mwrU mhlw 1 ]
aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pihlw
maaroo mehalaa 1 ||
Maaroo, First Mehl:
jh dyKw qh dIn dieAwlw ]
jeh dhaekhaa theh dheen dhaeiaalaa ||
Wherever I look, I see the Lord, merciful to the meek.
Awie n jweI pRBu ikrpwlw ]
aae n jaaee prabh kirapaalaa ||
God is compassionate; He does not come or go in reincarnation.
jIAw AMdir jugiq smweI rihE inrwlmu rwieAw ]1]
jeeaa andhar jugath samaaee rehiou niraalam raaeiaa ||1||
He pervades all beings in His mysterious way; the Sovereign Lord remains detached. ||1||
jgu iqs kI CwieAw ijsu bwpu n mwieAw ]
jag this kee shhaaeiaa jis baap n maaeiaa ||
The world is a reflection of Him; He has no father or mother.
nw iqsu BYx n Brwau kmwieAw ]
naa this bhain n bharaao kamaaeiaa ||
He has not acquired any sister or brother.
nw iqsu Epiq Kpiq kul jwqI Ehu Ajrwvru min BwieAw ]2]
aucwrx Kpiq: polw bolo; Ajrw-vru
naa this oupath khapath kul jaathee ouhu ajaraavar man bhaaeiaa ||2||
There is no creation or destruction for Him; He has no ancestry or social status. The Ageless Lord is pleasing to my mind. ||2||
qU Akwl purKu nwhI isir kwlw ]
thoo akaal purakh naahee sir kaalaa ||
You are the Deathless Primal Being. Death does not hover over Your head.
qU purKu AlyK Agµm inrwlw ]
thoo purakh alaekh aganm niraalaa ||
You are the unseen inaccessible and detached Primal Lord.
sq sµqoiK sbid Aiq sIqlu shj Bwie ilv lwieAw ]3]
aucwrx Aiq: polw bolo
sath santhokh sabadh ath seethal sehaj bhaae liv laaeiaa ||3||
You are true and content; the Word of Your Shabad is cool and soothing. Through it, we are lovingly, intuitively attuned to You. ||3||
qRY vrqwie cauQY Gir vwsw ]
thrai varathaae chouthhai ghar vaasaa ||
The three qualities are pervasive; the Lord dwells in His home, the fourth state.
kwl ibkwl kIey iek gRwsw ]
kaal bikaal keeeae eik graasaa ||
He has made death and birth into a bite of food.
inrml joiq srb jgjIvnu guir Anhd sbid idKwieAw ]4]
niramal joth sarab jagajeevan gur anehadh sabadh dhikhaaeiaa ||4||
The immaculate Light is the Life of the whole world. The Guru reveals the unstruck melody of the Shabad. ||4||
aUqm jn sMq Bly hir ipAwry ]
ootham jan santh bhalae har piaarae ||
Sublime and good are those humble Saints, the Beloveds of the Lord.
hir rs mwqy pwir auqwry ]
aucwrx mwqy: Bwrw krky bolo
har ras maathae paar outhaarae ||
They are intoxicated with the sublime essence of the Lord, and are carried across to the other side.
nwnk ryx sMq jn sµgiq hir gurprswdI pwieAw ]5]
naanak raen santh jan sangath har gur parasaadhee paaeiaa ||5||
Nanak is the dust of the Society of the Saints; by Guru's Grace, he finds the Lord. ||5||
qU AMqrjwmI jIA siB qyry ]
thoo antharajaamee jeea sabh thaerae ||
You are the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts. All beings belong to You.
qU dwqw hm syvk qyry ]
thoo dhaathaa ham saevak thaerae ||
You are the Great Giver; I am Your slave.
AMimRq nwmu ikRpw kir dIjY guir igAwn rqnu dIpwieAw ]6]
anmrith naam kirapaa kar dheejai gur giaan rathan dheepaaeiaa ||6||
Please be merciful and bless me with Your Ambrosial Naam, and the jewel, the lamp of the Guru's spiritual wisdom. ||6||
pMc qqu imil iehu qnu kIAw ]
panch thath mil eihu than keeaa ||
From the union of the five elements, this body was made.
Awqm rwm pwey suKu QIAw ]
aatham raam paaeae sukh thheeaa ||
Finding the Lord, the Supreme Soul, peace is established.
krm krqUiq AMimRq Plu lwgw hir nwm rqnu min pwieAw ]7]
karam karathooth anmrith fal laagaa har naam rathan man paaeiaa ||7||
The good karma of past actions brings fruitful rewards, and man is blessed with the jewel of the Lord's Name. ||7||
nw iqsu BUK ipAws mnu mwinAw ]
naa this bhookh piaas man maaniaa ||
His mind does not feel any hunger or thirst.
srb inrµjnu Git Git jwinAw ]
sarab niranjan ghatt ghatt jaaniaa ||
He knows the Immaculate Lord to be everywhere, in each and every heart.
