Bhai Nand Laal JiAng 1GanjnamaGanjnama113 linesBhai Nand Lal Ji

vwihgurU jIau sq

vaahiguroo jeeau sat

Waaheguru is the Truth

nwisro mnsUr gurU goibMd isMG

naasiro manasoor guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Guru Gobind Singh: Protector of the poor and destitute:

eIzid mnzUr gurU goibMd isMG ] 105 ]

e'eezadh manazoor guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 105 ||

In the protection of Akaalpurakh, and accepted in the court of Waaheguru (105)

h`k rw gMzUr gurU goibMd isMG

ha'k raa ga(n)zoor guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Guru Gobind Singh is the repository of truth

jumlw &Yiz nUr gurU goibMd isMG ] 106 ]

jumalaa phaiz noor guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 106 ||

Guru Gobind Singh is the grace of the entire brilliance. (106)

h`k h`k Awgwh gurU goibMd isMG

ha'k ha'k aagaeh guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Guru Gobind Singh was the truth for the connoisseurs of truth,

Swih ShnSwh gurU goibMd isMG ] 107 ]

shaeh shahanashaeh guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 107 ||

Guru Gobind Singh was the king of kings. (107)

br do Awlm Swh gurU gOibMd isMG

bar dho aalam shaeh guroo gauabi(n)dh si(n)gh

Guru Gobind Singh was the king of both the worlds,

^sm rw jW-kwh gurU goibMd isMG ] 108 ]

khhasam raa jaa(n)-kaeh guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 108 ||

And, Guru Gobind Singh was the conqueror of the enemy-lives. (108)

&wiezul Anvwr gurU goibMd isMG

phaizul anavaar guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Guru Gobind Singh is the bestower of divine radiance.

kwS&ul Asrwr gurU goibMd isMG ] 109 ]

kaashaphul asaraar guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 109 ||

Guru Gobind Singh is the Revealer of the divine mysteries. (109)

Awilmul Asqwr gurU goibMd isMG

aalimul asataar guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Guru Gobind Singh is knowledgeable of the secrets behind the screen,

Abir rihmq bwr gurU goibMd isMG ] 110 ]

abar rahimat baar guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 110 ||

Guru Gobind Singh is the one show showers blessings all over. (110)

mukbulo mkbUl gurU goibMd isMG

mukabulo makabool guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Guru Gobind Singh is the accepted one and is the favorite of everyone.

vwslo mOsUl gurU goibMd isMG ] 111 ]

vaasalo mauasool guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 111 ||

Guru Gobind Singh is connected with the Akaalpurakh and is capable of connecting with Him. (111)

jW-&roiz dihr gurU goibMd isMG

jaa(n)-pharoz dhahir guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Guru Gobind Singh is the bestower of life to the world,

&Yiz h`k rw bihr gurU goibMd isMG ] 112 ]

phaiz ha'k raa bahir guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 112 ||

And Guru Gobind Singh is the ocean of the divine blessings and grace. (112)

h`k rw mihbUb gurU goibMd isMG

ha'k raa mahiboob guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Guru Gobind Singh is the beloved of Waaheguru,

qwilbo mqlUb gurU goibMd isMG ] 113 ]

taalibo mataloob guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 113 ||

And, Guru Gobind Singh is the seeker of God and is likeable and desirable of the people. (113)

qyZ rw &qwh gurU goibMd isMG

teg(h) raa phataeh guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Guru Gobind Singh is affluent in swordsmanship,

jwno idl rw rwh gurU goibMd isMG ] 114 ]

jaano dhil raa raeh guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 114 ||

And Guru Gobind Singh is the elixir for the heart and the soul. (114)

swihib AklIl gurU goibMd isMG

saahib akaleel guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Guru Gobind Singh is the master of all crowns,

izib h`k qzlIl gurU goibMd isMG ] 115 ]

zib ha'k tazaleel guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 115 ||

Guru Gobind Singh is the image of the shadow of Akaalpurakh. (115)

