIir aU ] 166 ]
ch pharazaanagaa(n) pesh tadhabeer uoo || 166 ||
The wisdom of the intellectuals does not cut much ice before his plans and procedures. (166)
AmUdS cUM br &rik pIlW rsd
amoodhash choo(n) bar pharak peelaa(n) rasadh
When his heavy steel mace falls on the head of an elephant,
Agr koh bwSd b^wk A&Znd ] 167 ]
agar koh baashadh bakhhaak aphag(h)nadh || 167 ||
At that time, even if it were a mountain, it will become a part of the dust. (167)
SnwieS iz nkid hswier ibrUM
shanaish z nakadh hasair biroo(n)
His praise and glory cannot be contained within any periphery or boundry, and
aulUAS iz &ihim mlwiek &zUM ] 168 ]
aulooash z phahim malaik phazoo(n) || 168 ||
His loftiness is much beyond the intellectual capacity even of the angels.(168)
AzW brqrIN qr ik Awied gumW
azaa(n) barataree(n) tar k aaidh gumaa(n)
He is much loftier than our intellect or perception, and
AzW brqrIN qr ik goied zubW ] 169 ]
azaa(n) barataree(n) tar k goidh zubaa(n) || 169 ||
Our tongue is incapable to describe his praises and glory. (169)
vjUdS sqUM ski& qihkIk rw
vajoodhash satoo(n) sakaph tahikeek raa
His body is the pillar and post for the roof of the plan to search for Akaalpurakh, and
ru^S rOSn Az rihmiq ikbrIAw ] 170 ]
rukhhash rauashan az rahimat kibareeaa || 170 ||
His face, with Waaheguru's magnanimity and munificence, is always radiant and shininmg. (170)
idlS imhir r^SW iz Aqvwir h`k
dhilash mihar rakhhashaa(n) z atavaar ha'k
His heart is the bright sun shining with the divine radiance,
b isdk Az hmw swidkwinS sb`k ] 171 ]
b sidhak az hamaa saadhikaanish saba'k || 171 ||
In faith, he is ahead and higher than all the true followers and sincere believers. (171)
AzW brqr Awmd ik dwnd ksy
azaa(n) baratar aamadh k dhaanadh kase
He has a higher rank and status than anyone who is recognizable anywhere and anybody,
AzW brguzIdw ikh ^wnd ksy ] 172 ]
azaa(n) baraguzeedhaa keh khhaanadh kase || 172 ||
He is more reverential than anyone could describe. (172)
jhW dr jhW mkrmq zwiq aU
jahaa(n) dhar jahaa(n) makaramat zaat uoo
All the worlds are saturated with the graciousness of his personality, and
iz h`d brqr Awmd kmlwiq aU ] 173 ]
z ha'dh baratar aamadh kamalaat uoo || 173 ||
His feats cannot be confined within any limits. (173)
cU qOsI&S Awmd &zUM Az ihswb
choo tauaseephash aamadh phazoo(n) az hisaab
When his praises and glory are beyond any accountability,
kujw guMjd AMdr hjwib ikqwb ] 174 ]
kujaa gu(n)jadh a(n)dhar hajaab kitaab || 174 ||
How could, then, they be confined to the screens (pages) of any book. (174)
sir lwl bwdw bpwieS i&dw
sar laal baadhaa bapaish phidhaa
With Waaheguru's grace, I pray that the head of Nand Lal be sacrificed for his naam, and that
Azo bwd jwno idlS rw nvw ] 175 ]
azo baadh jaano dhilash raa navaa || 175 ||
With Akaalpurakh's kindness, the soul and heart of Nand Lal be offered before Him. (175)