bsµqu ihMfol mhlw 1 ]
aucwrx bsµqu ihMfol mh`lw pihlw
basanth hinddol mehalaa 1 ||
Basant Hindol, First Mehl:
rwjw bwlku ngrI kwcI dustw nwil ipAwro ]
raajaa baalak nagaree kaachee dhusattaa naal piaaro ||
The king is just a boy, and his city is vulnerable. He is in love with his wicked enemies.
duie mweI duie bwpw pVIAih pMifq krhu bIcwro ]1]
dhue maaee dhue baapaa parreeahi panddith karahu beechaaro ||1||
He reads of his two mothers and his two fathers; O Pandit, reflect on this. ||1||
suAwmI pMifqw qum@ dyhu mqI ]
aucwrx m`qI
suaamee panddithaa thumh dhaehu mathee ||
O Master Pandit, teach me about this.
ikn ibiD pwvau pRwnpqI ]1] rhwau ]
kin bidhh paavo praanapathee ||1|| rehaao ||
How can I obtain the Lord of life? ||1||Pause||
BIqir Agin bnwspiq maulI swgru pMfY pwieAw ]
bheethar agan banaasapath moulee saagar panddai paaeiaa ||
There is fire within the plants which bloom; the ocean is tied into a bundle.
cMdu sUrju duie Gr hI BIqir AYsw igAwnu n pwieAw ]2]
chandh sooraj dhue ghar hee bheethar aisaa giaan n paaeiaa ||2||
The sun and the moon dwell in the same home in the sky. You have not obtained this knowledge. ||2||
rwm rvµqw jwxIAY iek mweI Bogu kryie ]
raam ravanthaa jaaneeai eik maaee bhog karaee ||
One who knows the All-pervading Lord, eats up the one mother - Maya.
qw ky lKx jwxIAih iKmw Dnu sµgRhyie ]3]
thaa kae lakhan jaaneeahi khimaa dhhan sangrehaee ||3||
Know that the sign of such a person is that he gathers the wealth of compassion. ||3||
kihAw suxih n KwieAw mwnih iqn@w hI syqI vwsw ]
kehiaa sunehi n khaaeiaa maanehi thinhaa hee saethee vaasaa ||
The mind lives with those who do not listen, and do not admit what they eat.
pRxviq nwnku dwsin dwsw iKnu qolw iKnu mwsw ]4]3]11]
pranavath naanak dhaasan dhaasaa khin tholaa khin maasaa ||4||3||11||
Prays Nanak, the slave of the Lord's slave: one instant the mind is huge, and the next instant, it is tiny. ||4||3||11||