SGGSAng 1142Raag BhaironMahalla 519 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

BYrau mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx BYrau mh`lw pMjvw

bhairo mehalaa 5 ||

Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

nwmu lYq mnu prgtu BieAw ]

naam laith man paragatt bhaeiaa ||

Repeating the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the mortal is exalted and glorified.

nwmu lYq pwpu qn qy gieAw ]

naam laith paap than thae gaeiaa ||

Repeating the Naam, sin is banished from the body.

nwmu lYq sgl purbwieAw ]

naam laith sagal purabaaeiaa ||

Repeating the Naam, all festivals are celebrated.

nwmu lYq ATsiT mjnwieAw ]1]

aucwrx m`jnwieAw: 'n' Bwrw krky

naam laith athasath majanaaeiaa ||1||

Repeating the Naam, one is cleansed at the sixty-eight sacred shrines. ||1||

qIrQu hmrw hir ko nwmu ]

theerathh hamaraa har ko naam ||

My sacred shrine of pilgrimage is the Name of the Lord.

guir aupdyisAw qqu igAwnu ]1] rhwau ]

gur oupadhaesiaa thath giaan ||1|| rehaao ||

The Guru has instructed me in the true essence of spiritual wisdom. ||1||Pause||

nwmu lYq duKu dUir prwnw ]

naam laith dhukh dhoor paraanaa ||

Repeating the Naam, the mortal's pains are taken away.

nwmu lYq Aiq mUV suigAwnw ]

aucwrx Aiq: polw bolo

naam laith ath moorr sugiaanaa ||

Repeating the Naam, the most ignorant people become spiritual teachers.

nwmu lYq prgit aujIAwrw ]

naam laith paragatt oujeeaaraa ||

Repeating the Naam, the Divine Light blazes forth.

nwmu lYq Cuty jµjwrw ]2]

naam laith shhuttae janjaaraa ||2||

Repeating the Naam, one's bonds are broken. ||2||

nwmu lYq jmu nyiV n AwvY ]

naam laith jam naerr n aavai ||

Repeating the Naam, the Messenger of Death does not draw near.

nwmu lYq drgh suKu pwvY ]

naam laith dharageh sukh paavai ||

Repeating the Naam, one finds peace in the Court of the Lord.

nwmu lYq pRBu khY swbwis ]

naam laith prabh kehai saabaas ||

Repeating the Naam, God gives His Approval.

nwmu hmwrI swcI rwis ]3]

naam hamaaree saachee raas ||3||

The Naam is my true wealth. ||3||

guir aupdysu kihE iehu swru ]

gur oupadhaes kehiou eihu saar ||

The Guru has instructed me in these sublime teachings.

hir kIriq mn nwmu ADwru ]

har keerath man naam adhhaar ||

The Kirtan of the Lord's Praises and the Naam are the Support of the mind.

nwnk auDry nwm punhcwr ]

naanak oudhharae naam punehachaar ||

Nanak is saved through the atonement of the Naam.

Avir krm lokh pqIAwr ]4]12]25]

avar karam lokeh patheeaar ||4||12||25||

Other actions are just to please and appease the people. ||4||12||25||