^wzin hr gMj gur goibMd isMG

khhaazan har ga(n)j gur gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Guru Gobind Singh is the treasurer of all treasures,

brhim hr rMj gur goibMd isMG ] 116 ]

baraham har ra(n)j gur gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 116 ||

And, Guru Gobind Singh is the one who dispels all sorrows and pains. (116)

dwvir Aw&wk gur goibMd isMG

dhaavar aaphaak gur gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Guru Gobind Singh rules in both the worlds,

dr do Awlm qwk gur goibMd isMG ] 117 ]

dhar dho aalam taak gur gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 117 ||

And, there is no rival to Guru Gobind Singh in the two worlds. (117)

h`k ^ud v`swi& gur goibMd isMG

ha'k khhudh va'saaph gur gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Waaheguru Himself is the balladeer of Guru Gobind Singh,

br qrIN AOswi& gur goibMd isMG ] 118 ]

bar taree(n) aauasaaph gur gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 118 ||

And, Guru Gobind Singh is the composite of all noble virtues. (118)

^wsgW dr pwie gur goibMd isMG

khhaasagaa(n) dhar pai gur gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

The elite of Akaalpurakh prostrate at the lotus feet of Guru Gobind Singh

ku`dsIAW bw rwie gur goibMd isMG ] 119 ]

ku'dhaseeaa(n) baa rai gur gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 119 ||

And, those entities that are sacred and near ones of Waaheguru are under Guru Gobind Singh's command. (119)

mukblW m`dwih gur goibMd isMG

mukabalaa(n) ma'dhaeh gur gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Persons and entities accepted by Waaheguru are the admirers of Guru Gobind Singh,

jwno idl rw rwh gur goibMd isMG ] 120 ]

jaano dhil raa raeh gur gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 120 ||

Guru Gobind Singh bestows tranquility and serenity to both heart and the soul. (120)

lw-mkW pw-bois gurU goibMd isMG

laa-makaa(n) paa-bos guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

The Eternal Entity kisses the lotus feet of Guru Gobind Singh,

br do Awlm kOis gurU goibMd isMG ] 121 ]

bar dho aalam kauas guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 121 ||

And, the kettledrum of Guru Gobind Singh resounds in both the worlds. (121)

suls hm mihkUim gurU goibMd isMG

sulas ham mahikoom guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

All the three universes obey the command of Guru Gobind Singh,

r`ubAw hm m^qUim gurU goibMd isMG ] 122 ]

ra'ubaa ham makhhatoom guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 122 ||

And, all the four principal mineral deposits are under his seal. (122)

suds hlkw bgoiS gurU goibMd isMG

sudhas halakaa bagosh guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

The whole world is a slave to Guru Gobind Singh,

duSmn-A&gwn joiS gurU goibMd isMG ] 123 ]

dhushamana-aphagaan josh guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 123 ||

And, he annihilates his enemies with his zeal and enthusiasm. (123)

^wilso by-kInw gurU goibMd isMG

khhaaliso be-keenaa guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Guru Gobind Singh's heart is chaste and free from any kind of enmity or feeling of alienation,

h`k h`k AweInw gurU goibMd isMG ] 124 ]

ha'k ha'k aaieenaa guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 124 ||

Guru Gobind Singh is truth himself and is the mirror of truthfulness. (124)

h`k h`k AMdyS gurU goibMd isMG

ha'k ha'k a(n)dhesh guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Guru Gobind Singh is the true observant of truthfulness,

bwdSwh drvyS gurU goibMd isMG ] 125 ]

baadhashaeh dharavesh guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 125 ||

