mwrU mhlw 1 ]
aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pihlw
maaroo mehalaa 1 ||
Maaroo, First Mehl:
Awpy Awpu aupwie inrwlw ]
aapae aap oupaae niraalaa ||
He Himself created the creation, remaining unattached.
swcw Qwnu kIE dieAwlw ]
saachaa thhaan keeou dhaeiaalaa ||
The Merciful Lord has established His True Home.
paux pwxI AgnI kw bµDnu kwieAw kotu rcwiedw ]1]
aucwrx kWieAW
poun paanee aganee kaa bandhhan kaaeiaa kott rachaaeidhaa ||1||
Binding together air, water and fire, He created the fortress of the body. ||1||
nau Gr Qwpy QwpxhwrY ]
no ghar thhaapae thhaapanehaarai ||
The Creator established the nine gates.
dsvY vwsw AlK ApwrY ]
aucwrx Al`K
dhasavai vaasaa alakh apaarai ||
In the Tenth Gate, is the dwelling of the infinite, unseen Lord.
swier spq Bry jil inrmil gurmuiK mYlu n lwiedw ]2]
aucwrx spq: polw bolo (ASuD: s-pq)
saaeir sapath bharae jal niramal guramukh mail n laaeidhaa ||2||
The seven seas are overflowing with the Ambrosial Water; the Gurmukhs are not stained with filth. ||2||
riv sis dIpk joiq sbweI ]
rav sas dheepak joth sabaaee ||
The lamps of the sun and the moon fill all with light.
Awpy kir vyKY vifAweI ]
aapae kar vaekhai vaddiaaee ||
Creating them, He beholds His own glorious greatness.
joiq srUp sdw suKdwqw scy soBw pwiedw ]3]
joth saroop sadhaa sukhadhaathaa sachae sobhaa paaeidhaa ||3||
The Giver of peace is forever the embodiment of Light; from the True Lord, glory is obtained. ||3||
gV mih hwt ptx vwpwrw ]
aucwrx ptx: polw bolo (ASuD: p`tx)
garr mehi haatt pattan vaapaaraa ||
Within the fortress are the stores and markets; the business is transacted there.
pUrY qoil qolY vxjwrw ]
poorai thol tholai vanajaaraa ||
The Supreme Merchant weighs with the perfect weights.
Awpy rqnu ivswhy lyvY Awpy kImiq pwiedw ]4]
aapae rathan visaahae laevai aapae keemath paaeidhaa ||4||
He Himself buys the jewel, and He Himself appraises its value. ||4||
kImiq pweI pwvxhwrY ]
keemath paaee paavanehaarai ||
The Appraiser appraises its value.
vyprvwh pUry BµfwrY ]
vaeparavaah poorae bhanddaarai ||
The Independent Lord is overflowing with His treasures.
srb klw ly Awpy rihAw gurmuiK iksY buJwiedw ]5]
aucwrx bu`Jwiedw
sarab kalaa lae aapae rehiaa guramukh kisai bujhaaeidhaa ||5||
He holds all powers, He is all-pervading; how few are those who, as Gurmukh, understand this. ||5||
ndir kry pUrw guru BytY ]
nadhar karae pooraa gur bhaettai ||
When He bestows His Glance of Grace, one meets the Perfect Guru.
jm jµdwru n mwrY PytY ]
jam jandhaar n maarai faettai ||
The tyrannical Messenger of Death cannot strike him then.
ijau jl AMqir kmlu ibgwsI Awpy ibgis iDAwiedw ]6]
jio jal anthar kamal bigaasee aapae bigas dhhiaaeidhaa ||6||
He blossoms forth like the lotus flower in the water; he blossoms forth in joyful meditation. ||6||
Awpy vrKY AMimRq Dwrw ]
aapae varakhai anmrith dhhaaraa ||
He Himself rains down the Ambrosial Stream of jewels,
rqn jvyhr lwl Apwrw ]
aucwrx j-vyhr
rathan javaehar laal apaaraa ||
Diamonds, and rubies of priceless value.
siqguru imlY q pUrw pweIAY pRym pdwrQu pwiedw ]7]
sathigur milai th pooraa paaeeai praem padhaarathh paaeidhaa ||7||
When they meet the True Guru, then they find the Perfect Lord; they obtain the treasure of Love. ||7||
pRym pdwrQu lhY Amolo ]
praem padhaarathh lehai amolo ||
Whoever receives the priceless treasure of Love
kb hI n Gwtis pUrw qolo ]
kab hee n ghaattas pooraa tholo ||
- his weight never decreases; he has perfect weight.
scy kw vwpwrI hovY sco saudw pwiedw ]8]
aucwrx saudw: ibMdI rihq bolo (ASuD: sauNdw)
sachae kaa vaapaaree hovai sacho soudhaa paaeidhaa ||8||
The trader of Truth becomes true, and obtains the merchandise. ||8||
scw saudw ivrlw ko pwey ]
aucwrx saudw: ibMdI rihq bolo (ASuD: sauNdw)
sachaa soudhaa viralaa ko paaeae ||
How rare are those who obtain the true merchandise.
