SGGSAng 1142Raag BhaironMahalla 519 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

BYrau mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx BYrau mh`lw pMjvw

bhairo mehalaa 5 ||

Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

nmskwr qw kau lK bwr ]

namasakaar thaa ko lakh baar ||

I bow in humble worship, tens of thousands of times.

iehu mnu dIjY qw kau vwir ]

eihu man dheejai thaa ko vaar ||

I offer this mind as a sacrifice.

ismrin qw kY imtih sµqwp ]

simaran thaa kai mittehi santhaap ||

Meditating in remembrance on Him, sufferings are erased.

hoie Anµdu n ivAwpih qwp ]1]

hoe anandh n viaapehi thaap ||1||

Bliss wells up, and no disease is contracted. ||1||

AYso hIrw inrml nwm ]

aiso heeraa niramal naam ||

Such is the diamond, the Immaculate Naam, the Name of the Lord.

jwsu jpq pUrn siB kwm ]1] rhwau ]

jaas japath pooran sabh kaam ||1|| rehaao ||

Chanting it, all works are perfectly completed. ||1||Pause||

jw kI idRsit duK fyrw FhY ]

jaa kee dhrisatt dhukh ddaeraa dtehai ||

Beholding Him, the house of pain is demolished.

AMimRq nwmu sIqlu min ghY ]

anmrith naam seethal man gehai ||

The mind seizes the cooling, soothing, Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam.

Aink Bgq jw ky crn pUjwrI ]

anik bhagath jaa kae charan poojaaree ||

Millions of devotees worship His Feet.

sgl mnorQ pUrnhwrI ]2]

sagal manorathh pooranehaaree ||2||

He is the Fulfiller of all the mind's desires. ||2||

iKn mih aUxy suBr BirAw ]

aucwrx su`Br: 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj

khin mehi oonae subhar bhariaa ||

In an instant, He fills the empty to over-flowing.

iKn mih sUky kIny hirAw ]

khin mehi sookae keenae hariaa ||

In an instant, He transforms the dry into green.

iKn mih inQwvy kau dIno Qwnu ]

khin mehi nithhaavae ko dheeno thhaan ||

In an instant, He gives the homeless a home.

iKn mih inmwxy kau dIno mwnu ]3]

khin mehi nimaanae ko dheeno maan ||3||

In an instant, He bestows honor on the dishonored. ||3||

sB mih eyku rihAw BrpUrw ]

sabh mehi eaek rehiaa bharapooraa ||

The One Lord is totally pervading and permeating all.

so jwpY ijsu siqguru pUrw ]

so jaapai jis sathigur pooraa ||

He alone meditates on the Lord, whose True Guru is Perfect.

hir kIrqnu qw ko AwDwru ]

har keerathan thaa ko aadhhaar ||

Such a person has the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises for his Support.

khu nwnk ijsu Awip dieAwru ]4]13]26]

kahu naanak jis aap dhaeiaar ||4||13||26||

Says Nanak, the Lord Himself is merciful to him. ||4||13||26||