And, Guru Gobind Singh is the mendicant and king as well. (125)

mkrmul-&zwl gurU goibMd isMG

makaramula-phazaal guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Guru gobind Singh is the bestower of godly blessings,

muniemu l-muqAwl gurU goibMd isMG ] 126 ]

munim la-mutaal guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 126 ||

And, he is the grantor of wealth and divine boons. (126)

kwrmu`l-k`rwm gurU goibMd isMG

kaaramu'la-ka'raam guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Guru Gobind Singh is even more benevolent for the generous,

rwhm`ul-r`hwm gurU goibMd isMG ] 127 ]

raahama'ula-ra'haam guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 127 ||

Guru Gobind Singh is even kindlier for the compassionate. (127)

nwiemul-munAwm gurU goibMd isMG

naimula-munaam guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Guru Gobind Singh even bestows divine boons to those who themselves are blessed to do so;

&whmul-&`hwm gurU goibMd isMG ] 128 ]

phaahamula-pha'haam guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 128 ||

Guru Gobind Singh is the preceptor for the perceivers. Also the observer for the observent. (128)

dwiemo-pwieMdw gurU goibMd isMG

dhaimo-pai(n)dhaa guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Guru Gobind Singh is stable and going to live forever,

&`r^o &r^Mdw gurU goibMd isMG ] 129 ]

pha'rakhho pharakhha(n)dhaa guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 129 ||

Guru Gobind Singh is noble and extremely fortunate. (129)

&Yiz subhwn zwiq gurU goibMd isMG

phaiz subahaan zaat guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Guru Gobind Singh is the blessing of the Omnipotent Waaheguru,

nUir h`k lmAwq gurU goibMd isMG ] 130 ]

noor ha'k lamaat guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 130 ||

Guru Gobind Singh is the radiance-filled light of the divine ray. (130)

swmAwin nwim gurU goibMd isMG

saamaan naam guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Listeners of the name of Guru Gobind Singh,

h`k-bIN iz ienAwim gurU goibMd isMG ] 131 ]

ha'ka-bee(n) z inaam guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 131 ||

With his blessings, are able to perceive Akaalpurakh. (131)

vws&win zwiq gurU goibMd isMG

vaasaphaan zaat guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Admirers of the persona of Guru Gobind Singh

vwisl Az brkwiq gurU goibMd isMG ] 132 ]

vaasil az barakaat guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 132 ||

Become legitimate recipients of his bountiful blessings. (132)

rwikmwin vsi& gurU goibMd isMG

raakimaan vasaph guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

The scribe of the virtues of Guru Gobind Singh,

nwmvr Az luqi& gurU goibMd isMG ] 133 ]

naamavar az lutaph guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 133 ||

Attain eminence and prominence with his kindness and blessings. (133)

nwizrwin rUie gurU goibMd isMG

naaziraan rooi guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Those who are fortunate enough to get a glimpse of the face of Guru Gobind Singh

msiq h`k dr kUie gurU goibMd isMG ] 134 ]

masat ha'k dhar kooi guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 134 ||

Do get enamored and intoxicated in his love and affection while in his street. (134)

^wk-bois pwie gurU goibMd isMG

khhaaka-bos pai guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Those who kiss the dust of the lotus feet of Guru Gobind Singh,

mukbl Az Awlwie gurU goibMd isMG ] 135 ]

mukabal az aalai guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 135 ||

Become accepted (in divine court) due to his blessings and boons. (135)

kwidir hr kwr gurU goibMd isMG

kaadhir har kaar guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Guru Gobind Singh is capable to tackle any problem and issue,

byksW-rw Xwr gurU goibMd isMG ] 136 ]

bekasaa(n)-raa yaar guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 136 ||

And, Guru Gobind Singh is the supporter of those who do not have any support. (136)

swijdo msjUd gurU goibMd isMG

saajidho masajoodh guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Guru Gobind Singh is both the worshiper and the worshiped,

jumlw &Yzo jUd gurU goibMd isMG ] 137 ]

jumalaa phaizo joodh guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 137 ||

