SGGSAng 363Raag AsaMahalla 319 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

Awsw mhlw 3 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw qIjw

aasaa mehalaa 3 ||

Aasaa, Third Mehl:

mnmuiK JUTo JUTu kmwvY ]

manamukh jhootho jhooth kamaavai ||

The self-willed manmukh practices falsehood, only falsehood.

KsmY kw mhlu kdy n pwvY ]

khasamai kaa mehal kadhae n paavai ||

He never attains the Mansion of the Lord Presence.

dUjY lgI Brim BulwvY ]

dhoojai lagee bharam bhulaavai ||

Attached to duality, he wanders, deluded by doubt.

mmqw bwDw AwvY jwvY ]1]

mamathaa baadhhaa aavai jaavai ||1||

Entangled in worldly attachments, he comes and goes. ||1||

dohwgxI kwmn dyKu sIgwru ]

dhohaaganee kaa man dhaekh seegaar ||

Behold, the decorations of the discarded bride!

puqR kliq Din mwieAw icqu lwey JUTu mohu pwKMf ivkwru ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx kl`iq

puthr kalath dhhan maaeiaa chith laaeae jhooth mohu paakhandd vikaar || rehaao ||1||

Her consciousness is attached to children, spouse, wealth, and Maya, falsehood, emotional attachment, hypocrisy and corruption. ||1||Pause||

sdw sohwgix jo pRB BwvY ]

sadhaa sohaagan jo prabh bhaavai ||

She who is pleasing to God is forever a happy soul-bride.

gur sbdI sIgwru bxwvY ]

gur sabadhee seegaar banaavai ||

She makes the Word of the Guru's Shabad her decoration.

syj suKwlI Anidnu hir rwvY ]

saej sukhaalee anadhin har raavai ||

Her bed is so comfortable; she enjoys her Lord, night and day.

imil pRIqm sdw suKu pwvY ]2]

mil preetham sadhaa sukh paavai ||2||

Meeting her Beloved, the obtains eternal peace. ||2||

sw sohwgix swcI ijsu swic ipAwru ]

saa sohaagan saachee jis saach piaar ||

She is a true, virtuous soul-bride, who enshrines love for the True Lord.

Apxw ipru rwKY sdw aur Dwir ]

apanaa pir raakhai sadhaa our dhhaar ||

She keeps her Husband Lord always clasped to her heart.

nyVY vyKY sdw hdUir ]

naerrai vaekhai sadhaa hadhoor ||

She sees Him near at hand, ever-present.

myrw pRBu srb rihAw BrpUir ]3]

maeraa prabh sarab rehiaa bharapoor ||3||

My God is all-pervading everywhere. ||3||

AwgY jwiq rUpu n jwie ]

aagai jaath roop n jaae ||

Social status and beauty will not go with you hereafter.

qyhw hovY jyhy krm kmwie ]

thaehaa hovai jaehae karam kamaae ||

As are the deeds done here, so does one become.

sbdy aUco aUcw hoie ]

sabadhae oocho oochaa hoe ||

Through the Word of the Shabad, one becomes the highest of the high.

nwnk swic smwvY soie ]4]8]47]

naanak saach samaavai soe ||4||8||47||

O Nanak, he is absorbed in the True Lord. ||4||8||47||