Bhai Gurdas JiAng 30Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 308 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

11: s`c kUV dw inrx´

Judgement about the truth and falsehood

scu sUrju prgwsu hY kUVhu GuGU kuJu n suJY ]

sachu sooraju paragaasu hai koorhahu ghoughoo kujhu n sujhai.

The truth is sun-light and falsehood is owl which cannot see anything.

sc vxspiq bohIAY kUVhu vws n cMdn buJY ]

sach vanasapati boheeai koorhahu vaas n chandan bujhai.

The fragrance of truth diffuses in the whole vegetation but falsehood in the form of bamboo does not identify sandal.

schu sPl qrovrw isMmlu APlu vfweI luJY ]

sachahu saphal tarovaraa sinmalu aphalu vadaaee lujhai.

Truth makes a fruitful tree where as the proud silk cotton tree being fruitless is ever anguished.

swvix vx hrIAwvly sukY Aku jvwhW ruJY ]

saavani van hareeaavalay soukai aku javaahaan rujhai.

In the month of silvan all the forests go green but akk, the wild plant of sandy region, and javds, the camel-thorn, remain dry.

mwxk moqI mwnsir sMK insKx hsqn duJY ]

maanak motee maanasari sankhi nisakhan hasatan dujhai.

Rubies and pearls are there in the Manasarovar but the conch being empty within is pressed by hands.

scu gMgodku inrmlw kUiV rlY md prgtu guJY ]

sachu gangodaku niramalaa koorhi ralai mad paragatu gujhai.

Truth is pure like the water of the Ganges but the wine of falsehood, even if hidden, makes its foul smell manifest.

scu scw kUVu kUVhu KuJY ]11]

sachu sachaa koorhu koorhahu khujhai ||11||

Truth is truthful and falsehood remains false.