AMimRq ris rwqw kyvl bYrwgI gurmiq Bwie suBwieAw ]8]
aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo; suBwieAw: 'B' nUµ 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj
anmrith ras raathaa kaeval bairaagee guramath bhaae subhaaeiaa ||8||
Imbued with the Lord's Ambrosial essence, he becomes a pure, detached renunciate; he is lovingly absorbed in the Guru's Teachings. ||8||
AiDAwqm krm kry idnu rwqI ]
adhhiaatham karam karae dhin raathee ||
Whoever does the deeds of the soul, day and night,
inrml joiq inrµqir jwqI ]
niramal joth niranthar jaathee ||
Sees the immaculate Divine Light deep within.
sbdu rswlu rsn ris rsnw byxu rswlu vjwieAw ]9]
sabadh rasaal rasan ras rasanaa baen rasaal vajaaeiaa ||9||
Enraptured with the delightful essence of the Shabad, the source of nectar, my tongue plays the sweet music of the flute. ||9||
byxu rswl vjwvY soeI ]
baen rasaal vajaavai soee ||
He alone plays the sweet music of this flute,
jw kI iqRBvx soJI hoeI ]
jaa kee thribhavan sojhee hoee ||
Who knows the three worlds.
nwnk bUJhu ieh ibiD gurmiq hir rwm nwim ilv lwieAw ]10]
aucwrx bU`Jhu
naanak boojhahu eih bidhh guramath har raam naam liv laaeiaa ||10||
O Nanak, know this, through the Guru's Teachings, and lovingly focus yourself on the Lord's Name. ||10||
AYsy jn ivrly sµswry ]
aisae jan viralae sansaarae ||
Rare are those beings in this world,
gur sbdu vIcwrih rhih inrwry ]
gur sabadh veechaarehi rehehi niraarae ||
Who contemplate the Word of the Guru's Shabad, and remain detached.
Awip qrih sµgiq kul qwrih iqn sPl jnmu jig AwieAw ]11]
aap tharehi sangath kul thaarehi thin safal janam jag aaeiaa ||11||
They save themselves, and save all their associates and ancestors; fruitful is their birth and coming into this world. ||11||
Gru dru mMdru jwxY soeI ]
ghar dhar mandhar jaanai soee ||
He alone knows the home of his own heart, and the door to the temple,
ijsu pUry gur qy soJI hoeI ]
jis poorae gur thae sojhee hoee ||
Who obtains perfect understanding from the Guru.
kwieAw gV mhl mhlI pRBu swcw scu swcw qKqu rcwieAw ]12]
aucwrx kWieAW
kaaeiaa garr mehal mehalee prabh saachaa sach saachaa thakhath rachaaeiaa ||12||
In the body-fortress is the palace; God is the True Master of this Palace. The True Lord established His True Throne there. ||12||
cqur ds hwt dIvy duie swKI ]
chathur dhas haatt dheevae dhue saakhee ||
The fourteen realms and the two lamps are the witnesses.
syvk pMc nwhI ibKu cwKI ]
saevak panch naahee bikh chaakhee ||
The Lord's servants, the self-elect, do not taste the poison of corruption.
AMqir vsqu AnUp inrmolk guir imilAY hir Dnu pwieAw ]13]
anthar vasath anoop niramolak gur miliai har dhhan paaeiaa ||13||
Deep within, is the priceless, incomparable commodity; meeting with the Guru, the wealth of the Lord is obtained. ||13||
qKiq bhY qKqY kI lwiek ]
thakhath behai thakhathai kee laaeik ||
He alone sits on the throne, who is worthy of the throne.
pMc smwey gurmiq pwiek ]
panch samaaeae guramath paaeik ||
Following the Guru's Teachings, he subdues the five demons, and becomes the Lord's foot soldier.
Awid jugwdI hY BI hosI shsw Brmu cukwieAw ]14]
aadh jugaadhee hai bhee hosee sehasaa bharam chukaaeiaa ||14||
He has existed from the very beginning of time and throughout the ages; He exists here and now, and will always exist. Meditating on Him, skepticism and doubt are dispelled. ||14||
qKiq slwmu hovY idnu rwqI ]
thakhath salaam hovai dhin raathee ||
The Lord of the Throne is greeted and worshipped day and night.
iehu swcu vfweI gurmiq ilv jwqI ]
eihu saach vaddaaee guramath liv jaathee ||
This true glorious greatness comes to those who love the Guru's Teachings.
nwnk rwmu jphu qru qwrI hir AMiq sKweI pwieAw ]15]1]18]
naanak raam japahu thar thaaree har anth sakhaaee paaeiaa ||15||1||18||
O Nanak, meditate on the Lord, and swim across the river; they find the Lord, their best friend, in the end. ||15||1||18||