SGGSAng 282Raag GauriSukhmani Mahalla 510 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

ijau mMdr kau QwmY QMmnu ]

jio mandhar ko thhaamai thhanman ||

As a palace is supported by its pillars,

iqau gur kw sbdu mnih AsQµmnu ]

thio gur kaa sabadh manehi asathhanman ||

So does the Guru's Word support the mind.

ijau pwKwxu nwv ciV qrY ]

aucwrx nwv: Bwrw krky bolo; ciV: Bwry krky bolo

jio paakhaan naav charr tharai ||

As a stone placed in a boat can cross over the river,

pRwxI gur crx lgqu insqrY ]

praanee gur charan lagath nisatharai ||

So is the mortal saved, grasping hold of the Guru's Feet.

ijau AMDkwr dIpk prgwsu ]

jio andhhakaar dheepak paragaas ||

As the darkness is illuminated by the lamp,

gur drsnu dyiK min hoie ibgwsu ]

gur dharasan dhaekh man hoe bigaas ||

So does the mind blossom forth, beholding the Blessed Vision of the Guru's Darshan.

ijau mhw auidAwn mih mwrgu pwvY ]

jio mehaa oudhiaan mehi maarag paavai ||

The path is found through the great wilderness by joining the Saadh Sangat,

iqau swDU sµig imil joiq pRgtwvY ]

thio saadhhoo sang mil joth pragattaavai ||

The Company of the Holy, and one's light shines forth.

iqn sMqn kI bwCau DUir ]

thin santhan kee baashho dhhoor ||

I seek the dust of the feet of those Saints;

nwnk kI hir locw pUir ]3]

naanak kee har lochaa poor ||3||

O Lord, fulfill Nanak's longing! ||3||