SGGSAng 282Raag GauriSukhmani Mahalla 510 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

mn mUrK kwhy ibllweIAY ]

man moorakh kaahae bilalaaeeai ||

O foolish mind, why do you cry and bewail?

purb ilKy kw iliKAw pweIAY ]

purab likhae kaa likhiaa paaeeai ||

You shall obtain your pre-ordained destiny.

dUK sUK pRB dyvnhwru ]

dhookh sookh prabh dhaevanehaar ||

God is the Giver of pain and pleasure.

Avr iqAwig qU iqsih icqwru ]

avar thiaag thoo thisehi chithaar ||

Abandon others, and think of Him alone.

jo kCu krY soeI suKu mwnu ]

jo kashh karai soee sukh maan ||

Whatever He does - take comfort in that.

BUlw kwhy iPrih Ajwn ]

bhoolaa kaahae firehi ajaan ||

Why do you wander around, you ignorant fool?

kaun bsqu AweI qyrY sMg ]

koun basath aaee thaerai sang ||

What things did you bring with you?

lpit rihE ris loBI pqµg ]

lapatt rehiou ras lobhee pathang ||

You cling to worldly pleasures like a greedy moth.

rwm nwm jip ihrdy mwih ]

raam naam jap hiradhae maahi ||

Dwell upon the Lord's Name in your heart.

nwnk piq syqI Gir jwih ]4]

naanak path saethee ghar jaahi ||4||

O Nanak, thus you shall return to your home with honor. ||4||