Awsw mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw
aasaa mehalaa 5 ||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
siqguru Apnw sd sdw sm@wry ]
sathigur apanaa sadh sadhaa samhaarae ||
I contemplate, forever and ever, the True Guru;
gur ky crn kys sµig Jwry ]1]
gur kae charan kaes sang jhaarae ||1||
With my hair, I dust the feet of the Guru. ||1||
jwgu ry mn jwgnhwry ]
jaag rae man jaaganehaarae ||
Be wakeful, O my awakening mind!
ibnu hir Avru n Awvis kwmw JUTw mohu imiQAw pswry ]1] rhwau ]
bin har avar n aavas kaamaa jhoothaa mohu mithhiaa pasaarae ||1|| rehaao ||
Without the Lord, nothing else shall be of use to you; false is emotional attachment, and useless are worldly entanglements. ||1||Pause||
gur kI bwxI isau rMgu lwie ]
gur kee baanee sio rang laae ||
Embrace love for the Word of the Guru's Bani.
guru ikrpwlu hoie duKu jwie ]2]
gur kirapaal hoe dhukh jaae ||2||
When the Guru shows His Mercy, pain is destroyed. ||2||
gur ibnu dUjw nwhI Qwau ]
gur bin dhoojaa naahee thhaao ||
Without the Guru, there is no other place of rest.
guru dwqw guru dyvY nwau ]3]
gur dhaathaa gur dhaevai naao ||3||
The Guru is the Giver, the Guru gives the Name. ||3||
guru pwrbRhmu prmysru Awip ]
aucwrx pwr-bRhmu: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
gur paarabreham paramaesar aap ||
The Guru is the Supreme Lord God; He Himself is the Transcendent Lord.
AwT phr nwnk gur jwip ]4]16]67]
aath pehar naanak gur jaap ||4||16||67||
Twenty-four hours a day, O Nanak, meditate on the Guru. ||4||16||67||