pUrw siqguru imlY imlwey ]
pooraa sathigur milai milaaeae ||
Meeting the Perfect True Guru, one meets with the Lord.
gurmuiK hoie su hukmu pCwxY mwnY hukmu smwiedw ]9]
guramukh hoe s hukam pashhaanai maanai hukam samaaeidhaa ||9||
One who becomes Gurmukh realizes the Hukam of His command; surrendering to His Command, one merges in the Lord. ||9||
hukmy AwieAw hukim smwieAw ]
hukamae aaeiaa hukam samaaeiaa ||
By His Command we come, and by His command we merge into Him again.
hukmy dIsY jgqu aupwieAw ]
hukamae dheesai jagath oupaaeiaa ||
By His Command, the world was formed.
hukmy surgu mCu pieAwlw hukmy klw rhwiedw ]10]
hukamae surag mashh paeiaalaa hukamae kalaa rehaaeidhaa ||10||
By His Command, the heavens, this world and the nether regions were created; by His Command, His Power supports them. ||10||
hukmy DrqI Daul isir Bwrµ ]
hukamae dhharathee dhhoul sir bhaaran ||
The Hukam of His Command is the mythical bull which supports the burden of the earth on its head.
hukmy paux pwxI gYxwrµ ]
hukamae poun paanee gainaaran ||
By His Hukam, air, water and fire came into being.
hukmy isv skqI Gir vwsw hukmy Kyl Kylwiedw ]11]
hukamae siv sakathee ghar vaasaa hukamae khael khaelaaeidhaa ||11||
By His Hukam, one dwells in the house of matter and energy - Shiva and Shakti. By His Hukam, He plays His plays. ||11||
hukmy Awfwxy AwgwsI ]
hukamae aaddaanae aagaasee ||
By the Hukam of His command, the sky is spread above.
hukmy jl Ql iqRBvx vwsI ]
hukamae jal thhal thribhavan vaasee ||
By His Hukam, His creatures dwell in the water, on the land and throughout the three worlds.
hukmy sws igrws sdw Puin hukmy dyiK idKwiedw ]12]
hukamae saas giraas sadhaa fun hukamae dhaekh dhikhaaeidhaa ||12||
By His Hukam, we draw our breath and receive our food; by His Hukam, He watches over us, and inspires us to see. ||12||
hukim aupwey ds Aauqwrw ]
hukam oupaaeae dhas aouthaaraa ||
By His Hukam, He created His ten incarnations,
dyv dwnv Agxq Apwrw ]
dhaev dhaanav aganath apaaraa ||
And the uncounted and infinite gods and devils.
mwnY hukmu su drgh pYJY swic imlwie smwiedw ]13]
maanai hukam s dharageh paijhai saach milaae samaaeidhaa ||13||
Whoever obeys the Hukam of His Command, is robed with honor in the Court of the Lord; united with the Truth, He merges in the Lord. ||13||
hukmy jug CqIh gudwry ]
hukamae jug shhatheeh gudhaarae ||
By the Hukam of His Command, the thirty-six ages passed.
hukmy isD swiDk vIcwry ]
aucwrx is`D
hukamae sidhh saadhhik veechaarae ||
By His Hukam, the Siddhas and seekers contemplate Him.
Awip nwQu nQˆØI sB jw kI bKsy mukiq krwiedw ]14]
aap naathh nathhanaee sabh jaa kee bakhasae mukath karaaeidhaa ||14||
The Lord Himself has brought all under His control. Whoever He forgives, is liberated. ||14||
kwieAw kotu gVY mih rwjw ]
aucwrx kWieAW
kaaeiaa kott garrai mehi raajaa ||
In the strong fortress of the body with its beautiful doors,
nyb Kvws Blw drvwjw ]
naeb khavaas bhalaa dharavaajaa ||
Is the king, with his special assistants and ministers.
imiQAw loBu nwhI Gir vwsw lib pwip pCuqwiedw ]15]
mithhiaa lobh naahee ghar vaasaa lab paap pashhuthaaeidhaa ||15||
Those gripped by falsehood and greed do not dwell in the celestial home; engrossed in greed and sin, they come to regret and repent. ||15||
squ sµqoKu ngr mih kwrI ]
sath santhokh nagar mehi kaaree ||
Truth and contentment govern this body-village.
jqu squ sMjmu srix murwrI ]
jath sath sanjam saran muraaree ||
Chastity, truth and self-control are in the Sanctuary of the Lord.
nwnk shij imlY jgjIvnu gur sbdI piq pwiedw ]16]4]16]
naanak sehaj milai jagajeevan gur sabadhee path paaeidhaa ||16||4||16||
O Nanak, one intuitively meets the Lord, the Life of the World; the Word of the Guru's Shabad brings honor. ||16||4||16||