bsµqu mhlw 1 ihMfol ]
aucwrx bsµqu mh`lw pihlw ihMfol
basanth mehalaa 1 hinddol ||
Basant, First Mehl, Hindol:
swhurVI vQu sBu ikCu swJI pyvkVY Dn vKy ]
aucwrx pyv-kVY
saahurarree vathh sabh kishh saajhee paevakarrai dhhan vakhae ||
In the House of the Husband Lord - in the world hereafter everything is jointly owned; but in this world - in the house of the soul-bride's parents the soul-bride owns them separately.
Awip kucjI dosu n dyaU jwxw nwhI rKy ]1]
aucwrx kuc`jI
aap kuchajee dhos n dhaeoo jaanaa naahee rakhae ||1||
She herself is ill-mannered; how can she blame anyone else? She does not know how to take care of these things. ||1||
myry swihbw hau Awpy Brim BulwxI ]
maerae saahibaa ho aapae bharam bhulaanee ||
O my Lord and Master, I am deluded by doubt.
AKr ilKy syeI gwvw Avr n jwxw bwxI ]1] rhwau ]
aucwrx A`Kr
akhar likhae saeee gaavaa avar n jaanaa baanee ||1|| rehaao ||
I sing the Word which You have written; I do not know any other Word. ||1||Pause||
kiF ksIdw pihrih colI qW qum@ jwxhu nwrI ]
kadt kaseedhaa pehirehi cholee thaan thumh jaanahu naaree ||
She alone is known as the Lord's bride, who embroiders her gown in the Name.
jy Gru rwKih burw n cwKih hovih kMq ipAwrI ]2]
jae ghar raakhehi buraa n chaakhehi hovehi kanth piaaree ||2||
She who preserves and protects the home of her own heart and does not taste of evil, shall be the Beloved of her Husband Lord. ||2||
jy qUµ piVAw pMifqu bInw duie AKr duie nwvw ]
jae thoon parriaa panddith beenaa dhue akhar dhue naavaa ||
If you are a learned and wise religious scholar, then make a boat of the letters of the Lord's Name.
pRxviq nwnku eyku lµGwey jy kir sic smwvW ]3]2]10]
pranavath naanak eaek langhaaeae jae kar sach samaavaan ||3||2||10||
Prays Nanak, the One Lord shall carry you across, if you merge in the True Lord. ||3||2||10||