Guru Gobind Singh is the composite of grace and largess. (137)

srvrW rw qwj gurU goibMd isMG

saravaraa(n) raa taaj guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Guru Gobind Singh is the crown of the chiefs,

br qrIN imArwj gurU goibMd isMG ] 138 ]

bar taree(n) miaraaj guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 138 ||

And, he is the best means and instrument to attain the Almighty. (138)

ASr ku`dsI rwim gurU goibMd isMG

ashar ku'dhasee raam guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

All the holy angels obey the command of Guru Gobind Singh,

vwisi& iekrwm gurU goibMd isMG ] 139 ]

vaasiph ikaraam guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 139 ||

And, are the admirers of his innumerable blessings. (139)

au`im ku`ds bkwir gurU goibMd isMG

au'm ku'dhas bakaar guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

The sacred creator of the world stays in the service of Guru Gobind Singh,

gwSIAw brdwir gurU goibMd isMG ] 140 ]

gaasheeaa baradhaar guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 140 ||

And is his attendant and a servitor. (140)

kdr kudrq pyiS gurU goibMd isMG

kadhar kudharat pesh guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

How does the Nature matter before Guru Gobind Singh?

ienikXwd AMdyiS gurU goibMd isMG ] 141 ]

einakiyaadh a(n)dhesh guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 141 ||

In fact, it, too, wants to be bound in is worship. (141)

iq`sA aulvI ^wik gurU goibMd isMG

ti'sa ulavee khhaak guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

All the seven skies are the dust of the feet of Guru Gobind Singh,

cwkir cwlwik gurU goibMd isMG ] 142 ]

chaakar chaalaak guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 142 ||

And, his servants are smart and clever. (142)

q^iq bwlw zyir gurU goibMd isMG

takhhat baalaa zer guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

The elevated throne of the sky is under Guru Gobind Singh,

lwmkwin sYr gurU goibMd isMG ] 143 ]

laamakaan sair guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 143 ||

And he strolls in the eternal atmosphere. (143)

br qr Az hr kdr gurU goibMd isMG

bar tar az har kadhar guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

The worth and value of Guru Gobind Singh is the highest of all,

jwivdwnI sdr gurU goibMd isMG ] 144 ]

jaavidhaanee sadhar guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 144 ||

And, he is the master of the indestructible throne. (144)

Awlmy rOSn iz gurU goibMd isMG

aalame rauashan z guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

This world is bright because of Guru Gobind Singh,

jwno idl gulSn iz gurU goibMd isMG ] 145 ]

jaano dhil gulashan z guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 145 ||

And, due to him, the heart and the soul are pleasant like a garden of flowers. (145)

rUz A&zUM jwih gurU goibMd isMG

rooz aphazoo(n) jaeh guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

The stature of Guru Gobind Singh rises by the day,

zyib q^qo gwih gurU goibMd isMG ] 146 ]

zeb takhhato gaeh guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 146 ||

And, he is the pride and praise of the both the throne and the place. (146)

murSudu-dw`rYin gurU goibMd isMG

murashudhu-dhaa'rain guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Guru Gobind Singh is the true Guru of both the worlds,

bIniS hr AYn gurU goibMd isMG ] 147 ]

beenash har aain guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 147 ||

And, he is the light of every eye. (147)

jumlw dr &rmwin gurU goibMd isMG

jumalaa dhar pharamaan guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

The whole world is under Guru Gobind Singh's command,

br qr Awmd Swin gurU goibMd isMG ] 148 ]

bar tar aamadh shaan guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 148 ||

And, he has the loftiest glory and grandeur. (148)

hr do Awlm ^Yil gurU goibMd isMG

har dho aalam khhail guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Both the worlds are the families of Guru Gobind Singh,

jumlw AMdr zYil gurU goibMd isMG ] 149 ]

jumalaa a(n)dhar zail guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 149 ||

