mwrU mhlw 1 ]
aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pihlw
maaroo mehalaa 1 ||
Maaroo, First Mehl:
suMn klw Aprµpir DwrI ]
aucwrx Ap-rµpir
sunn kalaa aparanpar dhhaaree ||
In the Primal Void, the Infinite Lord assumed His Power.
Awip inrwlmu Apr ApwrI ]
aucwrx Apr: polw bolo (ASuD: A-pr)
aap niraalam apar apaaree ||
He Himself is unattached, infinite and incomparable.
Awpy kudriq kir kir dyKY suMnhu suMnu aupwiedw ]1]
aapae kudharath kar kar dhaekhai sunnahu sunn oupaaeidhaa ||1||
He Himself exercised His Creative Power, and He gazes upon His creation; from the Primal Void, He formed the Void. ||1||
pauxu pwxI suMnY qy swjy ]
poun paanee sunnai thae saajae ||
From this Primal Void, He fashioned air and water.
isRsit aupwie kwieAw gV rwjy ]
aucwrx kWieAW; rwjy: polw bolo
srisatt oupaae kaaeiaa garr raajae ||
He created the universe, and the king in the fortress of the body.
Agin pwxI jIau joiq qumwrI suMny klw rhwiedw ]2]
agan paanee jeeo joth thumaaree sunnae kalaa rehaaeidhaa ||2||
Your Light pervades fire, water and souls; Your Power rests in the Primal Void. ||2||
suMnhu bRhmw ibsnu mhysu aupwey ]
aucwrx bRhmw: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
sunnahu brehamaa bisan mehaes oupaaeae ||
From this Primal Void, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva issued forth.
suMny vrqy jug sbwey ]
sunnae varathae jug sabaaeae ||
This Primal Void is pervasive throughout all the ages.
iesu pd vIcwry so jnu pUrw iqsu imlIAY Brmu cukwiedw ]3]
eis padh veechaarae so jan pooraa this mileeai bharam chukaaeidhaa ||3||
That humble being who contemplates this state is perfect; meeting with him, doubt is dispelled. ||3||
suMnhu spq srovr Qwpy ]
aucwrx spq: polw bolo (ASuD: s-pq)
sunnahu sapath sarovar thhaapae ||
From this Primal Void, the seven seas were established.
ijin swjy vIcwry Awpy ]
jin saajae veechaarae aapae ||
The One who created them, Himself contemplates them.
iqqu sq sir mnUAw gurmuiK nwvY iPir bwhuiV join n pwiedw ]4]
aucwrx nwvY: 'n' Bwrw krky
thith sath sar manooaa guramukh naavai fir baahurr jon n paaeidhaa ||4||
That human being who becomes Gurmukh, who bathes in the pool of Truth, is not cast into the womb of reincarnation again. ||4||
suMnhu cMdu sUrju gYxwry ]
sunnahu chandh sooraj gainaarae ||
From this Primal Void, came the moon, the sun and the earth.
iqs kI joiq iqRBvx swry ]
this kee joth thribhavan saarae ||
His Light pervades all the three worlds.
suMny AlK Apwr inrwlmu suMny qwVI lwiedw ]5]
aucwrx Al`K
sunnae alakh apaar niraalam sunnae thaarree laaeidhaa ||5||
The Lord of this Primal Void is unseen, infinite and immaculate; He is absorbed in the Primal Trance of Deep Meditation. ||5||
suMnhu Driq Akwsu aupwey ]
sunnahu dhharath akaas oupaaeae ||
From this Primal Void, the earth and the Akaashic Ethers were created.
ibnu Qµmw rwKy scu kl pwey ]
bin thhanmaa raakhae sach kal paaeae ||
He supports them without any visible support, by exercising His True Power.
iqRBvx swij myKulI mwieAw Awip aupwie Kpwiedw ]6]
aucwrx myKu-lI
thribhavan saaj maekhulee maaeiaa aap oupaae khapaaeidhaa ||6||
He fashioned the three worlds, and the rope of Maya; He Himself creates and destroys. ||6||
suMnhu KwxI suMnhu bwxI ]
sunnahu khaanee sunnahu baanee ||
From this Primal Void, came the four sources of creation, and the power of speech.
suMnhu aupjI suµin smwxI ]
sunnahu oupajee sunn samaanee ||
They were created from the Void, and they will merge into the Void.
auqBuju clqu kIAw isir krqY ibsmwdu sbid dyKwiedw ]7]
outhabhuj chalath keeaa sir karathai bisamaadh sabadh dhaekhaaeidhaa ||7||
The Supreme Creator created the play of Nature; through the Word of His Shabad, He stages His Wondrous Show. ||7||
suMnhu rwiq idnsu duie kIey ]
sunnahu raath dhinas dhue keeeae ||
From this Primal Void, He made both night and day;
Epiq Kpiq suKw duK dIey ]
aucwrx Kpiq: polw bolo
oupath khapath sukhaa dhukh dheeeae ||
Creation and destruction, pleasure and pain.
suK duK hI qy Amru AqIqw gurmuiK inj Gru pwiedw ]8]
sukh dhukh hee thae amar atheethaa guramukh nij ghar paaeidhaa ||8||
The Gurmukh is immortal, untouched by pleasure and pain. He obtains the home of his own inner being. ||8||
swm vydu rugu jujru AQrbxu ]
aucwrx rugu: purwqn srUpW iv`c 'rugu' pwT AwieAw hY; AQ`rbxu
saam vaedh rig jujar athharaban ||
The Saam Veda, the Rig Veda, the Jujar Veda and the At'harva Veda
bRhmy muiK mwieAw hY qRY gux ]
aucwrx bRhmy: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
brehamae mukh maaeiaa hai thrai gun ||
Form the mouth of Brahma; they speak of the three gunas, the three qualities of Maya.
qw kI kImiq kih n skY ko iqau boly ijau bolwiedw ]9]
thaa kee keemath kehi n sakai ko thio bolae jio bolaaeidhaa ||9||
None of them can describe His worth. We speak as He inspires us to speak. ||9||
suMnhu spq pwqwl aupwey ]
aucwrx spq: polw bolo (ASuD: s-pq)
sunnahu sapath paathaal oupaaeae ||
From the Primal Void, He created the seven nether regions.
suMnhu Bvx rKy ilv lwey ]
sunnahu bhavan rakhae liv laaeae ||
From the Primal Void, He established this world to lovingly dwell upon Him.
