soriT mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx soriT mh`lw pMjvw
sorath mehalaa 5 ||
Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl:
guir pUrY kIqI pUrI ]
gur poorai keethee pooree ||
The Perfect Guru has made me perfect.
pRBu riv rihAw BrpUrI ]
prabh rav rehiaa bharapooree ||
God is totally pervading and permeating everywhere.
Kym kusl BieAw iesnwnw ]
khaem kusal bhaeiaa eisanaanaa ||
With joy and pleasure, I take my purifying bath.
pwrbRhm ivthu kurbwnw ]1]
aucwrx pwr-bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
paarabreham vittahu kurabaanaa ||1||
I am a sacrifice to the Supreme Lord God. ||1||
gur ky crn kvl ird Dwry ]
gur kae charan kaval ridh dhhaarae ||
I enshrine the lotus feet of the Guru within my heart.
ibGnu n lwgY iql kw koeI kwrj sgl svwry ]1] rhwau ]
bighan n laagai thil kaa koee kaaraj sagal savaarae ||1|| rehaao ||
Not even the tiniest obstacle blocks my way; all my affairs are resolved. ||1||Pause||
imil swDU durmiq Koey ]
mil saadhhoo dhuramath khoeae ||
Meeting with the Holy Saints, my evil-mindedness was eradicated.
piqq punIq sB hoey ]
pathith puneeth sabh hoeae ||
All the sinners are purified.
rwmdwis srovr nwqy ]
aucwrx nwqy: 'n; Bwrw krky
raamadhaas sarovar naathae ||
Bathing in the sacred pool of Guru Ram Das,
sB lwQy pwp kmwqy ]2]
aucwrx kmwqy: polw bolo
sabh laathhae paap kamaathae ||2||
All the sins one has committed are washed away. ||2||
gun goibMd inq gweIAY ]
gun gobindh nith gaaeeai ||
So sing forever the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe;
swDsµig imil iDAweIAY ]
saadhhasang mil dhhiaaeeai ||
Joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, meditate on Him.
mn bWCq Pl pwey ]
man baanshhath fal paaeae ||
The fruits of your mind's desires are obtained
guru pUrw irdY iDAwey ]3]
gur pooraa ridhai dhhiaaeae ||3||
By meditating on the Perfect Guru within your heart. ||3||
gur gopwl Awnµdw ]
gur gopaal aanandhaa ||
The Guru, the Lord of the World, is blissful;
jip jip jIvY prmwnµdw ]
jap jap jeevai paramaanandhaa ||
Chanting, meditating on the Lord of supreme bliss, He lives.
jn nwnk nwmu iDAwieAw ]
jan naanak naam dhhiaaeiaa ||
Servant Nanak meditates on the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
pRB Apnw ibrdu rKwieAw ]4]10]60]
prabh apanaa biradh rakhaaeiaa ||4||10||60||
God has confirmed His innate nature. ||4||10||60||