rwgu soriT mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx rwgu soriT mh`lw pMjvw
raag sorath mehalaa 5 ||
Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl:
dhids CqR myG Gtw Gt dwmin cmik frwieE ]
dheh dhis shhathr maegh ghattaa ghatt dhaaman chamak ddaraaeiou ||
In the ten directions, the clouds cover the sky like a canopy; through the dark clouds, lightning flashes, and I am terrified.
syj iekylI nId nhu nYnh ipru prdyis isDwieE ]1]
saej eikaelee needh nahu naineh pir paradhaes sidhhaaeiou ||1||
By bed is empty, and my eyes are sleepless; my Husband Lord has gone far away. ||1||
huix nhI sMdys romwieE ]
hun nehee sandhaesaro maaeiou ||
Now, I receive no messages from Him, O mother!
eyk kosro isiD krq lwlu qb cqur pwqro AwieE ] rhwau ]
aucwrx is`iD
eaek kosaro sidhh karath laal thab chathur paatharo aaeiou || rehaao ||
When my Beloved used to go even a mile away, He would send me four letters. ||Pause||
ikau ibsrY iehu lwlu ipAwro srb guxw suKdwieE ]
kio bisarai eihu laal piaaro sarab gunaa sukhadhaaeiou ||
How could I forget this Dear Beloved of mine? He is the Giver of peace, and all virtues.
mMdir cir kY pMQu inhwrau nYn nIir Bir AwieE ]2]
aucwrx c`ir
mandhar char kai panthh nihaaro nain neer bhar aaeiou ||2||
Ascending to His Mansion, I gaze upon His path, and my eyes are filled with tears. ||2||
hau hau BIiq BieE hY bIco sunq dyis inktwieE ]
ho ho bheeth bhaeiou hai beecho sunath dhaes nikattaaeiou ||
The wall of egotism and pride separates us, but I can hear Him nearby.
BWBIrI ky pwq prdo ibnu pyKy dUrwieE ]3]
aucwrx BW-BIrI: pihlw 'B' ApnI Avwj nwl, dUsrw 'B' nUµ 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj nwl bolo
bhaanbheeree kae paath paradho bin paekhae dhooraaeiou ||3||
There is a veil between us, like the wings of a butterfly; without being able to see Him, He seems so far away. ||3||
BieE ikrpwlu srb ko Twkuru sgro dUKu imtwieE ]
bhaeiou kirapaal sarab ko thaakur sagaro dhookh mittaaeiou ||
The Lord and Master of all has become merciful; He has dispelled all my sufferings.
khu nwnk haumY BIiq guir KoeI qau dieAwru bITlo pwieE ]4]
kahu naanak houmai bheeth gur khoee tho dhaeiaar beethalo paaeiou ||4||
Says Nanak, when the Guru tore down the wall of egotism, then, I found my Merciful Lord and Master. ||4||
sBu rihE AMdysro mwieE ]
sabh rehiou andhaesaro maaeiou ||
All my fears have been dispelled, O mother!
jo cwhq so gurU imlwieE ]
jo chaahath so guroo milaaeiou ||
Whoever I seek, the Guru leads me to find.
srb gunw iniD rwieE ] rhwau dUjw ]11]61]
aucwrx in`iD; rhwau dUjw: bolnw hY
sarab gunaa nidhh raaeiou || rehaao dhoojaa ||11||61||
The Lord, our King, is the treasure of all virtue. ||Second Pause||11||61||