Awpy kwrxu kIAw Aprµpir sBu qyro kIAw kmwiedw ]10]
aucwrx Ap-rµpir
aapae kaaran keeaa aparanpar sabh thaero keeaa kamaaeidhaa ||10||
The Infinite Lord Himself created the creation. Everyone acts as You make them act, Lord. ||10||
rj qm sq kl qyrI CwieAw ]
aucwrx rj: polw bolo
raj tham sath kal thaeree shhaaeiaa ||
Your Power is diffused through the three gunas: raajas, taamas and satva.
jnm mrx haumY duKu pwieAw ]
janam maran houmai dhukh paaeiaa ||
Through egotism, they suffer the pains of birth and death.
ijsno ikRpw kry hir gurmuiK guix cauQY mukiq krwiedw ]11]
jis no kirapaa karae har guramukh gun chouthhai mukath karaaeidhaa ||11||
Those blessed by His Grace become Gurmukh; they attain the fourth state, and are liberated. ||11||
suMnhu aupjy ds Avqwrw ]
sunnahu oupajae dhas avathaaraa ||
From the Primal Void, the ten incarnations welled up.
isRsit aupwie kIAw pwswrw ]
srisatt oupaae keeaa paasaaraa ||
Creating the Universe, He made the expanse.
dyv dwnv gx gMDrb swjy siB iliKAw krm kmwiedw ]12]
dhaev dhaanav gan gandhharab saajae sabh likhiaa karam kamaaeidhaa ||12||
He fashioned the demi-gods and demons, the heavenly heralds and celestial musicians; everyone acts according to their past karma. ||12||
gurmuiK smJY rogu n hoeI ]
guramukh samajhai rog n hoee ||
The Gurmukh understands, and does not suffer the disease.
ieh gur kI pauVI jwxY jnu koeI ]
eih gur kee pourree jaanai jan koee ||
How rare are those who understand this ladder of the Guru.
jugh jugµqir mukiq prwiex so mukiq BieAw piq pwiedw ]13]
jugeh juganthar mukath paraaein so mukath bhaeiaa path paaeidhaa ||13||
Throughout the ages, they are dedicated to liberation, and so they become liberated; thus they are honored. ||13||
pMc qqu suMnhu prgwsw ]
panch thath sunnahu paragaasaa ||
From the Primal Void, the five elements became manifest.
dyh sµjogI krm AiBAwsw ]
dhaeh sanjogee karam abhiaasaa ||
They joined to form the body, which engages in actions.
burw Blw duie msqik lIKy pwpu puMnu bIjwiedw ]14]
buraa bhalaa dhue masathak leekhae paap punn beejaaeidhaa ||14||
Both bad and good are written on the forehead, the seeds of vice and virtue. ||14||
aUqm siqgur purK inrwly ]
ootham sathigur purakh niraalae ||
The True Guru, the Primal Being, is sublime and detached.
sbid rqy hir ris mqvwly ]
aucwrx r`qy; m`q-vwly
sabadh rathae har ras mathavaalae ||
Attuned to the Word of the Shabad, He is intoxicated with the sublime essence of the Lord.
iriD buiD isiD igAwnu gurU qy pweIAY pUrY Bwig imlwiedw ]15]
aucwrx ir`iD; is`iD
ridhh budhh sidhh giaan guroo thae paaeeai poorai bhaag milaaeidhaa ||15||
Riches, intellect, miraculous spiritual powers and spiritual wisdom are obtained from the Guru; through perfect destiny, they are received. ||15||
iesu mn mwieAw kau nyhu Gnyrw ]
eis man maaeiaa ko naehu ghanaeraa ||
This mind is so in love with Maya.
koeI bUJhu igAwnI krhu inbyrw ]
aucwrx bU`Jhu
koee boojhahu giaanee karahu nibaeraa ||
Only a few are spiritually wise enough to understand and know this.
Awsw mnsw haumY shsw nru loBI kUVu kmwiedw ]16]
aasaa manasaa houmai sehasaa nar lobhee koorr kamaaeidhaa ||16||
In hope and desire, egotism and skepticism, the greedy man acts falsely. ||16||
siqgur qy pwey vIcwrw ]
sathigur thae paaeae veechaaraa ||
From the True Guru, contemplative meditation is obtained.
suMn smwiD scy Gr bwrw ]
sunn samaadhh sachae ghar baaraa ||
And then, one dwells with the True Lord in His celestial home, the Primal State of Absorption in Deepest Samaadhi.
nwnk inrml nwdu sbd Duin scu rwmY nwim smwiedw ]17]5]17]
naanak niramal naadh sabadh dhhun sach raamai naam samaaeidhaa ||17||5||17||
O Nanak, the immaculate sound current of the Naad, and the Music of the Shabad resound; one merges into the True Name of the Lord. ||17||5||17||