All people would like to hold on to the corners of his (royal) robe. (149)

vwihbo v`hwb gurU goibMd isMG

vaahibo va'haab guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Guru Gobind Singh is the philanthropist who bestows blessings,

&wiqih hr bwb gurU goibMd isMG ] 150 ]

phaateh har baab guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 150 ||

And he is the one who is capable of opening all doors, is victorious in every chapter and situation. (150)

Swimil-l-AS&wk gurU goibMd isMG

shaamili-la-ashaphaak guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Guru Gobind Singh is filled with mercies and compassion,

kwimil-l-A^lwk gurU goibMd isMG ] 151 ]

kaamili-la-akhhalaak guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 151 ||

And, he is perfect in his virtuous conduct and character. (151)

rUh dr hr ijsm gurU goibMd isMG

rooh dhar har jisam guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Guru Gobind Singh is the soul and spirit in every body,

nUr dr hr cSm gurU goibMd isMG ] 152 ]

noor dhar har chasham guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 152 ||

And, he is the light and radiance in each and every eye. (152)

jumlw rozI ^wir gurU goibMd isMG

jumalaa rozee khhaar guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

All seek and obtain sustenance from the doors of Guru Gobind Singh,

bYiz h`k iemqwr gurU goibMd isMG ] 153 ]

baiz ha'k imataar guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 153 ||

And, he is capable to shower clouds full of blessings. (153)

ibsqo h&q gdwie gurU goibMd isMG

bisato haphat gadhai guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Twenty-seven foreign countries are the beggars at The door of Guru Gobind Singh,

h&q hm SYdwie gurU goibMd isMG ] 154 ]

haphat ham shaidhai guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 154 ||

All the seven worlds are willing to sacrifice themselves for him. (154)

^wkhUib srwie gurU goibMd isMG

khhaakahoob sarai guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

All the five senses and reproductive organs highlight the virtues of Guru Gobind Singh in praises,

^`ms vs& pYrwie gurU goibMd isMG ] 155 ]

khha'mas vasaph pairai guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 155 ||

And are the sweepers in his living quarters. (155)

br do Awlm dsiq gurU goibMd isMG

bar dho aalam dhasat guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

Guu Gobind Singh has his hand of blessings and grace over both the worlds,

jumlw aulvI psiq gurU goibMd isMG ] 156 ]

jumalaa ulavee pasat guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 156 ||

All angels and gods are just trivial and inconsequential before Guru Gobind Singh. (156)

lwAl sgy gulwim gurU goibMd isMG

laal sage gulaam guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

(Nand) Lal is the slave dog at the door of Guru Gobind Singh,

dwZdwir nwim gurU goibMd isMG ] 157 ]

dhaag(h)dhaar naam guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 157 ||

And he is spotted and smeared with the name of Guru Gobind Singh (157)

kmqrIN iz sgwin gurU goibMd isMG

kamataree(n) z sagaan guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

(Nand Lal) is lowlier than Guru Gobind Singh's slave dogs,

ryzw-cIin ^Íwin gurU goibMd isMG ] 158 ]

rezaa-cheen khhavaiaan guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 158 ||

And, he picks up crumbs and bits from the dinner table of the Guru. (158)

swiel Az ienAwim gurU goibMd isMG

sail az inaam guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

This slave is desirous of the rewards from Guru GObind Singh,

^wik pwik Akdwim gurU goibMd isMG ] 159 ]

khhaak paak akadhaam guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 159 ||

And, is anxious to receive the blessing of the dust of the feet of Guru Gobind Singh. (159)

bwd jwnS i&dwie gurU goibMd isMG

baadh jaanash phidhai guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh

May I be blessed that I (Nand Lal) could sacrifice my life for Guru Gobind Singh,

&rik aU br pwie gurU goibMd isMG ] 160 ]

pharak uoo bar pai guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh || 160 ||

And, that my head should lay stable and balanced at the feet of Guru Gobind Singh. (160)