12: s`c kUV dw AMq
End of the truth and falsehood
scu kUV duie JwgVU JgVw krdy cauqY AwieAw ]
sachu koorh dui jhaagarhoo jhagarhaa karadaa chaoutai aaiaa.
Truth and falsehood had a tiff and quarrelling they came to the dias of justice.
Agy scw sic inAwie Awp hjUir dovY JgVwieAw ]
agay sachaa sachi niaai aap hajoori dovai jhagarhaaiaa.
Dispenser of the true justice made them to debate their points there.
scu scw kUiV kUiVAwru pMcw ivicdo kir smJwieAw ]
sachu sachaa koorhi koorhiaaru panchaa vichido kari samajhaaiaa.
The wise mediators concluded that the truth is true and the falsehood Her.
sic ijqw kUiV hwirAw kUVu kUVw kir shir iPrwieAw ]
sachi jitaa koorhi haariaa koorhu koorhaa kari sahari dhiraaiaa.
The truth triumphed and the falsehood lost and being labeled untrue, was paraded in the whole city.
sicAwrY swbwis hY kUiVAwrY iPtu iPtu krwieAw ]
sachiaarai saabaasi hai koorhiaarai dhitu dhitu karaaiaa.
The truthfull was applauded but the untrue incurred opprobrium.
sc lhxw kUiV dyvxw Kqu sqwglu iliK dyvwieAw ]
sach lahanaa koorhi dayvanaa khatu sataagalu likhi dayvaaiaa.
This was written on a piece of paper that the truth is creditory and the falsehood debtor.
Awp Tgwie n TgIAY TgxhwrY Awpu TgwieAw ]
aap tdagaai n tdageeai tdaganahaarai aapu tdagaaiaa.
He who allows himself to be cheated is never deceived and he who cheats others gets himself cheated.
ivrlw scu ivhwJx AwieAw ]12]
viralaa sachu vihaajhan aaiaa ||12||
Any rare one is a buyer of truth.